ch 39

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The two people who are both extremely vigilant, no one thought that they would be plotted against by a third party because of their own arrogance and defense against each other. When Lorgar saw the swaying figure in the window of the opposite building, he recalled Shen Xiuyun's various reactions, and suddenly realized that the closure and full occupancy of all the restaurants before were due to other "superior" arrangements.

Realizing this, Lorgar couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. How could he feel that it was a little competitor who came up with these tricks just now? Could it be that just because he suspected that this competitor was an Omega who escaped from Klaipa that day, did he look at him differently? It's really unexpected that he would make such a low-level mistake and put himself in danger just for a game of cat and mouse.

He... must have lost his head.

The sharp dagger was stuck in his throat. At such a life-threatening moment, with his understanding of this Omega, Lorgar would never let go of this only bargaining chip easily. Would he believe that those people were not arranged by himself?

"If you guessed right, you saw the laser sight just now, right? Where did it land? On me?" Lorgar asked tentatively, his voice was very calm, as if he couldn't feel the shocking coolness on his neck at all .

Shen Xiuyun didn't speak, but held the dagger firmly horizontally. If he is really surrounded by the Seventh Prince's people at this moment, then this person's life is the only guarantee for him to escape.

There was no sound around, and the snow was still falling. Lorgar was crushed to the ground by Shen Xiuyun on his back. Under the dim light, the camouflaged face of the other party became less and less present, and finally only those eyes as black as a starry night remained.

Looking at Shen Xiuyun's face close at hand, Luo Jia's thoughts suddenly moved.

The two of them have been standing still here for so long. With the current state, Shen Xiuyun is undoubtedly in the best shooting angle of a sniper. As long as the opponent wants to shoot, how can Shen Xiuyun survive at this time? But those people didn't do it for a long time. So, could it be understood that the person they wanted to kill was only themselves, but for some reason they didn't want to involve this Omega competitor?

In the blink of an eye, Lorgar had roughly estimated the situation in front of him, and felt a little relieved. As long as the other party has scruples, he can find a way to protect himself. Since they don't want to hurt this Omega, let him act as a protective umbrella for them for the time being.

"Would you believe me if I said that I didn't bring these people here?" Lorgar said to Shen Xiuyun again.

Before Shen Xiuyun could reply, Lorja suddenly stretched out his arms to hug Shen Xiuyun, turned over on the spot, and the two of them lost their positions immediately.

There was a muffled sound of piercing through the air. It was the laser gun firing. Lorgar had already calculated the time to dodge. The light bullet grazed his arm, and hit the nearby stone bricks, leaving behind a light Black hole of smoke.

The timing of rolling and dodging with the person in his arms was well grasped, it looked as if Luo Jia had blocked a shot for Shen Xiuyun.

"Did you see that, they shot directly, if the people I bring, they will disregard my life or death?" Lorgar's left arm was grazed by the light bullet, and a big gap was cut immediately, and the blood was soaked quickly The sleeves leaked out, and a bright red blood-colored flower bloomed.

As if to confirm Lorgar's words, the sniper on the opposite side fired again, and this time he was no longer alone. Three red aiming light spots appeared on Lorgar's body at the same time!

No matter who it is, it is impossible to avoid bullets in this situation. Seeing that death was inevitable, the three snipers shot at Lorgar almost at the same time. The dazzling light bullets pierced the night sky instantly, and shot at Lorgar's head, heart and throat with long streamers! But at this critical moment, Lorgar suddenly waved his hand to support behind him, and actually propped up a transparent blue protective light shield around him and Shen Xiuyun.

Three light bullets hit the shield at the same time, but they didn't penetrate it. However, it was obvious that the shield as a whole trembled. Lorja's eyes darkened, and he gritted his teeth. This portable miniature shield is a new type of defensive weapon newly developed by the military, and it has never been used outside. Just in case, Lorgar asked Joseph to help him make one, but he didn't expect him to be in the queue. Useful. It's just that this protective cover needs the help of human body functions to convert energy to maintain its effect, which consumes a lot of physical strength. In just half a minute, Lorgar already felt exhausted, not to mention his arm was injured, and he was in a state of blood loss all the time.

"You really didn't bring these people?" Shen Xiuyun narrowed his eyes and looked at the protective light shield propped up by Lorja.

"You still don't believe it?" Lorgar's forehead was gradually sweating. Those people didn't seem to know what he made, and they fired several times. Every time the light bullets collided with the protective shield, they could The shock made him have a splitting headache, almost bleeding from his orifices. "I can't hold it anymore, I'll cover you for a while, you run first!"

"Who are these people?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

"I don't know. After all, they are the ones who don't want us to live."

The three people in the opposite building didn't know how long Lorgar's protective shield could last. They moved a little bit towards the intersection of the street under the protection of the police, so they didn't plan to fight so stupidly anymore, threw the laser gun and jumped directly from the window!

It was a seven or eight-story building, and the three of them jumped down without any assistance. Even Lorgar couldn't believe it.

"You go first, it's enough for me to block here alone." Lorja didn't dare to exhaust his physical strength, and while trying to support the protective cover, he moved Shen Xiuyun to the intersection of the street, "I'll count to three, the protection As soon as the mask disappears, you run quickly, one, two, three—"

Lorja's hand holding in mid-air lost strength, and the light blue mask disappeared instantly.

The three people who jumped from the upstairs on the opposite side also landed at this time. What is surprising is that not only were they not injured, they even seemed to have no weight. Unite.

Shen Xiuyun had been paying close attention to the three people opposite him. At this time, Lorgar had already sent him to the crossroads. There were many high-rise buildings nearby. He had already prepared his flying claws and could get away at any time.

Since the Seventh Prince was so upright, Shen Xiuyun would not be polite if he was asked to withdraw first.

"In this case, please take care of your Highness the Seventh Highness." After Shen Xiuyun said this, he threw his flying claws to hook the pipes of a tall building on one side, and pressed the rope retraction mechanism. In an instant, the whole person rose into the air, and then They threw flying claws one after another in turn, and the figure flashed a few times among the buildings before disappearing. From the beginning to the end, he walked neatly, without even turning his head.

Lorgar frowned slightly, but at this time he could no longer tolerate other choices. The three people who shot him with laser guns had already rushed over, and their movements were astonishingly fast. They were hundreds of meters away. The shadow slid over in an instant!

When they approached, Lorgar's heart sank, and he suddenly understood who these people were!

These unbelievably fast and powerful guys are exactly those abnormally strong competitors in the high-level area of ​​Solomon Arena!

Lorgar had seen two matches of this kind of people. If he remembered correctly, their opponents died in the end, and they died terribly.

Pulling up the hem of the isolation cloak, he raised the knife and swung it down, cut off a piece of fabric, and quickly wrapped it around his bleeding arm. Lorgar stepped back slowly, leaving his back to the cold wall.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier, and the temperature seems to drop again. Every breath of Lorgar will turn into white mist, while the faces of the three people on the opposite side are covered with black veils. Covering, this is a bit weird.

But then Lorgar was no longer allowed to think carefully, the three black-faced men attacked at the same time, and one of them punched Lorgar's head abruptly.

Lorgar dodged, and the man's fist hit the wall, and then a horrifying scene happened. On the hard concrete wall, the place hit by the fist was sunken into a big hole! Suddenly, tiny cracks appeared on the entire wall with that pit as the center! If this punch really landed on the head, his brains would burst. Even a person like Lorgar, who has received special training in the Military Command Academy, still has lingering fears about this.

The first person hadn't retracted his fist yet, the second and third person stretched out their hands to poke Lorgar's chest and abdomen respectively. All three of them fought with bare hands, but the grayish-colored hand with sharp nails that didn't look like a living person at all looked much better. Any sword must be sharp, it seems that it can directly pierce a person's flesh and take out his internal organs. It seems that ogre monsters that only appear in legends can tear open the intestines of living people with just their hands.

Lorgar slashed at the arms of the two men, but instead of hiding, they continued to grab his chest, so the silver knife slashed at the two of them unceremoniously.

The blunt feeling of flesh and blood being cut by the knife was passed along the silver knife to Lorgar's hand, and then he heard the sound of two soft things falling to the ground, which made people feel a sense of nausea from the bottom of their hearts.

Lorgar panted slightly, and the world was so quiet that only his own heavy breathing could be heard.


something is wrong.


Lorgar looked at the two black-faced men whose arms had been cut off by him, for the first time in his life, he felt panic in his heart.


didn't you hear the scream?

No matter how determined a person is, if his arm is cut off suddenly, he won't be so silent, right?

The severed arms of the two black-faced men continued to ooze blood, dripping to the ground, staining the white snow red, but they didn't seem to notice it, felt no pain, and immediately stretched out their other hands, He grabbed Lorgar's body, and at the same time, the black-faced man who had hit the wall with his fist turned around, grabbed Lorgar's arm with one hand, and pulled it hard, tearing off a piece of flesh from his arm!

The sudden severe pain made Lorgar couldn't help but let out a muffled groan. If it was placed on someone else, it would have been the scream of killing a pig.

Lorgar was furious, leaning his back against the wall, stretching out his foot and kicking towards the lower abdomen of the black-faced man who attacked him. At the same time, he swung the silver knife and slashed at the other two black-faced men who had grabbed him with their claws.

But this time, the two black-faced men did not let him cut off their arms like chopping melons and vegetables, but turned around to avoid it. Lorgar's knife was so fast that even Shen Xiuyun had a little difficulty dodging, but the two men But it seemed to pass by very easily, which made the arm that was easily severed by Lorgar look like a joke.

On the other side, Luo actually kicked the third black-faced man's lower abdomen, but he felt that his feet were hard, not at all like a soft human abdomen. Moreover, with the strength value of an Alpha with extremely high bloodlines like his, it is really unreasonable to kick a person with all his strength.

The two people who escaped Lorgar's knife moved almost in unison at the same time and half-kneeled down to strike again. One of them grabbed Lorgar's two thighs, just like the black-faced man just now, and tore off the flesh with another paw, but because Lorgar's trousers were thicker than his clothes, and the two injuries were not too severe.

Although the injury wasn't fatal, it was still excruciatingly painful. Lorgar had already spent a lot of energy holding up the protective shield before, and now he was pinched by the three of them again, and he couldn't take it anymore.

Lorgar knew that it had been nearly half an hour since the incident happened, but his personal guards still hadn't appeared. He has no hope, and now he can only get out of trouble by himself.

Once again, he swung his knife with all his strength and slashed, and the three black-faced men retreated at the same time. Lorgar took this opportunity to rush out of the encirclement, but the three behind him followed closely, and each of them was faster than him. !

Is he going to die here today?

Lorgar couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it!

He still has a lot to do, he can't just die like this!

Running in the howling wind, if he can run to a crowded place, he may still have a chance of survival. Holding this belief, Lorgar galloped at full speed in the heavy snow. The cold wind cut his skin like a knife, and Lorgar was in a trance. Suddenly, I felt that this scene was so familiar.

Probably also such a snowy night, probably also such an escape, lonely, embarrassed, and hopeless.

The black-faced man behind him was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, Lorgar felt a sharp pain in his back. The sound of flesh being torn apart and bones being crushed came from inside the body cavity, which sounded very strange.

The whole world seemed to stand still at this moment.

Lorgar seemed to be deaf suddenly, he couldn't hear anything, and there was only the flying snow in front of his eyes, blurring silently.

The chaotic picture played back quickly in my mind again, just like it had happened many times since I was a child, but none of them was clearer than now.

"Lorgar! Stand back! Don't come!" the beautiful woman in a white dress shouted to him before falling down the clock tower...

"You shameless, despicable woman who smells like someone else, get out! Get out!" The majestic emperor in the crack of the door yelled at the painful woman kneeling on the ground... "Lorja...Lorja...

" The woman's cry gradually faded away.

The familiar picture distorted little by little, and another memory suddenly broke into Lorgar's mind.

"Son, you have to live! You must avenge your mother and concubine in the future!" It used to be just a voice, but now a vivid picture appeared in his mind.

The gorgeous woman with pink make-up and jade, with golden hairpins and silk body, stretched out her hand to him when she was forcibly dragged out of the gate, her face was full of tears, but her eyes were full of deep-seated hatred.

"Your Highness the Seventh...the matter is revealed..."

"Your Highness..."

"The seventh son of the emperor, Luo Jia, has a noble character, and if he deeply disobeys me, he will surely be able to inherit the great rule and succeed me to the throne, that is, the throne of emperor..." The agency

calculates The blood stains the throne. The layout is half a lifetime, and the country is in your hands.

With the yellow robe on his body, he finally became the one who ruled the world.

The civil and military men of the whole dynasty stood by their side in fear, trampling the mountains and rivers with their words, but how could they have expected that in the end it was just a bleak scene of mutual rebellion and rebellion.

Lorgar leaned forward weakly, supported the ground with a knife, knelt down on one knee, and supported his body. He didn't let himself fall too ugly. His dignity as an imperial soldier and the royal family did not allow him to fall like a coward. Down.

The bright silver knife reflected the ghostly black-masked man behind him, and slowly withdrew his bloody hand from his flesh. Although his face was covered with a black veil, Lorgar seemed to feel the strange and ferocious look of the black-masked man at this time. laugh.

"Xiu Yun, do you know that every time a shooting star falls in the sky, it means that someone on the ground will die." "Oh?

That's right." In the dim candle shadow, a person greeted him amidst the smell of wine in the room. Looking back and smiling, "I don't know when the star that belongs to me will fall down?" The

silver knife in his hand was taken away, and he lost his support. Lorgar fell to the ground at once, and the black-faced man seemed to let out a burst of giggling. Laughter, and then he raised his knife, intending to cut off Lorgar's head directly.

For a moment, Lorgar's pupils suddenly became a little distracted. He watched the silver knife fall, and he didn't even have the slightest intention to resist and struggle.

At the moment when the knife was about to slash, there was a sharp sound through the air, something hit the silver knife, and with a ding, the silver knife deflected and slashed directly beside Lorgar.

Luo Jia's eyes moved slowly, and when he saw a figure standing not far away, his eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and he murmured a name: "Xiu... Yun..." Xiu Yun



Lorja's hand clutched his chest and the skirt, tightened it a little bit, slowly closed his eyes, and his breathing became more and more rapid, as if the whole heart was being bit by bit by the endless memories of this name. Picked up, and finally pulled away from the body, leaving only a heart-wrenching emptiness, and a bloody mess that can never be repaired and restored.

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