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Mahito's grin widened. "Aren't you mistaking it for 'exorcise,' Jujutsu Sorcerer?" he taunted, the words rolling off his tongue with ease. Licking his lips, he couldn't help but relish in the situation before him. 

'Izuku Midoriya has no regard for his own life,' he thought. 'Geto doesn't allow me to use an external Binding Vow such as taking hostages. Then if he meets someone he wants to kill badly but is unable to, will he rely on Sukuna? The fact that he was able to reive and turn Junpei back to his normal self really puts a pause on what I wanna do to push him even more....perhap I'll just have to kill everyone in this school.' 

Licking his lips once again, he couldn't help but muse, 'A hatred that transcends his own interests will impose a Binding Vow on Izuku Midoriya in Sukuna's favor. It would be better if it increases the chance of Sukuna joining us.'  

‘But this means I have to be stronger than him. And surprisingly, I'm up against… my mortal enemy.’

"Hahahaha! Perhaps it might have been possible if you had simply allowed Junpei to die, but you've used up a majority of your massive curse energy reserves just now. Those two techniques, the soul removal and the demon head, you're not used to using them are you? In fact, I'm willing to bet it was the first time you used those techniques! That's why you used up so much of your curse energy. Right now, you're easy pickings!" Mahito said analytically.

Izuku grabbed his katana as the cursed energy from it increased along with trembling body of Izuku as he let out a roar of rage, something that caused him not think clearly since he lost a good amount of blood but he didn't as he starts lunging forward with a powerful punch aimed straight at Mahito. The impact of his strike left a crater in every surface that it hit, but Mahito was too quick for him to land a hit.

Mahito simply changed the shape of his hand into wings, evading Izuku's slash attacks with ease. Izuku with no amount of analytical thinking, used his katana and summoned Blue like arcs of cursed with all his might, however, Mahito simply grinned in amusement, dodging Izuku's slashes with the grace and ease of a bird in flight. 
Izuku stopped for a just a second as he carefully analyzed his opponent, ‘He keeps reshaping his soul. What should do? If I keep using the cursed energy within the katana it'll likely consumed more of my blood and I won't continue to fight...wait...can I even do 'that'....I'm not sure but I've gotta try', Izuku thought.

Meanwhile, Mahito was also strategizing his next move. ‘Since his attack is effective, it's not a good idea to transform my body to give him a bigger target,’ he mused.

Izuku's determination remained unwavering. 'I think I know what to do....even if I lose more blood to feed my sword...I'll do it a hundred or thousand times. I'll continue to strike…until you're crushed!’ he growled inwardly, his cursed energy enveloping his fists all the way to his Katana as the blade itself gave of a light red hue n preparation for another attack.
Mahito's face twisted into an evil grin as he quickly shifted his form.'In that case… let's change into a streamlined form that's... optimal for killing!' he decided, his right hand transforming into multiple razor-sharp chain whip of blades.

Izuku's eyes widened but thay narrowed he watched Mahito swing the chains with clear enjoyment, creating deep cuts in the hallway as he did so. Izuku leapt into action, narrowly dodging each attack and blocking them with his Katana with precision. 

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