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Shen Xiuyun opened his eyes and found that he was sitting in a crowd, surrounded by boys and girls aged fourteen or fifteen.

Strange environment, strange atmosphere, strange clothes.

Shen Xiuyun quietly observed this strange world with his dark eyes.

Keep calm, this is the most basic quality of an assassin.

Shen Xiuyun didn't understand how he came here, he only remembered that he was dead, and the last picture he saw before he died was a familiar face of a man. The man holds a knife in his hand, the point of which pierces his heart.

Shen Xiuyun always thought that his sword was fast, but he didn't expect that someone's sword was faster than his sword.

That person often came to him for a drink.

That man, who later became the new emperor, after he was hired to kill the old emperor.

Shen Xiuyun turned his head silently, and saw a huge transparent barrier, beyond which there was endless darkness, with stars dotted in the distance.

This gave Shen Xiuyun an illusion, as if he was floating in the night sky. The night sky that he had looked up at countless times while he was drunk.

Someone told Shen Xiuyun that every time a meteor falls to the ground, it means that someone in the world will die.

So he has been waiting, waiting for his meteor to appear.

A shooting star appeared.

The huge glass barrier reflected a young boy's indifferent face.

That was ten years ago, Shen Xiuyun's face, the edges and corners of an adult man had faded away, leaving only an unforgettable glamorous face.

The spaceship Afate-747 is making its second space leap in space. It is fully loaded with a group of Omega who have just turned fifteen, and is heading towards the planet Meizuo under the rule of the Interstellar Empire.

According to the laws of the empire, all Omegas must be registered and managed from birth, and when they reach the age of fifteen, they will be sent to the training base on the planet Meizuo for intensive training. Three years later, when they reach the age of 18, they will be assigned to the outstanding Alphas in the highest power stratum of the empire before the estrous period comes. They will be possessed, marked, and then imprisoned for life and protected in private mansions. reproductive tool. From now on, they will no longer be an independent person, but become the appendages of others, the property of a certain Alpha.

Therefore, the planet Meizuo was jokingly nicknamed: the harem of the interstellar empire.

In fact, it also has a name that is not on the stage, but it is even more popular and talked about by people-the forbidden Yan Zhou Classroom.

The boy sitting next to Shen Xiuyun saw that the person who had been sleeping all the way finally woke up, so he took the initiative to say hello: "Hi, hello, I'm Romi from Planet Gamma, what's your name?" Shen Xiuyun woke up Since he came

here, he has been looking out the porthole in silence, and just now he was buried in sleep, so even though the boy named Romy was sitting next to him, he couldn't see his face clearly, and he could only vaguely see through the porthole. Seeing a shadow in reflection,

at this moment, Shen Xiuyun turned his head when he heard the sound. He was wearing a beige linen hood, which was washed clean, but it was very worn. Mi was still looking back, and from the high bridge of the nose and the white skin exposed, he felt that this was an extremely beautiful Omega. Until he completely turned around to look at him, when those alienated, cold black eyes looked over, Romy felt that, as an Omega, his breathing would stop at this moment.

It was really the best looking man he had ever seen since he was born! Even the pure-blooded Omega who was selected by His Majesty the Emperor back then, who was recognized as the jewel of the universe, is not enough to compare with this person!

"You... hello, I'm Romy, nice to meet you." Romy inexplicably felt a sense of oppression, he was very strange, usually, these Omega, only when they feel the strong pheromone belonging to Alpha Only when you are in love, you will feel oppressed, and you will have an instinctive desire for obedience and admiration, but how can this person, who is obviously an Omega like him, give people this feeling? The moment he stared at him, it seemed that his whole heart was shaking with fear.

Probably feeling Luo Mi's emotions, Shen Xiuyun quickly lowered his eyes, and put away the cold eyes that regarded human life as nothing. He stood up, without needing to speak, Romy obediently made room for him very naturally and let him get out of the inner seat.

Shen Xiuyun lowered his hood and quickly walked through the aisle between the seats. On the way, he met a robot who was delivering food. Although his eyes were surprised, he quietly avoided it. His figure flashed and disappeared into the the end of the hatch.

In the next less than an hour, Shen Xiuyun patrolled the spaceship and went to every place the passengers could go. He brushed past people of all kinds, observing how they unlocked doors with their irises, and paid for goods with crystal cards. His gaze swept across the woman's revealing clothes, the intelligent robots serving passengers, and the endless black outside the window... Shen Xiuyun realized that this place was no longer the one he knew well. world.

Even Shen Xiuyun, who had never seen the door locks glowing with blue light before, could do nothing when he entered and exited the palace like stepping on the ground. There is also the ubiquitous weird mechanism hanging above the head, which can transmit what happened in every corner of this place into the same room, and every move is controlled by people. The reason why Shen Xiuyun knew this was because he had inadvertently broken into such a room before. When he saw the moving pictures all over the wall, it was as if a god was looking down on the world. startle.

Shen Xiuyun had never felt so helpless and dazed, except for the familiar face in the mirror, which was still his youthful self, there was nothing familiar to him here. He even wondered if he had already entered the underworld.

At this moment, Shen Xiuyun heard a commotion around, many people stopped in front of an illusory moving picture, they didn't know what they saw, they seemed very excited.

Shen Xiuyun just heard someone mention that this thing is called a holographic screen, which seems to be able to display people thousands of miles away. He walked over and moved his gaze to the so-called holographic screen, but when he saw the face on the screen, his whole body froze.

"Who is he?"

A man who was standing beside the screen looking excitedly suddenly heard a nice young voice in his ear asking. He covered his face and dressed poorly, so he curled his lips in disdain.

"You don't even know him? He is His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince of our interstellar empire, the first student to graduate from the Imperial Military Command Academy with all honors, the youngest general in interstellar history, and one of the most popular heirs to the throne." "Seventh

Prince ?" Shen Xiuyun stared at the holographic screen with an unchanged expression, the 3D stereoscopic imaging was so realistic, as if the person on the screen was standing in front of him alive. He stared at it for a while, then turned and left without saying a word, returning to his original seat.

"You, you're back?" Romy didn't know why he would stutter when he saw this person. In short, as soon as this person approached him, he couldn't help but feel nervous, feeling the coldness on the back of his neck, unconsciously Will speak in a flattering tone, is it because he is too beautiful? However, there have been rumors that the more beautiful the Omega, the purer the bloodline and the stronger the offspring.

This time Shen Xiuyun did not regard Luo Mi as air like before, and nodded slightly.

Luo Mi was flattered, hesitated for a moment, and tried to introduce himself again persistently: "Hi, my name is Luo Mi, from Gamma Star." Shen Xiuyun looked at the hand stretched out in front of him, thinking that he was just

now The scenes of people getting along with other places on the spaceship also reached out to shake hands with Romi, but only said two words in his mouth: "Xiuyun." Even so, Romy was already very satisfied, as if he got In order to be

encouraged, he began to boldly chat with Shen Xiuyun. First, he introduced his hometown, and then he began to explain his family background. Shen Xiuyun listened patiently, seeing that he hadn't said what he wanted to hear after talking for a long time, so he asked, "Where are we going now?"

Romy was taken aback, and his eyes widened in surprise: "Huh? Why don't you even know this? Aren't you going to Meizuo planet?" "


"Yes, it's our omega training base Ah."

Shen Xiuyun didn't know what the Omega in Romi's mouth meant, but when he heard the words "training base", he pondered for a moment, as if he suddenly understood something.

Seeing that the cabin was full of beautiful boys and girls before, Shen Xiuyun was a little suspicious, but now that Luo Mi said they were going to be taken to the training base, most of the guesses in his mind were confirmed.

The reason why he took the path of an assassin at the beginning was because he met a group of people when he was wandering on the streets when he was a child. Various methods of killing people, let them fight wild beasts, and then let them kill each other... Only those who leave the deserted island alive are qualified to become assassins in the organization.

Unexpectedly, he, Shen Xiuyun, who lived a new life, would go on such an old path again?

Thinking of this, the boy in the linen clothes curled his lips into a bitter smile.

No matter!

If this is the curse of fate, then he can only enjoy it!

What's more...

Shen Xiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of the man he saw on the holographic screen just now, the clear eyes of a young man showed a hint of murderous intent.

What's more, the person who dared to plot against him was still waiting for him to settle the score with him. In this strange world, before he was reborn, how could he stand in front of that man as a slayer?

There was a sneer on Shen Xiuyun's lips, and with a longing for the future of "blood and rain", together with other Omega, they were carried by the spaceship to the legendary imperial harem - Planet Meizuo.

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