Chapter 32: Fragment of a Future Memory

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You storm angrily through the streets of Prague, heading back to the hotel as your heart burns in fierce anger and rejection and as Eren follows behind you, his own demeanour calm and reserved. You huff as you grab and hold both your arms and wipe your tears, your cheeks flushing in shame and anger to be crying over Eren yet fucking again. Some things never fucking change. You keep hearing his steps behind you, you know he's behind you and it makes you all the angrier that he can see you giving a shit about him.

"Go find somewhere else to be Eren! I said I'm done talking to you!" you shout over your shoulder, seething in your see-through blouse and Ankh, your black pencil skirt, and long black coat. You push your glasses back up and furiously put your hair back up in its updo as you keep walking in furious rage.

Eren doesn't listen of course and keeps following you.

"You know what kills me the most about this fucking curse?" you exclaim in agony as you spin around to glare at him. "You're gonna go back to 2026 and feel absolutely no guilt over what you've done to me cause you'll have a clean fucking slate. So you'll go back and marry Mikasa and leave me behind. So, whatever we say here and now doesn't mean jack-fucking-shit!"

"Of course it means shit!" Eren exclaims. "We need to fucking talk to each other, that's what we should've done in the first place!"

"You know what? I changed my mind about us reconciling Eren Jaeger. Go back to 2026 now, I know you can, I don't give a fuck. You're only here on special permission anyways, you can go back to the real world anytime you fucking want!" you shout and shove Eren.

"Are you fucking serious?! You want me to go?!" Eren says, his irritation starting to build.

"Yes! I'm serious!" you shout angrily. "Go back to 2026, go marry your fucking sweetheart and leave me in the ground to fucking rot!"

"Why Eury? Why the fuck did you even bring me here if you were just gonna fight with me?!"

"Because I wanted to see you!" you exclaim. "I wanted you to look me in the eye and tell me why you were the biggest fucking asshole in the universe to me!"

"And I told you why! So why are you still so angry?!"

"BECAUSE I WANTED YOU TO HATE ME!" you scream at the top of your lungs and burst out into a flurry of furious tears and sob openly as people walk past you two, not taking notice of your very public meltdown. Eren looks at you in total surprise as you sob into your hands.


"I thought I'd be happy that you love me and I'm not! I'm fucking miserable Eren! I'm heartbroken all over again!" you sob. "I thought if you really hated me, I could move on and let go forever but you fucking loved me! You fucking loved me, and you still broke my heart! And you love me, but you still love her! It's just like it was before!"

You sniffle bitterly, "Holy fucking shit, it's exactly like it was before..."

"It's not. It's really not," Eren says calmly.

"Yeah, why not?" your eyes flash in fury. "Just cause there's no titans around to take out the fucking competition doesn't mean the chips didn't fall into the exact same goddamn place!"

Eren breathes in deep as you sob and tremble. You sniffle and wipe your tears furiously. "Fuck... I hate fucking crying over you, I promised myself I'd never cry over your sorry ass again. Now go Eren."

"Go where?"

"Go. Home. Go back to 2026, I completely absolve you of me. Let's just pretend we got married as a bet from the guys one drunk night in Lucerne and leave it at that. Go back home, go marry Mikasa Ackerman, have a nice life."

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