Chapter 5 : You, Of Course

Start from the beginning

With a dismissive wave of your hand, you offered another reason, seeking to maintain the facade of seeking solitude.

"I wanted some fresh air," you asserted, though the conviction in your voice wavered.

Sora's gentle laughter filled the space between you, her smile warm and knowing.

"Try again, Dr. Y/N," she encouraged, her demeanor patient and understanding.

Admitting defeat under her persistent, gentle prodding, you sighed, revealing the true reason behind your rooftop retreat.

"Fine, 'cause Ace's access card doesn't work at the rooftop," you confessed, a hint of resignation in your voice at the realization of how well Sora understood your motivations.

Her response was a mixture of amusement and exasperation, a reflection of her long-standing awareness of the dynamics at play.

"I keep telling you that I can deactivate his card so he can stop dropping by your office without your knowledge," Sora remarked, her tone lighthearted yet underscored by a genuine offer to help manage the boundaries you struggled to maintain.

Leaning against the railing with a fresh cigarette in hand, you considered Sora's proposition to limit access to your office—a notion that elicited a mix of pragmatic concern and personal amusement.

"If I do that, Ace is gonna say I'm playing favoritism," you remarked, the smoke trailing upwards as you contemplated the inevitable backlash from implementing such a selective restriction.

Sora, undeterred by your hesitation and always ready with a solution, playfully suggested, "We could always deactivate Sabo's and Luffy's as well."

The thought alone made you inwardly cringe. Sabo, the epitome of responsibility among your brothers, would undoubtedly confront you with a well-reasoned lecture about how it wasn't fair he was getting punished due to your other brother's action —a scenario you wanted to avoid.

Her laughter, light and carefree, offered a brief reprieve from the complexities of your decision-making process.

Changing the subject, she handed you a list, a tangible result of your request for potential candidates to join your team.

"Here are the results for the fellows you requested as well as their experiences and records," she informed you, her voice carrying a hint of pride in having compiled the information.

Gratefully accepting the list, your initial observation was it's surprisingly a thin list of candidates.

"I'm guessing that the other hospitals weren't that happy with the idea of sending one of their own to us?" you inquired, your voice tinged with skepticism about the willingness of other institutions to part with their valued staff.

Sora's response was a gentle reminder of the competitive nature underlying the medical profession.

"Just because we are in the medical sector, doesn't mean we aren't in a business, Dr. Y/N," she stated, her words underscoring the realities of professional rivalry and strategic positioning.

As you began to peruse the names on the list, your initial disinterest quickly morphed into outright disappointment.

The realization that the candidates offered were not up to your standards elicited a sharp tsk from you.

In a moment of frustration, you discarded the list, sending it fluttering over the railing into the air, much to Sora's astonishment.

"Oh, my!" she exclaimed softly, a mix of surprise and concern in her voice at your unexpected reaction.

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