Chapter 14: Green Light

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Hope they bite you

Thought you said you

Would always be in love

But you're not in love no more

'Green Light' by Lorde


As a black Jaguar pulls away from the brownstone in Lucerne for the last time, a teal blue convertible pulls up to a cozy apartment block in Berlin, Germany. Inside a man named Ludwig lies on his bed, wheezing as he tries to breathe through his blackened lungs. His wife is in the other room, cooking, and boiling water in the kettle for tea.

Outside the apartment, you sit inside your convertible for several minutes, adjusting your sunglasses, gripping your steering wheel. Your heart is beating in your chest loudly, feeling like it weighs a ton. You hear them in your head, laughing as they pull away from the brownstone, the brownstone he bought you. That was the house you two were supposed to run away to together and now here he is, running away from it as fast as he can.

You hold your wheel tight, clutching it for support. You press your lips together to suppress a sob, seeing him pull away, not even saying goodbye. You sit for a few minutes and gather your strength to steel yourself, you still have a job to do... you can cry when you get home.

You keep your scarf around your red hair and get out, adjusting your trench coat. You walk up the old staircase that leads up to Ludwig's apartment. You walk in and regard Ludwig's wife, singing softly as she works. You walk over and gently tap the bedroom door as you walk inside.

"Guten morgen Ludvig," you speak in fluent German. "Es ist ein schöner tag, yes?"

Ludwig looks at you and smiles widely. "Ja, es ist ein sehr schöner tag Fräulein."

You smile gently and take off your sunglasses. "Darf ich mich setzen?"

"Ja, hinsetzen," Ludwig nods and coughs harshly as he beckons you closer.

You walk in and sit down on Ludwig's bed and look over at his cigarette, still burning in the ashtray next to his bed. You smile as you reach over and butt it out. "Naughty boy, you know Ilse doesn't like it when you smoke."

"She does not but I've been smoking for 63 years," Ludwig says as he pulls out another cigarette. He offers you one and you sigh before taking it. You both smoke in peaceful silence and you eye Ludwig closely.

"You know it's not your time Ludwig... why did you summon me?"

Ludwig thinks for a moment while he smokes. "Well... I know I am dying and I know I will die soon... I want to move the date up Fräulein Eurydice...if you will hear me out..."

You nod quietly. "I'm listening..."

"Well, it is like this," Ludwig says as he puffs and scratches his eyebrow. "I am 77 years old and I'm still sharp. I have my bad cough and I can't walk much but I can still hold a conversation with my wife no problem."

"Alright..." you say slowly as you puff from your cigarette. "Go on..."

"Well, I figure, I go out now, Ilse won't see me suffer. We've known each other since we were kids, I'd hate for her to see me growing frailer and frailer... I'd rather go out now on this beautiful day."

You sigh heavily and look out the window. "So, the kiss of death is what you want Ludwig?"

Ludwig smiles and nods. "Ja, if you'd be kind enough to give your blessing."

You puff your cigarette quietly, letting the smoke pass through your nose. "I suppose it's alright ja." You think for a moment. "Eine frague en dich Ludvig... Bevor du gehst..."

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