Chapter Eight

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Nerves bubble in your stomach as you knock on the door. Fear swells in your mind as you nervously pick at your fingernails. You raise your hand to knock again when the door springs open.

"You're alive!" Skylar exclaims, pulling you into an embrace. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as she tightens her grip around you.

"Yeah, I am," you say softly. Skylar squeezes you again. "I missed you so much," she says pulling away to wipe away a fallen tear from your eye. "I missed you too."

"You must be starving," Skylar says softly. Right on cue your stomach growls.

Skylar leads you to the small table in the corner of the open floor plan. You always admired Skylar's apartment. Despite her dark fashion choices, her home was decorated with splashes of color from artifacts and paintings her parents brought home from different planets.

Skylar fills you in about the guy she is seeing and how her parents are doing off planet. She picks up like you just saw her yesterday. You swallow down the fear threatening to rise from your stomach as the realization hits you that you don't know how long you've been gone. Nodding you sink back into the familiar cadence of letting your friend chit-chat away, forcing non-verbal cues to encourage her to continue.

You keep up your charade in hopes she doesn't ask how you are or where you've been. After a few minutes, she finally looks down at your plate and notices that you've barely touched your food. Her jaw clenches slightly as if she wants to ask you what's wrong. If this was an ordinary day her question would be natural; expected even. But this moment is far from ordinary.

Skylar's lips curl at the corners as she says, "Why don't you look through my closet for something to wear while I clean up". Your heart leaps out of your chest. You can't wait to wear clothes at actually fit you. You can't wait to feel normal again.

Skylar's bedroom has an elegance to it that makes your stomach ping with jealousy. Your room is gray and simple.

Parallel to the door is a large hexagon window showcasing the stunning cityscape. The sun cast a warm glow on the skyscrapers beyond. Skylar's bed is pushed against a matte black wall and across from it is a dark wooden wardrobe.

Before pulling the doors open you spy silver-painted stars and moons scattering along the edge. Your heart tightens and a grin springs onto your face as the image of your friend painting her wardrobe flashes across your mind. You can see it now, her thin brows scrunched in concentration.

You pull open the doors to find luscious fabrics all in one shade: black. Your stomach tightens and your hand hesitates. All you've ever known are your family colors. Your outfits were always chosen for you ever since you were born. Not just clothes, but the food you ate, the friends you hung out with, your career- everything predetermined by your father for the perfect image. To be the perfect Senator's daughter.

At this moment, you get to make the choice. Before you change your mind, you close your eyes and grab at random. You gasp as you look at the black chiffon dress in your hands. You pull the dress in front of you and the fabric falls gracefully to the floor. Your stomach tightens as you glance at the plunging neckline and clingy fabric. If your father ever saw you wearing this he would dump you onto the streets. He has already cast you out.

What more could you lose?

As you descend the stairs, you find Skylar lounging on the crescent-shaped white leather couch watching the holovision. Emperor Palpatine shows up on the screen as you come to Sky's side. You stare at the holo a second longer trying to make out the words he is saying but it goes dark.

"Damn, you look hot in black!" Skylar takes in your new look. "We have to go out!" Skylar rises from the couch and grabs her purse from the coffee table. Suddenly feeling insecure you clutch your arms around your chest.

"I-I'm not sure that is a good idea." You look at the ground not able to meet your friend's gaze. You don't want to disappoint her as you are still visibly shaken up from the past few days.

"Please," Skylar pleads as she entangles her fingers into yours. "I promise to never leave your side." She squeezes your hand and you finally look at her. Excitement and relief spark through her electric blue eyes. You could you a distraction...a distraction.


"Hello?" Sky's voice pierces your daydream. "So are we going?"

With a huff and a small smile, you agree. Skylar hooks her arm around yours and leads you to the door.

Synthesized jazz music swarms your ears as you enter the cantina. The room is dark and hazy with patrons scattered about at various tables, eating and playing games like Sabaac. A band of silver metallic droids plays a variety of instruments in the corner.

Skylar scores two metal stools as the circular bar at the center of the establishment. You fidget with your long dress as you plop down on the stool. You fuss with your hair as Skylar orders two Wicked Womprat cocktails from the human bartender. Resting your arm against the illuminated bar top, you look down at your wrist comm and your heart tightens.

"Where did that come from?" Sky asks as she hands you your drink.

"Oh um-" your eyes shoot up to meet hers. Your cheeks redden as you stumble over the words swirling in your head. "Zebastian gave it to me." Your hands clamp over your mouth as your eyes go wide. Zebastian's warning rings in your ears. "I meant, Revan... he gave it to me." 

Skylar shoots you a questioning look. You take a sip of your drink to hide the guilt you feel but it doesn't help you feel any better. "I need to use the refresher," you rush out as you slide off your chair. Suddenly, a prickling sensation spreads from the base of your neck. Like someone is watching you, but Sky's voice forces you back to reality.

"I'm coming with you," Sky announces as she sets her drink down.

"You don't have to," you counter. "Seriously, I'll be fine." You flash her a smile you hope to the stars above she believes. She doesn't. She grabs your wrist and pulls you close.

"I made you a promise and I intend to keep it," her tone sharp like glass. Sky follows you into the refresher and locks the door when she notices you two are alone.

"What aren't you telling me?" Skylar squares her shoulders and folds her arms across her chest. Your mouth pops open and close like a fish. "We aren't leaving until you tell me everything."

You close your eyes and rub your temples to soothe the weight of her words. Your chest rises as you take in a breath to center your mind. On the exhale, you tell your best friend everything. Skylar holds you tight as you sob against her shoulder.

A loud commotion on the other side of the door pulls you from your overwhelmed state. Skylar looks at you and then back at the door as muffled screams filter in through the door. You clutch onto her hand while she unlocks the door. 

Skylar leads you around the corner and you both stand frozen as the scene before you unfolds.

A large and vicious black-furred Wookiee holds a frightened Trandoshan patron by the neck. The Trandoshan squirms trying to break free as a female Twi'lek approaches the Wookiee. Her ethereal presence is jarring against the tough aliens. Her long white dress skims the floor and the sequins of the bodice reflect the neon lights. Her voice is soft yet stern as she tries to de-escalate the situation. It is her establishment after all.

"Come on," Skylar whispers. "Now is our chance." Together, you creep along the low-lit walls toward the front door as everyone else watches, frozen in fear. A guttural scream breaks your concentration as your eyes follow its origin. The Wookiee rips off the Trandoshan's arm and the room erupts in a panic. Bodies rush in every direction attempting to get free. Strong hands push you to the ground. Landing on your hands and knees you struggle to get upright. Another blow to your side causes you to fall forward. Searing pain shoots through your hand as someone steps on you.

"Sky!' you scream in agony.

The corner of your vision darkens as adrenaline kicks in. Your chest heaves as you lift yourself up from the ground clutching your hand. Dizzy, you stumble forward leaning onto the bar for support. Something hard hits the back of your neck and you let out a nightmarish scream as your body goes limp and your vision goes black.

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