Chapter 11

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Steffy was at a complete loss for words as she stood there looking right at Sheila Carter.

She never expected the woman who had done so much damage to her family from shooting her mother Taylor to trying to drug & kill her beloved grandmother Stephanie to be right there in front of her.

Steffy was now suspicious & angry at the same time.

"What do you want?" She asked while trying to keep her emotions under control.

"I would like to talk to you, Steffy," said Sheila with a smile.

"About what?" Asked Steffy.

"About Finn. I would like to get to know him," said Sheila.

"Why?" Asked Steffy.

"I never got the chance to know him because his father took him away after my twin sister died. I always found myself wondering how he was doing," said Sheila softly. "What his life was like. What he became. I feel that I should know these things."

Steffy just shook her head.

"Why should I tell you anything about my husband? You're the reason why his mother is dead," said Steffy angrily. "You tried to kill both my grandmother & Brooke. You shot my mother & made my family believe that she was dead for a long time. You took advantage of my grandfather. You have done so many disgusting things to my family as well as other people that seeing you here in front of me makes me sick to my stomach. I won't let you anywhere near Finn or my children. You understand me?"

Sheila was hurt. To hear Steffy bring up many of the awful things that she did was upsetting to her, but it also angered her.

"This girl has got guts just like Stephanie," Sheila thought as she felt her anger begin to boil to the surface.

"You're going to regret rejecting me like you did just now, Steffy," Sheila growled.

"No I won't. Now get the hell out of here, you bitch," said Steffy.

Sheila glared at her one last time & left. Steffy then collapsed in a chair & started crying.

Meanwhile, Brooke was making her way to her own office when she heard crying from Steffy's.

She gently knocked on the door & was shocked to find that it was open.

When Brooke walked in, she was stunned to see Steffy sobbing.

"Oh my god, sweetheart, are you OK?" Asked Brooke. Steffy looked up & then threw her arms around her stepmother.

Brooke consoled Steffy as she embraced her. Once Steffy was calm, Brooke had a question.

"Do you need your father?" Asked Brooke gently. Steffy nodded.

Brooke quickly texted Ridge, who had just finished up a meeting with some executives. He was at Steffy's office as soon as he had read his wife's text message.

After hugging her, he sat down next to his daughter & asked her, "What happened, honey?"

Steffy explained everything. Ridge & Brooke were in shock.

"Sheila Carter is really back, isn't she?" He asked. Steffy nodded.

"She is, Dad, & I'm so scared right now. Not just for myself but for Finn & the kids as well. Who knows what that psychopath will say or do," said Steffy who was now trembling.

"Well, you know we'll be here for all of you. You know that, right?" Asked Brooke.

"I do. Thank you," said Steffy with a smile.

After all of that, Ridge told Steffy to take the rest of the day off which she did.

However, in the back of Steffy's mind, she knew that this battle with Sheila wasn't over yet.

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