Chapter Eleven

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Soft meowing at the door stirs you awake. Groaning, you roll onto your side stretching long before rubbing your tired eyes. Whatever Revan gave you in the med bay must have worked because your arm no longer hurts when you move it.

Blinking away the sleep from your eyes, you find the artificial sun hanging low in the sky, casting a warm glow to brighten Zebastian's dark and moody bedroom. So much black and red, just like your home full of gray. Family colors, predestined by a long bloodline.

The cool surface against your bare feet stirs something unfamiliar in you as you make your way to the large window, the nature beyond beckoning you to an uncertain freedom. Curiosity grips your stomach as you place your palm on the window, the hairs on your arms raised and alert, ready to answer the call.

The irksome sound of scratching tears you from your transfixed state. With a huff, you stalk over to the door and swing it open to find Nyx sitting by a door down the hall. Upon further inspection, you find the is slightly cracked open, noises emanating from within. Nyx's ear twitches slightly when you approach, the noises becoming louder as you tiptoe closer.

Are those moans?

Your body freezes when your brain catches up at the same time Nyx bursts through the opened door. You know you shouldn't look- should keep your head down and keep walking, but the sounds pull you in. Despite your lack of sexual experiences due to your upbringing, you recognize the telltale signs thanks to your best friend's unfiltered nature; the bed creaking, heaving breathing, and the moans- one is raspy and deep, the other high-pitched and whiny but somehow they melt together as one.

You don't know what overtakes, it is definitely not logic when your head turns slightly and your eyes go wide and your mouth pops open, as you take in the scene of two tattooed men completely naked before you. Your cheeks flame and there's an ache between your tiring legs when a pair of dark brown eyes meet yours, they narrow slightly when they catch your attention, but he doesn't say a word, doesn't stop thrusting in and out of the body folded in half in front of him.

Your brain screams at you to run, to leave, but you can't, completely entranced by the intimate scene. Something beckons you to cross the threshold, to go against everything your brain is telling you to do. That's when you realize a deep voice calls to you and invites you in.

Your breathing becomes shallow as phantom feet carry you into the room, so mesmerized you don't even notice the furry pet galloping passed you out of the room. Your hands shake when you close the door behind you, your heartbeat pounding in your ears like alarm bells.

You shouldn't be here, but for some reason, they want you here—Zebastian grunts as he nods his head to the midnight blue sofa in the corner, silently commanding you to sit. You obey without hesitation, eyes fixed on the ground, feet shuffling over a charcoal rug, as shame heats your body. Nervously, you tuck your hands underneath your legs,the leather creaks with the movement, your head cast downward- you pray to the void to disappear, that the two men on the bed would get lost in their lust and forget all about you.

"Lost girl." The voice calls, again ripping you from your flustered state. This time it's breathy and crawls up your spine leaving you squirming in the seat. "Look at me." It's pleading now, and it sets your veins on fire. Your heartbeat skyrockets at the sensual tone that makes your core heat, instinctually you clench your legs tight and suck in a shaky breath.

Suddenly, the sound of skin slapping stops and the bed groans. "Don't make me repeat myself," Zebastian all but growls at you as the other man whimpers, the two sounds making the hair on the back of your neck stick straight up.

You slowly peel your gaze from the floor to track the sound of his voice. Tattooed legs fill your vision first, followed by tangles of raven hair and clear blue-grey eyes. A surprised gasp tumbles from your lips when you take in the sight before you. Zebastian sits up against the large teal and violet pillows with his legs stretched out long, feet crossed at the ankles. Revan is curled up naked against him with his head resting on Zebastian's lap. His eyes meet yours before they close with a satisfied hum as Zebastian begins playing with his hair. You watch as Zebastian leans down slightly and whispers something you can't hear, making Revan blush. Zebastian grins and turns his attention to you.

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