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Shoji hid him and Mizuki behind a tree as a huge Dark Shadow roared, destroying the trees in its path.
“Wh-What’s going on, Shoji?!” Mizuki asked him.

“Quiet.” Shoji warned, explaining, “After Mandalay’s Telepath about the villain attack telling us not to engage, we went on alert immediately. Right after that, we were attacked by a villain.”

As Shoji spoke, the memory of the event; blades came rushing for Tokoyami until Shoji stepped in the way, his hand getting cut off.
Shoji grabbed his arm in pain while Tokoyami shouted, “Shoji!”

The two of them got separated by the blades as Shoji continued, “I covered Tokoyami, hiding in the foliage even as my arm got cut off.”

‘Your arm?!’ Mizuki thought, glancing down at Shoji’s bleeding arm.

“Even though it’s not a shallow cut, it’s not like I’ve lost it forever. My Dupli-Arms can even duplicate my duplicated organs, and what was cut off was a duplicate.” Shoji reassured.
“Dark Shadow, who had been holding back started getting out of control…” Shoji explained about Dark Shadow, who let out a screech.

“In deep darkness, he can’t control it… I didn’t realize his quirk was so peaky…” Mizuki observed. 
“He kept trying to hold it back, but…” Shoji told Mizuki, accidentally stepping on a twig, triggering Dark Shadow to reach for them. Shoji jumped out of the way with Mizuki following behind him, adding, “It reacted to any movement or sound, turning into a monster that was just lashing out with attacks indiscriminately.”

“Forget… about me… Find the others… and help them!” Tokoyami exclaimed to Shoji and Mizuki. Talking to Dark Shadow, Tokoyami shouted, “Calm down, Dark Shadow!”

“Dark Shadow’s weakness is light. If we lead it to the fire or back to camp, it should calm down. Mizuki, no matter the circumstance, I don’t want to become a person who leaves a suffering friend behind.” Shoji explained to Mizuki.

Mizuki lookedover to Tokoyami...and then she turned her attention to her brother,who wasn't that far from them, observing with narrowed eyes.
“I know you're worried about Bakugo, right? If that's the case, I’ll draw Dark Shadow away and open up a path for you.” Shoji explained his plan.

But before Mizuki could say anything they both hears a chuckle that came from Izuku who was in fact Hitachi.

"There's no need...I'll clam down this savaged Shadow"

As he said that, Shohi was about to stop him...but Mizuki placed a hand on the boys shoulder.

"...let him...he knows what he's doing" as Mizuki said that.

Hitachi then jumped over a tree far from Mizuki and Shoji and then whistled which got the attention of Dark Shadow and the panic look that came from Tokoyami.


But Hitachi didn't listen as Dark Shadow lunged after the boy who simply smirked.

"...I guess I should try this technique"

As he said that,he grabbed Ryõba and placed the bladed near his arm as it glowed a faint blue.

The closer Dark Shadow got, the more Hitachi had to calm his breathing....and then everything was in slow motion.

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