Chapter Two

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**Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed chapter one! 

Thank you for joining me on this journey! 

It is only going to get darker from here on out so please read the trigger warnings and take care of yourself <3

TW: attempted assault, a brief description of violence. 

Bodies of humans and aliens press against yours as Skylar pulls you in closer.

Your head begins to feel dizzy as you sway to the music on the dancefloor. Stars speckle your vision as sticky sweat drips down your back. Breathing becomes heavy as you notice Skylar's flushed cheeks and shimmering eyes. A delirious giggle trickles through your lips as you release all abandonment, raise your hands high, and grind against whoever is nearby.

So this is what it feels like to be carefree

"Are you ok?" Skylar yells into your ear over the music.

"Yeah?" Your brows furrow in confusion when suddenly your legs become weak.

Strong arms grasp your arm and pull you up. One was warm and the other one was cold metal-cybernetic. You spin around and stumble into a firm chest. Flustered, you step back and peer up to find soft brown eyes framed by short brown hair, looking down at you. His grin was wide and dazzling.

"Are you ok?" His soft voice managed to cut through the noise.

Your breath is shaky when you respond "Yeah, I think so."

Skylar hooks her arm into yours as she says, "Why don't we sit at the bar for a bit." As Sky leads you to the bar, you turn to thank the stranger but he disappears into the sea of bodies on the dancefloor.

"I heard you took quite a spell on the dancefloor," the bartender says holding back a laugh. His long almost black hair waves in sync with the glass as he slides a bright iridescent blue drink your way. "This tonic should help you feel better."

Skylar starts to protest but he puts his hands up to stop her. "I promise it's safe, I've been working here for years and I've seen a lot of things. I know how to care for my patrons."

You turn to Sky to search her face for the answer. "If something happens to her.." Sky trails off as her eyes turn dark and protective.

"I swear to the stars above your friend is in no harm. The name's Revan," he says charmingly as he cleans an empty glass. "Please come to me if you need anything."

Skylar hands you the glass and you knock the drink back. A bright burst of flavor you can't quite describe bubbles down your throat. It leaves your breath minty and relief instantly floods your body.

"How are you feeling?" Skylar asks as you set the glass down.

"So much better," you sigh as Skylar's wrist comm beeps.

"Shit, we need to get going." Skylar looks down at her wrist comm.

"I need to freshen up then I'll meet you outside," you say as Skylar helps you from your seat.

"Are you sure?" Her eyes are filled with concern. You squeeze her hands to reassure her.

"Ok," Skylar lets out a reluctant breath. "If you aren't outside in 15 minutes someone is dead meat."

She is serious in her threat but the corners of her mouth turn up as she chuckles softly dissolving the tension. Her steps are still in tune with the music as she leaves and soon the only way you can discern her from the crowd is through her signature electric blue hair.

Lost in the Concrete Jungle (Bad Omens X F!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang