Chapter Four

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CW:: Descriptions of sexual assault, loss of virginity, deep despair. 

This chapter was hard for me to write. 

Please use caution when reading ahead.


Days have passed since your birthday. Mikkah has strict instructions to keep an eye on you while your father is off-planet for a diplomatic event. During the day you help your mother at her artisan shop in the market square of the city and at night you work dutifully on your studies.

It's inventory night, so your mother calls for the driver to pick you up as she will be working late. You look down at your wrist comm thinking for the thousandth time about telling Skylar everything that happened. But you are pulled from your thoughts when the car arrives. 

You yawn as you enter the senatorial car and your mind begins to wander... to him, his eyes, his strong arms, and... suddenly you clench your thighs together.

The car comes to a stop and you hurriedly exit without pleasantries. You must always greet and thank your drivers, your father's reprimand rings in your mind. 

You almost stop yourself but then dismiss the thought and hurry to the apartment. The only light source in the apartment comes from the city lights and the moon.

You change quickly into your usual nightgown and flop onto your large bed. Exhausted you don't even bother with the covers. Just as sleep is about to take over you hear your door creak open and closed. Before you have time a react a large hand covers your mouth as a hard body straddles you. You let out a muffled scream.

"Shut up!" he yells.

Mikkah?! Your head begins to spin as your body goes rigid.

"I heard you like it rough. Had to sneak off to 1313 to get whatever freaky thing you are into."

Tears sting your eyes when you realize you can't fight back- you should not fight. Your brain and body battle one another.

"Don't move or I will tell your father everything." His breath reeks of Corellian Whiskey.

So you don't.

Mikkah removes his hand from your mouth and quickly buttons his trousers. He strokes his now-hardening cock a few times before grasping both of your wrists in his one hand, pinning them to the headboard.

You shut your eyes tight and will yourself to take calming breaths. It will be over soon.

Abruptly he slams his cock into you fast and relentlessly. His hand finds your throat and he presses down tightly. Stars speckle your darkened vision as Mikkah pumps inside you faster. He grunts and tightens his grip more around your throat.

Your mind drifts to the breathtaking forests of your home planet of Chandrilla. The ponds of starlight. The rustling of the leaves and the scent of the morning dew.

He slams into your faster a few more times until he releases himself into you and claims your purity. He cleans himself off on your bed sheets and buttons his trousers.

"Don't tell anyone," he threatens and he stalks out of your room.

Still regaining your breath, you stumble to your bathroom to vomit in the toilet. After you have cleaned your face off in the sink, you order a pregnancy prevention elixir from your wrist comm. 

A stare at yourself in disbelief as you wait for your droid to arrive. You answer the door quickly and take the drink from the droid's mechanical hand.

"Not now YN-21," you say before the droid can question the drink choice. "Don't tell anyone.

"Yes, Miss," YN-21 murmurs in its electronic tone.

Once YN-21 is gone you close the door quietly and chug the elixir quickly. It is not the best tasting nor the worst tasting. You crawl into bed physically and emotionally drained; crying yourself to sleep.

Morning sunlight filtered through your bedroom window, waking you from your restless sleep. You rub your eyes and stretch your body long as last night's terror flashed in your mind. You shake the awful thoughts from your head and get ready for the day, praying to the stars above for a distraction. 

You dress in a plain long-sleeved lightweight gray sweater and cotton trousers. Comfy, understated, and safe. 

As you make your way downstairs you hear laughter and glasses clinking from the sitting room. Your father is back home with his entourage...and Mikkah. With another shaky breath, you put on a fake smile.

"Good morning, Father!" You force out. Act normal. 

He returns your greeting with a curt smile but his eyes could never lie. They are a fury of rage. You watch his jaw clench as you pass. Hold. It. Together. 

Your mother greets you in the kitchen with a kind smile and a hug. It takes every fiber of your being not to flinch at her touch. Bless the stars, she doesn't ask if you are alright.

As you finish breaking your fast you hear your father call you into the sitting room. 

As you approach he says, "Why don't you join us in my office dear, I have some important news about your senatorial aide candidacy. You gulp down the fear and bile rising from your stomach. And you do as you are told.

The last time you stepped foot in your fathers' office was when you were seven and one of your so-called friends dared you to go in. Your stomach tightens in knots as the memory flashes in your mind of the familiar desk and decanters. There is a collection of ancient weapons hanging on the wall where the brown-eyed boy stood all those years ago.

Your father beckons you to sit down on the black leather chair by his desk. You grip the arm of the chair as the door closes behind you. The men disperse throughout the room, except for Mikkah who stands nearby. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears.

"Did you enjoy your birthday?" Your father asks as he leans against his desk and crosses his arm over his chest. 

"Yes, I did." The breath you were holding finally released. Your father begins to pace around you.

"Yes," he repeats. "I see, then why were you sneaking around 1313?" 

He stops in front of you and searches your face for answers. You open your mouth willing any words to stumble out. Before you can form a single syllable, stinging sears your cheek. Your father raises his hand to smack the other cheek.

"I'm sorry!" You cry as tears flow from your eyes. "I-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses. You cost our family's reputation. I am renouncing your candidacy as my senatorial aide."

Your father leans over and grabs you by the throat. "You are nothing to me!" He pulls you from the chair and slams your body to the ground. "And you will have nothing."

Everything you have worked for, the countless hours of studying and sleepless nights. Gone, in an instant. Your world crashes around you as he storms out of the office with his men in tow. It takes every bit of strength not to crumble on the floor. A low chuckle from above tears you from your misery.

"Pathetic," Mikkah smirks as he slams the door shut leaving you alone with your shattered heart and fractured dreams. 

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