ch 67

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At this moment, this Omega who was tortured and bruised all over his body was none other than Ivan from the Meizuo base. It was because he offended Fernan, who was manipulated when he was assigned as an adult a few months ago, and deliberately arranged for the notorious Zorren.

Shen Xiuyun put his finger to his lips and motioned for Ivan to silence, and suddenly there was a knock outside the door, it was Zoren's personal guard.

"Lord Zorren, are you alright? Lord Zorren? I heard a voice just now, do you need me in?

Just now Zorren let out a scream when he was stabbed by Ivan, and it is estimated that this is the one who led the guards over. Ivan was still in a state of fright, looking at his blood-stained hands, completely panicked, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Shen Xiuyun suddenly pressed Ivan down on the bed, and made the bed creak, and said in his ear: "Scream twice, louder."

Ivan immediately understood Shen Xiuyun's intentions, and although his expression was a little embarrassed, he still cooperated with the ups and downs of the bed and cried out in ecstasy.

The guard at the door probably heard that the room was in full swing, and did not dare to disturb the master's interest anymore, so he quietly retreated. Shen Xiuyun listened carefully, and when he was sure that the guards were gone, he stopped his movements and stood up.

Ivan's face was slightly red, he silently tidied up his clothes, climbed down from the bed, and then looked at Zoren on the ground, his eyes were full of bitter disgust and hatred, and he wanted to take a knife and stab this person twice, but he heard Shen Xiuyun say: "Meaningless things, don't do them." The

hand holding the knife paused, and finally put it down, Ivan glanced at Shen Xiuyun, he had admired Shen Xiuyun since Meizuo Base, and at this moment the idol was standing in front of him, they used to be so close, but now they are getting farther and farther apart. Thinking about his current self, Ivan couldn't help but feel a little inferior and deflated.

"Xiuyun, you, do you remember me?" Ivan asked cautiously.

Shen Xiuyun looked at Ivan, his gaze swept over his swollen face and the corners of his bleeding lips, and nodded, "Thank you for the matter of the Imperial Military Hospital, Ivan." I just didn't come out in time to stop it, sorry.

Ivan hurriedly shook his head and said, "Anyway, this is not the first time, you must have your plans, I know, I am very grateful that you can save my life."

Hearing Ivan say this, Shen Xiuyun didn't want to say anything, he was cold-blooded by nature in his previous life, his compassion and compassion had long been eaten by dogs, and he wouldn't do chivalrous things. But all the things he has experienced in this life, as well as the people he has met along the way, have unconsciously changed him, and he has a vague concept called justice in his head. Just seeing Zorren's inferior behavior, he also wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible, but the time was not right, if it weren't for the fact that Ivan was going to be unable to survive, he should have made a move later, so as not to disrupt the escape plan. So, in fact, he is still a cold-blooded and ruthless bastard.

"So, what do we do now?" Ivan looked at Shen Xiuyun with bright eyes and asked, he has been paying attention to Shen Xiuyun's news and knows that he will create a legend every time, so he also has great trust in him at this time.

And so on. There was still an hour and a half before the changing of the guard outside.

Shen Xiuyun said and glanced at the time, he had calculated all the surveillance cameras and sentry rotation time outside, and after an hour and a half, from this room to the gate of Zolen's mansion, there was a completely dead end route of about five minutes. This time he came to Planet Messo, he didn't want to make a fuss like in the Imperial Military Hospital. Because Planet Musso is a military stronghold, with few inhabitants, a small area, and a flat terrain that is not conducive to hiding, an entire corps is stationed here, and he doesn't want to commit crimes against the wind and hit stones with eggs.

Ivan lowered his eyes and bit his lip, his heart seemed to be very entangled, and finally made up his mind and said to Shen Xiuyun: "Then, can you take me with you?" Let me go with you, I'm willing to do anything! It's true! Please, please take me with you!

Looking at the young Omega staring at him with blazing eyes, Shen Xiuyun felt that the look was familiar, and that look was not a cowardly evasion of wagging his tail and begging for mercy, but a kind of firmness and determination that was unwilling to be swayed by fate, and he couldn't help but think of Lan Di at the beginning.

"Okay, I'll take you away."

Ivan didn't expect Shen Xiuyun to answer so simply, and he was so excited that he couldn't believe it......

Shen Xiuyun thought for a while, and then said, "However, it still depends on you how far you can go in the future."

At this time, Ivan didn't understand what Shen Xiuyun meant, he only knew that he was going to follow this person out of here and start a new life! He's going to join him in slaying all those hateful Alphas, so that all Omegas don't have to worry about their fate tomorrow! From this moment on, he will take his fate into his own hands and never let himself be trampled under the feet of others again! Never!

For the next hour and a half, every minute they were in danger of being exposed. Finally caught the time, Shen Xiuyun opened the window, the floor where this room was located was forty meters high, and it was even deeper in the middle of the night, and he couldn't see the bottom when he looked down.

"Shall we jump down from here?" Ivan asked, wide-eyed.



"Okay, hold on to me, and don't scream this time."

"What...... Yes...... Whew!

Shen Xiuyun adjusted the communicator to the stopwatch timer form, and then threw a flying claw to hook the drainage pipe upstairs, and without waiting for Ivan to react, he directly grabbed him and jumped from the window. Ivan was so frightened that he almost lost his voice, and was grabbed by Shen Xiuyun, pressing his head in his arms, and half of his voice was muffled.

The two jumped down from the window more than a dozen stories high, and landed safely under the cushion of the flying claw rope, Shen Xiuyun retracted the flying claw, glanced at the timer, and then pulled Ivan to run directly to the right of the building, and when they came to a corner, just in time for the swinging camera to turn to the side, they ran out of the monitoring range in less than five seconds, and there was a sensing light sweeping over in front of them, Shen Xiuyun paused, and the sentry in the surveillance tower not far away changed the guard at this time, The soldiers on duty stepped off the stage, turned around and saluted the soldiers on duty, and the sensing beam swept over again, Shen Xiuyun took Ivan across the wide courtyard in front of the building in the darkness that the beam could not illuminate, and came to the gate of the mansion, the doorman arrived at supper, at 9:50 in the evening, a favorite online live show was watching, so at this moment he was sitting in the pavilion on duty, eating hot noodles and watching the screen. Shen Xiuyun destroyed the energy gate, the energy protection on the gate and the TV power supply in the duty room were cut off at the same time, the doorman hurriedly got up to check, Shen Xiuyun and Ivan took advantage of this gap to climb over the gate and escape from Zoren's mansion.

"It's safe!" Ivan was so frightened that he didn't even dare to breathe, but he finally escaped, and then looked back at the metal gate with intricate patterns, as if he was watching a nightmare that he was about to wake up.

"Not yet." Shen Xiuyun didn't let his guard down at all, and took Ivan to a vehicle parking lot two streets away, found the aircraft that had been prepared here in advance, and drove all the way to an abandoned warehouse not far from the space station.

"It's ...... Where? Ivan looked at the walls of the warehouse, which were thick with dust and cobwebs, and there was a very familiar sign on them.

"It should be a reserve warehouse for military supplies."

"Military supplies? Is it a weapon?

"No, just ordinary military necessities, military weapons will not be placed in such places."

"But...... No, I had secretly read Zorren's diary before, and I saw him mark this in a few places where he had hidden weapons. As he spoke, Ivan pointed to a vague circular mark on the wall, as if painted with a special paint.

Shen Xiuyun glanced at it, he stepped on the spot before he acted, and only noticed that this was a warehouse that no one managed, and the wooden boxes stacked inside looked like they hadn't been touched for a long time, listening to Ivan say this,I can't help but wonder about the endless container behind me.


As the core strength guarantee of the army, arms and weapons have always been highly valued, how could they be placed in such a place? Won't be stolen? Even if no one steals it, if it is not properly managed and maintained, it will slowly decay and be discarded, right?

The more Shen Xiuyun thought about it, the more questions he had in his heart, so he slowly walked towards the passage composed of containers, these containers are very large, with a length, width and height of more than ten meters, he found a box at random, took out a dagger and gently pried it along the gap, and actually pried open a gap in the seal at once, it can be seen that this box used to have an energy protection cover, but the age is too long, and the energy protection on it has gradually become ineffective.

Shen Xiuyun turned on the flashlight and took a picture of the box, and he couldn't help but be taken aback by this photo.

It turned out that the box contained a mech!

Judging from the appearance alone, the level of this mecha is three levels, which is considered to be a relatively advanced one, and one unit will cost at least 400,000 to 500,000 imperial coins. If it is placed on the battlefield, it can be predicted how invincible and beautiful it will be. However, at this moment, in this forgotten and dilapidated box, it has lost its proper care and care, and its shiny metal outer wall has become rusty, and in some places it has even rotted to expose the wires and chips inside, and the withered shell, like a bleeding scar, under the devastated iron bones and copper muscles, is a silent cry, lonely in this corner that no one can hear, telling the sorrow of a warrior.

I pried open a few boxes in a row, and all of them were rotten mechas, looking at the production batch number on the container, it was only a mecha produced three years ago, compared with the ten-year service life of a mecha, this time is actually very short, indicating that these mecha are very new, but I didn't expect to end up with such a fate.

In this situation, even Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but feel distressed from the bottom of his heart when he saw it. How much manpower and money does it take for a mecha to build? And the Imperial Army purchased these mechs to reserve, presumably to deal with sudden dangers, right? The government spent so much tax revenue squeezed from the blood and sweat of the people to buy such weapons, but I didn't expect that in the end, it was just placed here, silently rotting with time.

In fact, it's just these mechs that are rotten? The one who is even more vulnerable, and the one who has broken down inside and left a fragile bracket in vain should be the arrogant and greedy Alpha aristocrat behind the mecha, right? The glory, light, and mission they once flaunted have long since decayed and collapsed with the passage of time, leaving only an empty shell with no appearance. What would the people of the empire think if they knew that the imperial army they trusted and relied on was actually such a device and mentality behind it? How? What would they think if they knew that the taxes they had worked so hard to pay were just feeding a bunch of useless moths? How?

Ivan also came from behind at this time, looked at the scene in front of him, and was silent for a long time before muttering: "This is considered a ...... Self-destruct the line of defense? This is the planet Meso......"

That's right, the planet Mesot is the most important western defense line of the empire, and it was from here that the Zerg invaded two hundred years ago.

"Do you remember a few other warehouses where Zorren was labeled as such?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

"Yes." Ivan said immediately.

Shen Xiuyun was suddenly a little surprised, looked back at Ivan, and asked, "Why do you remember so clearly."

Ivan's eyes sank, and he sneered: "That Zoren was originally a huge greed, and he usually didn't know how much military property he had embezzled, and he also privately set up a project to collect taxes on the planet where the Bright Corps was stationed. The armaments are shoddy, guns, ammunition, and even such vital things as aircraft and spaceships and airships dare to use defective products, and I don't know how many accidents have been caused and how many lives have been lost. I saw his diary, which contained a lot of black accounts and some information and names that I couldn't read. I memorized them all, and waited for the day when the blood-sucking pig would be unlucky and shake out all the evidence of his incrimination!

Seeing Shen Xiuyun staring at him, Ivan smiled a little miserably, but those eyes were extremely bright, and angry flames burned in them, "Xiuyun, why do you think I was tortured like this, and I never thought of committing suicide?" That's because I want to live to see Zoren's bad luck, and I want to see the day he gets retribution! For the sake of this day, it doesn't matter how much you suffer. Speaking of this, Ivan's eyes were a little moist, and his voice trembled slightly, "I won't die so humbly and desolate like my sister." If one day I really want to die, I must die a well-deserved death, a vigorous death! I'm not going to kill myself, I'm going to die in battle, in front of what I want to protect, so I don't live this life in vain! Even if I'm an Omega, I won't be looked down upon! No compromise, no back-down!
In the
empty and silent abandoned military warehouse, the young and angry Omega spoke out loudly about the grandeur of his heart, and all he witnessed for this moment was the silent assassin, and the thousands of mechs that were equally silent behind him.

"It's good that you chose to survive." After a long time, looking at Ivan, who was slightly choked at the thought of sadness, Shen Xiuyun finally spoke, and gently patted the other party's thin shoulder, "It turns out that your choice is very wise."

Ivan turned his head and saw Shen Xiuyun smiling faintly at him, his black eyes looking at him calmly, and he was full of strength in the dark.

The next day, Shen Xiuyun and Ivan successfully returned to Planet Solomon.

In the afternoon of the same day, the news of the assassination of Zoren, the quartermaster of the Bright Corps, spread throughout the empire. This time, no one witnessed who the assassin was, but with Shen Xiuyun's previous sensational deeds, people had no objection to put this case on his head. And an omega disappeared at the scene, it is said that this omega was being "pampered" by Zoren at the time, linked to the last time in the Imperial Military Hospital, Shen Xiuyun also took away an Omega who was forced to draw blood, as soon as the news came out, before anyone continued to dig deeper, public opinion was almost completely tilted towards Shen Xiuyun.

What the? Is it the one the Omega killed? That's definitely the guy to kill!

Then, as the public expected, a tabloid reporter rushed to produce gossip news that night, exposing all of Zorren's bad behavior towards Omega. As soon as these things were reported, the topic of Omega's human rights once again became a hot topic of public opinion, and the Omegas were all secretly happy in their hearts, and the Alpha nobles who had abused Omega also began to endanger themselves, and in their own words, as long as they smelled Omega, they couldn't get up. They all went back to feed their Omegas with good food and drink, lest they be killed by the madman Omega one day.

The hot topic of discussion about the Zorren incident is still focused on Omega abuse, and before the new news is shaken out, a news bomb will explode in the air, which has nothing to do with Zorren, but it has completely sent the eldest prince Caesaron to a dead end.

Previously, because of the assassination of Professor Feig of the Imperial Hospital, the Omega abduction and disappearance case was involved, and then pulled out the radish and brought it out of the mud to the Solomon Arena, as the master behind the arena, the Prince of Caesaron has suffered a great decline in reputation since that time, and he has lost the military power of the mission corps unhurriedly, and he does not dare to show his face in front of the public again. Then the military and the government jointly closed the Solomon Arena, and finally failed to do so because there was no actual evidence. After more than half a year of procrastination, seeing that the public was about to forget about this matter, it suddenly broke the news that Prince Luojia sent a mission corps to finally find the whereabouts of the missing Omega!

And what shocked people was that all of these Omegas were used as living experiments! Although they are alive, their brains are dead, and they have become blood suppliers that are nurtured by the experimenters! How cruel! How inhumane! This time the people were completely angry, knowing that they were missing and knowing the ending were completely two different moods! Seeing the real photos and videos, the innocent Omegas were unaware of the fact that they came out of the laboratory, and there was no possibility of awakening, thinking of their relatives and friends, seeing their loved ones being abused like this in front of the TV,How would it feel?

The Seven Princes found these Omegas in batches from nineteen different planets under the jurisdiction of the Interstellar Empire, and encountered a lot of resistance during the process, but he still dug deep into the ground to find the Omegas back, so that they could return to their families, although it was impossible to wake up again, but it prevented them from dying in such a cruel and inhumane experiment and finally disappearing silently without bones, which can be regarded as giving them justice.

"I, Lorgar, hereby swear that I will find out the culprit of this tragedy and give an account to my people. Even if it is for this, it will not hesitate to break thousands of pieces. "Loga solemnly swore an oath to the people of the entire interstellar empire at a press conference.

Next, almost all the evidence showed the involvement of the Grand Prince Catharon in this matter, and under the cries of the people and the pressure of Loga, the Imperial Court finally pronounced a verdict admitting the Grand Prince's guilt and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

On the day of the trial, several members of the royal family and nobles appeared in court to observe, and when the results were announced, the eldest prince Caesaron almost went crazy, and the color of his eyes and pupils looked much lighter than usual. He stared at Luo Jia, who was looking at him coldly in the audience, and laughed: "Haha, old seven, you finally got what you wanted and killed me, what, do you think you won me?" Joke! You wait! Someday, I'll make you pay for it! Then he looked at Galeman on the other side, and the smile on his face suddenly became gloomy and weird: "Old Five, who do you guess will be unlucky next?" That wants to covet the throne of our Zetanon family, and whoever stands in his way will not die well, and he will not die well hahaha......

". The fifth prince, Galeman, has been in charge of the Bright Corps for many years, with plenty of oil and water, and a comfortable life, he has always been a passable, cowardly and vain person, but he is ambitious and immortal, and he has a little bit of thoughts about the throne. At this time, he was pale by Caesaron who laughed madly, coupled with the recent revelation about Zorren, thinking about how Caesaron fell step by step, Calleman's mediocre and square face couldn't help but slowly distort. He suddenly looked at Abigail, the eldest princess sitting on his right hand, and a hint of distress appeared in his eyes, and he whispered: "Eldest sister, I ......"

Abigail, as the newly appointed governor of the three armies by Emperor Kemis, has not done much since he took office, and even rarely goes to the military headquarters, and the most common thing he does every day is to do his filial piety in front of the old emperor in the Klaipa Palace, so that people often ignore this Alpha princess.

Abigail had been sitting still since he sat in the audience, one leg was stacked on the knee of the other, shiny black military boots were raised, his hands were on his chest, he was wearing a meticulous uniform, his expression was calm, his eyes were sharp, his short hair was shrewd and capable, giving people a cold and solemn feeling, and even the small stud on his earlobe was glowing with cold.

Hearing Caleman's muttering, Abigail tilted his head slightly and glanced at him, the look didn't know what it meant, but it just made Caleman suddenly clever.

"If you knew today, why bother in the first place." Abigail simply said this with a blank face, and then stood up, striding away without looking back.

As he passed by Loga, Abigail whispered, "Come to me when you're done, I have something to say to you." "

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