ch 10

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Shen Xiuyun finally regained his physical strength after being injected with nutritional supplements. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had been hung up. The place he was in was like an interrogation room, and in front of him was sitting An officer with gloomy eyes.

"Yo, are you awake?" Wade walked slowly in front of Shen Xiuyun, "How are you sleeping? My dear sweetheart?"

Shen Xiuyun didn't speak, but lowered his eyes, not looking at General Wade.

Wade sneered, stretched out his hand to pinch Shen Xiuyun's chin, forced his face to face him, approached slowly, sucked his nose hard, and then closed his eyes intoxicated.

"You smell so delicious, know how many people out there now want to split your thighs and fuck you hard? Even I want to, want to cum inside you and look at your cunt The abdomen swells up little by little, and I will bite you on the back of the neck, so that every inch of your body will be filled with the smell of my pheromone..." Wade suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed Shen Xiuyun hair, tugging at him and forcing him to look up.

"You ignorant thing, do you know what will happen after you run away? Do you know what will happen to an Omega after running away?" General Wade narrowed his eyes dangerously, lowered his voice and said close to Shen Xiuyun's ear, and then Throwing him away and clapping three times.

In the room, the wall facing Shen Xiuyun, as well as the walls on the left and right, became holographic projection screens with the clapping.

"Don't you want to escape? Well, let me help you and let you see what will be waiting for you after you escape?" As soon as the voice fell, a video image began to play on the projection screen at the same time


On the projection wall in front, an Omega is tied up with a rope, surrounded by four or five Alphas and playing with it. He is moaning in pain, his face and body are covered with white filth. The picture displayed by the projection on the left is very similar to a place like the Women's Branch, where a coquettishly dressed Omega is humbly pleasing a low-level Alpha soldier, probably because of dissatisfied service, he was slapped severely by the soldier , fell to the ground. And on the projection screen on the right, there is a ragged Omega with wrinkled skin and sagging belly. It looks like she has given birth to countless children. Her body is dirty and her hair has almost fallen out. At the corner of the street, eyes are fixed on the trash can not far away. Whenever someone throws trash into it, when people walk away, they will rush over to check if there is any edible food in it.

Scenes of images were silently reflected in Shen Xiuyun's dark eyes like a movie. He looked at these lightly, without a trace of warmth in his calm eyes.

Wade smiled triumphantly, raised his hand and patted Shen Xiuyun's cheek, "How about it, how do you feel after reading this? Hmm? This is the fate of not being claimed by Alpha. Do you want to try it too, become What does it feel like to be a rag?" Saying this, Wade was about to tear off Shen Xiuyun's clothes, and poked his hands inside.

At this time, someone knocked on the door of the interrogation room.

Colonel Wade frowned dissatisfiedly, "Come in."

"Report to Colonel! Colonel York sent a message to ask you if there is any news about that... that Omega escaped." After the little soldier who came in finished speaking, he glanced at Shen Xiu secretly cloud.

"Didn't I tell you how to answer? I just said that Omega stayed in the air-raid shelter for too long and his life was in danger. The medical conditions in the base may not be able to treat him. I want to take him to the army headquarters." "But

... "

"But what! Get out, don't come in without my order! Also, tell the spaceship to take off immediately!"

"Yes!" In the army, Shangfeng's order is above all else, and the heels of the little soldier's military boots are pressed together, and they are ready. After a military salute, he left.

Wade was disturbed, his complexion was ugly, he licked the corner of his mouth, and looked at Shen Xiuyun with sticky eyes, hot and sticky, swimming around his body.

"Let's see, you little mischievous Omega, what kind of treasures are you bringing out of your body." Wade said, reaching out to touch Shen Xiuyun, untied his belt, and took a particle pistol from above one by one, And a laser sword.

"Huh? What are these? Did you snatch them from the security controller at the base?" Wade raised his eyebrows, laughed contemptuously, and activated the laser sword. On Shen Xiuyun's neck, "Do you know how to use these? Are you afraid of cutting yourself?"

Shen Xiuyun still didn't make a sound, just looked at the ground, looking extremely docile. He let Wade tease him with the laser blade to provoke him, and in a short while cut his clothes and pants in several places, and the rags slowly fell to the ground, while the white and tender skin inside was exposed in several vacant parts of his body. The most damaged part was the right trouser leg, which almost exposed the entire thigh.

After playing for a while, Wade felt bored, so he threw the laser sword aside, then reached out and groped Shen Xiuyun's body, and found a small medicine box in his coat pocket.

"Oh? This thing...isn't it for you little bitches to simulate the estrus period?" Wade figured out what the medicine was, and immediately became excited, his eyes flashed eagerly, "Tsk tsk, look at you little one." How cheap is an Omega, and actually carries the medicine to make us in heat, so... why do we waste it, don't you think?" After finishing speaking, Wade opened Shen Xiuyun's mouth, and directly Pour the whole box of medicine into his mouth!

Because there was no water, Wade acted violently again and forced him to swallow the large handful of dry pills. Shen Xiuyun coughed violently, the shackles on his wrists tightened and rubbed with his movements, and the wrists were worn out. The skin was peeled off, and the blood vessels on the hands protruded one by one because there was no blood flow. Under the almost transparent white skin, they were very conspicuous.

Watching this scene, Wade felt a distorted pleasure in his heart. The pheromone secretion of Omega during estrus was ten times or even a hundred times higher than usual. Such a sweet smell made his blood almost boil, and a rush of heat flowed Rushing down his lower body almost made him lose all his sanity. In his eyes, Shen Xiuyun at this moment is the fish on the chopping board, let him slaughter and enjoy.

So what if a pure-blooded Omega is labeled in violation of the regulations? No one cares about those who have been marked, and he has military membership, at most it is a matter of fined him for a few months of military pay.

Colonel Wade was confident and extremely excited, so at this moment, he didn't notice the smile that was slowly forming on the lips of the young Omega.

Pulling off the buttons of his clothes, his mind was dizzy, and Wade felt a scorching red burning in his entire field of vision. With the onset of Shen Xiuyun's medicine, the suffocatingly rich Omega pheromone in the air destroyed his last trace of reason. He couldn't wait to rush forward and hug Shen Xiuyun, and buried his head in the soft and fragrant body. In the body, greedily sucking, biting, and licking... and that body, whether it was due to the effect of the medicine or fear, was trembling slightly.

Colonel Wade felt that he was going to explode, he wanted to penetrate his body into this beautiful body, Alpha's instinct drove him, wanting to press this black-haired pure-blood Omega to the floor , so he turned around, took out the controller of the handcuffs from the pocket of his coat that was thrown aside, and pressed the switch.

The shackles snapped open with a slight click.

Shen Xiuyun slid down and sat on the floor with his head lowered, his smooth black hair hanging down.

Wade untied his belt and rushed over impatiently.

However, little O, who was originally a fish on the board, actually violated all the physiological reactions during the estrus period. When Wade was about to pounce on him, he rolled and hid aside, half kneeling on one knee, and then, Stand up steadily.

Wade raised his head and looked at Shen Xiuyun in disbelief. He saw that this Omega, who had never said a word since he was arrested, was looking down at him with gloomy eyes. The nature of a soldier made Wade feel a bit of danger and uneasiness. He was about to get up from the floor that was not conducive to him, but suddenly the Omega boy swept his legs neatly, and kicked hard and accurately with his foot in hard leather boots. on his head!

Wade was kicked into a daze, shaking his head, he felt stares in his eyes, and he had a double image when he looked at Shen Xiuyun.

" lowly..." Before he finished speaking, another kick came over his legs, this time the force was very tricky, and he deliberately kicked him at the ring, only to hear a crunching sound of dislocated joints, Wade's jaw was dislocated.

He is so loud.

Thinking of this, Shen Xiuyun felt a lot more comfortable in the suddenly quiet interrogation room.

Wade was kicked twice, and the dislocation of his jaw brought another burst of severe pain, but the influence of Omega pheromones on him was reduced a lot, allowing him to regain some sanity.

After all, he is a branch commander of a corps, and he can't be without merits at all, so when Shen Xiuyun kicked over for the third time, Wade rolled back and narrowly escaped. , with force on his hand, he dragged his chin back again.

Shen Xiuyun's emotionless eyes didn't even blink, he picked up the laser sword that was thrown on the ground, and without giving the opponent a chance to breathe, he directly cast a set of Liuyun sword, the sword's light and sword shadow, and the move killed him.

The blue shimmer of the laser blade dancing in the air, like the fire of hell in hell, burned in the eyes of the Omega boy.

Wade dodged Shen Xiuyun's sword in embarrassment, barely saving his life, but he had no strength to fight back. His gaze towards Shen Xiuyun became more and more shocking, as if he was looking at a monster.

"How is it possible, you obviously took medicine!"

For a moment, Wade thought that Shen Xiuyun was fed fake medicine, but the pheromones bursting out of the room would not deceive people, and as an Alpha, he did feel an Omega in heat. pheromone fluctuations. But why? Why can this Omega who is in estrus after taking medicine still stand up! How could she still face him soberly! And attack him with a weapon in hand!

Shen Xiuyun's eyes became brighter and brighter, his cheeks were reddish, his body was sweating like rain, and his clothes were sticky to his skin. If you observe carefully, you will find that his body is still trembling uncontrollably. However, he held the sword hand, but very steady.

Liuyun swordsmanship is almost nowhere to be found. Retreat the enemy in ten steps, counterattack in seven steps, and within three steps, take the head from the neck.

When Shen Xiuyun put the sword on Colonel Weide's neck, there seemed to be a blue light flashing in his dark eyes, making that perfect and delicate face even more bewildering.

Senior Colonel Wade felt that he had seen a ghost, and it was a Shura ghost from hell.

How can this be!

How could he be forced into such a situation by a humble Omega in heat!

It's unbelievable!

"What are you...what are you going to do! Want to kill me!?" Wade didn't know how he was scrambling, and was forced to retreat to the corner of the room step by step. At this time, the Omega he had previously regarded as a plaything The foot stepped on his chest, so powerful that he had no strength to resist at all, and the laser blade emitting cold light was pressed against his neck, as if it could easily slice off his head in the next second.

However, none of this could compare to the emptiness and heartlessness in this Omega's eyes at this time, which made him feel colder in his heart.

"Are you... going to kill me?" Wade panted heavily, his voice trembling. He never thought in his life that one day he would talk to an Omega in such a tone.

Shen Xiuyun smiled faintly.

At the last moment before losing consciousness, General Wade finally saw the other party speak. This was the first time he heard this Omega speak, and his voice was so light and sweet.

"I need money to take my life. And no one has bid for your life yet."

This was Shen Xiuyun's answer to Senior Colonel Wade.

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