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Going back to the dorms, Mizuki, Uraraka, Iida, Asui, Ashido and Mineta sat around the couches.

"You found a place to do your work study at! That's great, Mizu-chan!" Uraraka told her.

"Wow!" Ashido beamed.

"Congrats, Yagi." Iida congratulated, holding out his hand.

"Thanks." Mizuki shook Iida's hand.

"I can't be idle, either." Iida added, pushing his glasses up while Sato, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero started walking to the couches.

"But man, you're really amazing, Yagi." Kaminari told him.

"I mean, you'll be at Sir Nighteye's agency!" Sero agreed.

"You were recommended by Togata?" Kirishima questioned.

"Good job!" Sato said.

Mizuki simply scratched her cheek, a little embarrassed as she thought, 'I can't tell them that he just took me to make me give up One for All...'

But then her eyes lokked over towards a certain boy in disguise, who was busy reading a book that peaked his interest while also conversing with a certain pony tail girl.

'They seem to be getting along' Mizuki thought with a slight smile on her face.

"We need to catch up as soon as possible." Todoroki told Bakugo as they overheard.

"Tch." Bakugo spat as his eyes wandered over to Izuku, 'That Itadori-bastard is really rubbing me thhe wrong way'

"The school said Gunhead hasn't had enough interns, so I can't go there." Uraraka sighed.

"Same here. I wanted to go to Selkie's but..." Asui agreed.

"Fourth Kind doesn't even take work studies..." Kirishima groaned.

"I mean, the threshold's been set pretty high..." Sero pointed out.

"Yeah, we can only ask pros with good track records who'll take work study students..." Kaminari explained.

"It can't be helped. Unlike the internships, we'll be directly involved, so if anything happens..." Ojiro told them.

"It becomes a problem of who's responsible on the pro side." Aizawa finished, entering the common area.

"Aizawa Sensei!" Kaminari widened his eyes.

"Pros who accept students even after knowing the risks are the real thing." Aizawa explained before turning to Tokoyami, who was leaning against the wall, saying, "Tokoyami, you've got an invitation for a work study from one of those real pros. It's from Hawks, who works in Kyushu."

"Wow!" Kaminari and Sero gaped.

"Good job!" Sato agreed.

"What will you do, Tokoyami?" Aizawa asked.

"I respectfully accept." Tokoyami answered.

"Very well. I'll give you the work study paperwork later. Let me know when you figure out when you'll be going to Kyushu. I'll authorize your absences for those days." Aizawa replied.

"Isn't that great, Tokoyami?" Shoji smiled with his Dupli-Arm.

"I am most humbly pleased." Tokoyami nodded.

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