"This is early for you Jordi boy, I thought that you'd still be fast asleep" She smiled at our son as she crouched down in front of his highchair and stole a strawberry from his bowl.

"We haven't been up long, just enough time for a coffee" I smiled, raising my cup slightly in her direction.

"Would you like one?" Dad asked her

"I'd love one" She smiled.
"Are you ok with him if I go and grab a quick shower? I'll only be a couple of minutes"

"Yeah, you go" I gestured towards the stairs.

Ale quickly disappeared to get cleaned up and I made my way over to sit with Jordi so that I could feed him his porridge as he hadn't quite mastered the skill of using a spoon without making a huge mess yet.

"Is she ok?" Dad asked as he sat down the other side of Jordi.


"Ale, she didn't seem herself last night at dinner"

"She's got a lot on her mind at the moment, but she's ok. I think being away from Barcelona might actually be what she needs right now"

"Well you know you're welcome here anytime, we love having you all"

"I know, we'll be over more now that Ale has retired from national duty, but it's still difficult with work and Jordi. I feel like we never get time to stop"

"I know it is"

Jordi and I headed back upstairs once he had finished breakfast, bringing Mamá her coffee and getting ready for the day.

"What's the plan today then?" Ale asked as she got Jordi dressed, wrestling him into a pair of shorts as he wriggled around giggling on our bed.

"Dad and I thought that we could take him to the Zoo, he's been getting so good at his animal sounds that he might was to see a roar roar in real life"

"You're a big girl you know... you don't have to call it a roar roar" she turned and smirked at me once she had successfully dressed Jordi.

"I think roar roar is cute"

"I think you're cute" she smiled as she walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"I love you" she mumbled into my neck.

"I love you too"

Jordi absolutely loved the Zoo, he pointed to every animal that we passed with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open, attempting to make the noises that we had been practicing over the last few weeks. Ale seemed to enjoy it too, opting to carry Jordi around for most of the day as I pushed an empty pushchair, it was nice to see her relaxed and spending time with Jordi. The contract renewal had been taking up so much of her mind recently that it felt like we had lost part of her fun side.

"That's Mama's favourite animal Jordi"
I pointed out the cheetahs to him as we approached them.

"Look" Ale lifted her arm slightly to show him the tattoo of the animal on her inner arm.

"R-Roawr" he mumbled excitedly as he pointed at the ink on her skin before turning towards the animals that paced around their enclosure.

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