Chapter 5 First Shift

Start from the beginning

Yuck! I growl at him. He huffs and tries not to laugh at my reaction, and then I start laughing at him and rub my nose against his face saying thanks. He always knows how to cheer me up. I have to get Mum to tell me about my Dad no matter how uncomfortable or angry she gets.

After the run, we all shift back into our human form, I go to the bushes hoping that no one has grabbed my clothing. I meet up with the girls and head back to my place. It turns out that none of our pack members is my mate. I get a bit disappointed but know that I will eventually find him.

When Donna, Suzy, Tiffany, and I get to my place, I see Mum and Dad in the kitchen having a quiet angry conversation.

"Go, upstairs guys, I will be there in a minute." My besties nod at me.

"Good luck" they hug me and run upstairs, I don't blame them I wouldn't want to be around for this conversation.

When my parents see me, they stop arguing and look at me.

"Since it is your birthday you can ask anything you like," Dad tells me.

"ANYTHING you say?" getting my hopes up.


"I want to know about my Bio Father," I tell Mum.

A look of guilt crosses her face before it is then replaced with shock and lastly anger.


"Why not? It is my birthday and I deserve to know about him, even Dad recognizes I should know who he is!" I yell back at her.

"No, now drop it!" she yells at me. I run upstairs crying to my room and am immediately embraced by all three of my friends.

"No luck ah?" Donna asks with teary eyes, they all know how desperately I want to know about my Bio Father.

"Nope, still nothing." I sob on their shoulders.

My besties and I eventually had a fun-filled night watching chick flicks and eating heaps of snacks and soft drinks in my bedroom.

As we are watching a movie I start to think about my Bio Father. I wonder what he looks like, do we have the same eye colour?

I can feel silent tears rolling down my cheeks, I wipe them away hoping that my friends don't see me crying.

The next minute I am pulled into a group hug and cry like a baby.

Growing up with Mum was great, we had so much fun, I felt loved by her, and I would always help her out with my younger siblings.

I loved spending time with her and would do anything for her. But now everything is different, I feel like she resents having me.

It all turned bad when I was about 10 years old. To this day, I don't know what I did to make Mum turn against me.

I remember when Mum and Dad brought Dean home from the hospital, I was so happy.

I couldn't contain myself and ended up jumping, up and down, balling my eyes out 'Yay I finally have a brother.' I picked him up and cuddled him and didn't want to let him go, I was so happy.

Puberty hit and it got really bad. My body changed and Mum didn't like it, she would always try and get me to wear baggy clothing. I rebelled and put my foot down because she didn't have a problem with my sisters wearing tight clothing.

Sometimes I see her staring at me, with a scowl on her face, until she realizes I am looking at her. Other times she would be looking off in space.

She always becomes angry with me every time I ask about my bio dad.

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