ch 30

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Carl and his group suddenly felt a domineering aura emanating from the person opposite him, and the cold air was pressing. On that unattractive face, the pair of black eyes were deep and indifferent.

Shen Xiuyun was indeed murderous. He silently looked at the six people in front of him, waiting for them to line up to die, but at this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him, in the quiet alley. It can be heard very clearly even at a distance.

Shen Xiuyun's face changed slightly, and he immediately moved quickly to the side, leaning against the wall to protect his back, then squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the footsteps. I saw three people walking towards the back of the alley, obviously, they were coming towards them.

Intuitively, Shen Xiuyun felt that these three people were not kind, but when Karl and the others saw the person, they were overjoyed and greeted: "Mr. Green!" At this time, the three people also approached , Shen Xiuyun

finally saw clearly the man in the head. He was wearing a pheromone isolation cloak, so he couldn't tell what his identity was, but he could guess it just from his tall appearance and strong muscles on his arms. Human is an Alpha, and the purity of bloodline is not low. This person's skin was very white, almost transparent, and it looked extremely strange against the dim light. Also, this person's hair is completely pure white. If you are less courageous, you will probably be quite frightened when you see this appearance in the middle of the night.

Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but tightly clenched the sword in his hand. He also saw that this person was difficult to deal with, and he was far from someone like Karl.

When Karl and his group saw this "Mr. Green", they immediately walked up to him. Instead of their arrogant attitude towards Shen Xiuyun just now, they were extremely respectful and flattering, even with a hint of fear.

Faced with their courteousness, the white-haired man ignored them, instead shifted his eyes to Shen Xiuyun, and then walked over.

Seemingly seeing Shen Xiuyun's vigilance, the white-haired man stopped after walking a few steps, and smiled at Shen Xiuyun: "My friend, I don't mean anything malicious, I just saw your skills in the bar just now, and I think you are very good. Potential, I want to make friends with you. Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself, I am the person in charge of Solomon Arena."

The man's smile is gentle and elegant, which is extremely inconsistent with his aggressive temperament. Shen Xiuyun raised his eyes and looked at this person carefully. When he saw this person's appearance clearly, even he felt his heart skip a beat.

I saw that the color of the pupils in this person's eyes was very light, so under such light, his eyes seemed to have only the whites left, which was a bit scary.

Shen Xiuyun didn't speak, but Carl behind him spoke first. He squinted his small eyes and looked at Shen Xiuyun with a bit of schadenfreude, "Mr. Green, this is the person who troubled us in the bar. His His identity is very suspicious, he looks like an Omega."

The white-haired man let out a soft "oh", and he couldn't tell whether it was a question or an exclamation, and the next second, he took out a pistol from his arms and shot Carl directly. The shot went away.

Everything happened so suddenly, that Carl's expression was still fixed in a flattering smile until the moment of his death, only the shock and disbelief in his eyes, until the end silently lost focus and his pupils dilated, let the onlookers understand that this man is indeed I died.

The five people following Carl were shocked when they saw this, but before they had time to react, they were shot several times by the white-haired man, and all of them were sent to the west.

In the blink of an eye, the fresh life just now turned into six corpses lying on the ground.

The white-haired man's complexion remained unchanged, he put away his pistol, and faced Shen Xiuyun again, "I'm very sorry, these people made you unhappy today, but the problem has been solved now." The man's thin, almost bloodless lips curled slightly He stood up and showed a friendly smile, "Ah, I haven't finished introducing myself just now. I am the person in charge of Solomon Arena, Vansted Green. Just call me Vansted.


What is this man trying to do?

Shen Xiuyun thought of the speed with which the man fired the gun just now, and had to admit that even he couldn't handle such a weapon and such skill. If this man wanted to take his own life, it would be a piece of cake. Shen Xiuyun understands that the current world is no better than his previous life. He was able to escape all the way from the Meizuo Base to this place. His previous ability and luck each accounted for 30%. Disdain.

But now facing this person, he couldn't think of how to retreat completely.

Seeing that Shen Xiuyun was not frightened by the scene just now, and his expression was not even shaken, the man named Fan Side was very satisfied, and he couldn't help joking: "My friend, I really have no ill intentions towards you, otherwise I would be so angry with you just now. Situation, if I want your life, do you think you can still stand here?"

Shen Xiuyun's lips twitched slightly, "Do you think I will be afraid of death?"

Fan Side hurriedly said: "Ah, of course not."

Shen Xiuyun snorted coldly: "Then don't gossip about it, just tell me what you are here for."

The smile on Fan Si De's face deepened, "Actually, I came here specially to invite you this time to join our Solomon Arena. And in my opinion, the current situation of your Excellency is very suitable to join us." "

Oh? Join you? Then, like them, you will be shot to death when the rabbit dies?" Shen Xiuyun Raising his eyebrows slightly, "Rather than becoming someone else's running dog without dignity, it's better to die here today." "

Oh no, no, your Excellency must have misunderstood." Glancing at the few corpses under his feet, "I invite you to come to our Solomon Arena. Naturally, it is different from these people. Solomon Arena has always paid the highest respect to the real warriors. How can the younger generation compare with you? Don't worry, as long as you can come to Solomon to be our competitor, we guarantee to provide you with the most comfortable accommodation. In addition to the bonus for each game, we will give you a lot of money every month Your salary, all your private information will be highly confidential, and the most important point..."

Having said that, Fan Side took two steps closer to Shen Xiuyun, his pupils were so pale that they almost completely merged into the whites of his eyes, straight Looking at Shen Xiuyun, "When you come to us, you will continue to become stronger." "

Become stronger?" Shen Xiuyun was finally aroused by Fan Side, "What do you mean?"

Fansde raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, "As long as your grades are good enough and you can continue to advance, you will continue to meet stronger opponents and hone your skills. Moreover, Solomon is different from ordinary arenas. When you become a high-level arena When you are in the division, you will have access to the most advanced weapons and equipment of the empire, and you can even apply for mecha battles." In the interstellar empire, it is difficult for ordinary people to get access to weapons, and even semi-cold weapons such as laser swords are strictly controlled

. Controlled, not to mention those interstellar armor that everyone yearns for. If Shen Xiuyun was a young man of the empire who was born and bred and admired force, such a condition would be very tempting. You must know that once you can control the mecha, you can become an interstellar mercenary in the future, and the speed of making money will be as fast as running water. , what you want. It is precisely because of this reason that even though Solomon Arena has been criticized for its "death agreement", it is still prosperous for a long time, and there are batches of competitors coming.

However, Shen Xiuyun is not from here, and he doesn't have any longing for the so-called interstellar warriors. But he was also attracted by such conditions. The reason is very simple, in this world, he is not strong enough, there are too many things he doesn't understand, for the latest weapons, his mastery is only limited to the holographic information on the Internet.

Seeing Shen Xiuyun's temptation, Fan Side said again: "Don't worry, Your Excellency, I want to cooperate with you only because I like your fighting skills. You know, the fundamental purpose of the arena is to make money, and I just hope that you will cooperate with me." Can bring us more popularity and money. As for your identity and story, we are not interested at all. If you come to the arena, you will find that there are countless people like you who wear isolation cloaks and do not want to reveal their real names Believe me, you will feel like a fish in water when you come here."

Shen Xiuyun hates unplanned things happening, but this does not mean that he is not a person who does not know how to adapt. The current situation is unfavorable, if it is a head-to-head encounter, the result is still unknown, and the conditions proposed by this person are indeed in line with his current needs, so it is not impossible to agree to him for the time being, and play by ear when the time comes.

Knowing this, Shen Xiuyun nodded immediately, and said only one word: "Okay."

Fan Side seemed to be surprised by Shen Xiuyun's straightforwardness, and was taken aback for a while, before reaching out to shake hands with Shen Xiuyun: "Then, just look forward to it." It is our pleasure to cooperate."

"Don't look forward to it, let's go tonight and go to the arena."

Solomon's arena is famous, and Shen Xiuyun is actually very curious about it. The important point is that he has no money left, so it would be nice if he could find a place to spend the night without spending money.

"Okay, then I'll show you the way." Fansde smiled, stretched out his arms, and made a gesture of invitation. At the same time, he turned his head and gave the two subordinates who followed him a wink. The two men immediately knew the way. He quickly lifted several corpses on the ground together, then took out a small bottle from his arms, unscrewed the bottle cap and poured something on those corpses.

Shen Xiuyun glanced over from the corner of his eye and found that what came out of the medicine bottle didn't seem to be any liquid. He frowned slightly, and followed Fan Side out of the alley.

The Solomon Arena is located in the center of the business district of the entire planet, and it is always brightly lit. It can be called a real city that never sleeps. Shen Xiuyun was brought here by Fan Side, and as soon as he entered the gate, he heard screams, shouts and crazy cheers from the arena inside. The violence and impetuous emotions in the air can ignite people's fighting and ruthless cells almost instantly.

The separation of this door is like the dividing line of hell on earth. Nobles flock from all over the empire and gather here, using all kinds of expensive perfumes to cover up the blood in the air. They are not here to watch the heroic battle, but Finding an outlet for the decadent and empty life, using a lot of money in exchange for the entertainment provided by those who are cornered by life, selling their lives and flesh and blood.

Fan Side brought Shen Xiuyun to a receptionist, and then went about his own business. The receptionist was a very good-looking Beta girl. She was very young and seemed to be underage. After knowing that Shen Xiuyun was a new competitor, she took out a form and started to register, with a professional smile on her lips : "Hello, in order to protect your privacy, we will not ask your real name, but every competitor must have his own title, which is the name used to compete in the Solomon Arena in the future. Excuse me, would you like to What name should I use?"

Shen Xiuyun thought for a while, and replied: "Wild ghost."

It was originally a lonely ghost, floating in the world, without any worries. How far it can go depends on God's will.

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