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“No.” Shigaraki told Overhaul when he asked if he played Shogi, going to their meeting before the raid.

“Hey, play!” Mimic glared at Shigaraki.

“Fuck off, I don't even know the rules, either.” Shigaraki shooed at Chrono, saying he didn’t know the rules.

“Come on, don’t say that. Use this chance to learn something new. It’ll help you look at the big picture.” Overhaul told Shigaraki.

“Huh?” Shigaraki questioned.

“Shogi’s interesting because you can use the pieces you take from your opponent.” Overhaul explained, holding a piece up as he said, “Give us Kurogiri or Toga, and maybe Bubaigawara.”

“They’re all useful guys… Trying to reduce our movements, huh? They’re cornerstones of our operation! Like I’d give you so many.” Shigaraki scratched his neck.

“Let’s build our trust. Right now, there’s still ill will between us. I’ve told you everything about my plan. Next, it’s your turn. Your members are important to you, right?” Overhaul asked Shigaraki.

‘Back to the Present’

‘I’m sad, Shigaraki…’ Twice sighed. Twice appeared in front of Nighteye and the police with Rappa next to him, announcing, “I’m getting excited!”

“This is all we’d get, but this guy? He’s like a normal businessman. Don’t underestimate the yakuza, bastard! Huh?!” Twice told Nighteye before exclaiming, “Go get ‘em, Big Bro Rappa!”

Rappa ran at Nighteye before throwing his fists at him. Nighteye dodged down, tripping Rappa as his suit got ripped a little.

“You grazed me? You’re pretty strong.” Nighteye told Rappa before throwing three seals at him, knocking him into the wall.

“These are battle support items, high-density personal seals. They weigh about five kilograms each. They go with my businessman appearance and are quite humorous items, don’t you think? ‘Make a prediction and move first’. Perhaps because I have seen the futures of so many, I’m able to do that a little faster than others during close combat.” Nighteye explained to Twice as the seals on Rappa fell to the ground, continuing, “But I didn’t predict this. I didn’t think the famous League of Villains would support mere yakuza.”

As Nighteye spoke, Rappa deformed into sludge.

“He melted! That yakuza’s useless!” Twice gaped as Nighteye threw two seals at him, ripping his mask.

“Ouch…! Damn it, you bastard!” Twice held his ripped mask before running away, Nighteye following before a wall slammed down, separating them, Twice yelled up at Mimic, “The wall’s too fast! If you were a little later, I would’ve been done in, slowpoke yakuza!”

“Damn you, my mask is… This is bad… It’s bad… I’m gonna split…!” Twice held his ripped mask as his split personality argued, ‘All right!’
“I’m gonna tear apart!”
‘No, you won’t!’

Twice gritted his teeth, trying to hold himself together while choking, “I need to wrap it up… or I’ll split in two!”

Himiko was then seen wrapping a handkerchief around Twice’s ripped mask, smiling, “Once you’re wrapped up, you become one, right?”

“Toga…” Twice hummed.

“We’re doing all this to help them, too. Those organized crime guys are meanies.” She scuffed.

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