Chapter One

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Here's to the crossover you didn't know you needed: Bad Omens x Star Wars!

Dark themes will present themselves throughout the story, please read the tags as I update them.

Some chapters switch between perspectives and are noted.


May the Force be with you <3


You wake up to your wrist comm beeping. It's your best friend in the entire galaxy; Skylar, messaging you to wish you a happy birthday.





Sky: Wake up, Bitch it's your birthday! LET'S PARTY!


Sky: UP

SKY: Remember the plan for tonight, 2300.


"Shit," you curse under your breath, ripping the covers off the bed and stumbling into your en suite bathroom. You look in the mirror at your reflection and inwardly groan. You rub your tired eyes and splash cold water on your face in a feeble attempt to wake yourself. It doesn't work. You hurriedly apply makeup to your face to look presentable in front of your family. It's your 21st birthday and on each and every birthday your family makes a big deal about it, especially your father. You are his only child of course. His precious little princess. You aren't so little anymore. And you don't like being called 'princess'. You rush around like a tornado; getting dressed for your usual birthday breakfast. When you open the door you hear your parents calling for you.

"Happy birthday, sweety!" Your parents say in unison.

"Thanks," you feign enthusiasm for their benefit; not your own.

You can feel your parents' excitement ooze from them as they present you with your birthday breakfast. It makes you want to vomit. But you know they love you.

Your wrist comm beeps again to remind you of today's martial arts class. You thank the stars above that you have something to distract you from your parents- at least for a little while. You quickly shovel food down your throat, very ungracefully of course, while apologizing to your parents for leaving the table early. Your father still has strict rules about eating together as a family, because it's your birthday so he lets it slide this time.

When you return home you find the house to be empty. As you roll your eyes, you think about how your parents are always busy- even on your birthday. Why can't I just get one day to spend time with them? You may find their expression of love for you to be suffocating, but they are the only family you have. You shake the thought from your head and sprint up the stairs to prepare for the evening. Unsurprisingly, you find a light gray dress laying on your bed. Gray is your family color which seeps into everything your family does: what you wear, the color of the walls and furniture in the home, to the car your family travels in. The dress is made from the finest cotton from Naboo. Despite its simple high neck and long sleeves- which your father deems modest-, it will still show off your curves. After a quick shower, you curl your hair and put light makeup on to compliment the outfit.

As you ascend the staircase to the main level of your family's elegant Coruscant apartment, you feel your heart flutter with anticipation. Remember the plan: get through this party, sneak out undetected, and meet up with Sky. What could go wrong? A warm smile spreads across your face as you catch a glimpse of your parents laughing with someone you don't recognize. As you make your way to your parents, more and more unfamiliar people are filling your home. You wonder if they are here for you, or to get closer to your father, the senator. As you approach your father's side, you plaster on a perfectly crafted smile. As your father introduces you to the gentlemen, your whole body freezes as you force yourself to shake the man's hand and not recoil in fear. A fuzzy memory from your childhood pops into your head of this man and your father in his office. Lots of yelling, broken glass, and amber liquid on the ground. The last thing you remember is a pair of deep brown eyes; quiet and watching. As you release your hand, you automatically respond with a forced "Thank you." Your father leans over and whispers in your ear that he has important business to take care of. You nod expectantly to hide your rolling eyes and slyly wipe your hands on your dress from the awful encounter. As your parents go their separate ways your stomach reminds you that you've barely eaten. You drink, eat, and dance to pass the time as the sun begins to set.

Lost in the Concrete Jungle (Bad Omens X F!Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant