Chapter 27: Dancing Barefoot

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Here I go and I don't know why

I feel so ceaselessly,

Could it be he's taking over me?

'Dancing Barefoot' by Patti Smith


The air is still, the world is quiet and Eren hears the sound of waves crashing gently near his head. He slowly opens his deep green eyes and Eren sees he's still lying on the beach in the paths, reawakened to say his goodbyes to this place one more time, to say goodbye to Luna one last time. He walks into your beach home and calls for her and she mews and comes to him enthusiastically. He picks her up and kisses her gentle head.

"I'm sorry... I have to go back now. I'm gonna forget about this place and you," he says sadly. "But... try not to worry. Your mom will be back soon, and she'll be so happy to see you okay?"

He cuddles with his black cat one last time and nestles his face into her fur before putting her back down. He looks around your room one last time and sees a closet, buried behind your mirror. He goes and moves it to the side so he can open it and his eyes widen.

"No fucking way..." he chuckles as he sees his leather jacket hanging inside the closet. He pulls it out, in total shock you'd ever keep it. His heart falters as he realizes why you even have it in the first place and his cheeks flush with shame, thinking back at that fight on the cliff. All of this started and will now end because of that stupid fucking fight on the hill.

He sadly pulls the jacket on, breathing in his own scent and sighs. It still smells exactly like his cologne. He feels a final ache in his heart and walks over to the mattress on the floor and settles down on it. He leans his back against the opened French doors and watches the star-filled ocean sadly. He'll stay for a while longer, just a little while longer.

Eren's heart and chest ache in sadness as he watches the waves of this beautiful starry ocean he'll never see again. Luna comes and sits on his lap to cuddle one last time as he watches the waves and closes his eyes and soon, he's drifting off to sleep once again. As he drifts, the front door slowly opens and a figure walks in.

It's the figure of a woman with beautiful red hair, dressed in a white vintage wedding dress, her short lace train flowing behind her. She sits down next to Eren and slowly turns his head to face her. She watches him sleep peacefully and sadly puts his arm around her and cuddles into his chest. She breaths him in and sniffles tearfully against his chest as she holds him. She watches the waves in silent contemplation and leans up to Eren to softly kiss his lips.

"Come and be with me," she whispers against his ear. "Come be free with me one last time Eren..."


Eren's eyes are closed as he feels himself being jostled from side to side. He can feel wheels, giant wheels rolling under him and a large vehicle engine like a semi. He slowly opens his eyes and sees he's still wearing his leather jacket along with a shirt and ripped jeans and he's sitting on a bus, a Greyhound bus. He's got a duffle bag on the seat next to him along with his guitar case. Eren's eyes widen as he sees it, he hasn't touched his guitar in over a year.

He turns to look outside and sees a large city skyline rush past his window, filled with tall skyscrapers along with the Empire State Building, and the Twin Towers. He turns to see if you're anywhere on the bus but you're nowhere in sight. It looks like he'll have to look for you himself this time around. He watches New York City draw closer, wondering how the hell he's supposed to find you in a city of millions.

The bus pulls into Penn Station and Eren grabs his bag and his guitar case, pulling it over his shoulder before he steps into the busy station. He looks around at the people all dressed in business suits, funky coloured sweaters, high jean pants. He sees a lack of smart phones or even cell phones. He only sees a few bulky brick phones here and there, the type that look like they weigh 10 pounds. Someone walks past him blasting 'Fight the Power' by Public Enemy on their boombox and Eren's eyes trail up to Penn Station's television sets showing departure and arrival times with the date reading Friday, September 20, 1991.

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