ch 45

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Luojia looked at Shen Xiuyun's leaving figure and followed him into the elevator.

Enemy... Yes, I was the one who killed him in my previous life. If he knew that the person standing in front of him was the seventh prince in his previous life, would he have struck him directly with the sword just now?

The communication device on his body suddenly rang. Luojia returned to his room to connect and found that it was Joseph: "Lorjia, return to the palace quickly. His Highness Kemis is furious. The parliament is impeaching you." "Okay, I understand.


Joseph was a little angry when he saw that Luojia still looked unhurried and unhurried, "I asked you, what's the matter with you kid? Didn't we agree to operate secretly? How can you expose your identity? This is great, you almost become He's a man with his own spotlight! Let's wait and let those old guys peel off his skin when he comes back." "

Okay, I understand, I'll go back now." Luojia sat up straight and made a serious expression.

Joseph pointed a pistol at him with his finger, "You can take care of yourself, I don't want to care about you." After saying that, he cut off the communication device.

Lorgar played with the silver mask that had long since become useless, and finally decided to leave overnight to return to Rama. His room was not far from Shen Xiuyun. When he passed by his door, he couldn't help but stop and look at the closed door for a long time before leaving.

After entering the advanced zone, Shen Xiuyun was no longer obsessed with promotion. He chose to abstain from many competitions and just trained day and night in various training rooms provided by Solomon for competitive athletes. From physical fighting to firearms training, his almost masochistic training methods almost scared Randy out of his wits.

Randy was forced by Shen Xiuyun to take medicine to train his resistance. Sometimes he couldn't bear it anymore and secretly complained about him. He even wondered whether it was because he was underage and had never experienced human affairs and could not understand it. The pain of being in heat. When he was in the mid-level area before, he had only seen Shen Xiuyun's majesty in the ring. Until he came to the high-level area, he saw him soaking in the training room almost every day, sleeping only a few hours a day, and when he came back, his clothes were covered with clothes. Only when I could squeeze out the water from the outside did I finally understand what kind of price I had to pay behind the scenes if I wanted to be famous in front of others.

Shen Xiuyun's hands were soon bruised and bruised by the high-intensity training. Randy watched helplessly as he applied cheap medicine to the wound and then wrapped a bandage expressionlessly. He even felt pain for him. . Compared with Shen Xiuyun, Randy suddenly felt that the little medicine he took was really not enough to even see.

In fact, Shen Xiuyun didn't mean to torture himself, but he finally got his first business. If he wanted to complete the task, get the money, and come back alive, he had to return to his peak condition as soon as possible.

Now here he is equivalent to a piece of fat, and many people want to swallow him, but he is temporarily in peace due to various reasons. He is an Omega, an Omega with high blood purity, and is especially good at giving birth to children. This is sin. No one would really tolerate him, not even Solomon. To get out, he needs money. It is said that everything is difficult at the beginning. If this first business cannot make a name for itself, no one will come to him again. How can he make a living by then?

Ten days later, Shen Xiuyun changed his disguise, quietly left Solomon, boarded a spaceship to the Rama planet, and asked Randy to help him forge evidence that he had never left Solomon. In fact, Shen Xiuyun didn't trust this Omega much. This forgery was just the icing on the cake. He couldn't trust anyone, not anyone, when it really mattered to his life.

Planet Rama is as prosperous as ever, and the place where the royal family and nobles gather is the top of the interstellar empire pyramid. When Shen Xiuyun came here for the first time, he was like a rat crossing the street. At that time, he had no chance to carefully appreciate the luxury and glitz of this planet. Standing in front of the huge central fountain of Kleipa Square, looking at the statues symbolizing the three groups of humans ABO, the smile that pretended to be united and harmonious reflected in Shen Xiuyun's eyes, but it seemed so ridiculous at this time.

From here, the maglev train is about fifteen minutes' drive southeast to the Imperial Military Hospital. Shen Xiuyun's first business partner was a doctor there.

Regardless of the reason, only the price is discussed. If someone buys a life, he will take it. This is Shen Xiuyun's consistent principle. Therefore, his understanding of this doctor is now limited to the most superficial name, age, and appearance: Fei Ge, 56 years old, a fat Alpha with some baldness. There is very little information, and if he wants to know more, he needs to work hard on his own.

Shen Xiuyun disguised himself as a rickety old man, wore an old cloth robe and wandered around the Imperial Military Hospital for three days, surveying the terrain and secretly observing Feige's whereabouts. The buyer gave him twenty days, and he spent ten days to complete the project. Physical assault training, departure, and one day of adjustment. Now there are six days left. The external environment has been mastered. We still need to know more about the inside of the Imperial Military Hospital, especially entering Feige's office to see if we can find anything that can be used. clue.

The Imperial Military Hospital only treats internal government officials, military personnel and members of the royal family. You can't see the kind of people coming and going in ordinary hospitals. The entire hospital is very tightly guarded, making it difficult to sneak in. Shen Xiuyun found many ways, and finally focused on the soldiers standing guard at the gate of the hospital.

According to Shen Xiuyun's many days of observation, he found that the gatekeepers of the Imperial Military Hospital were rotated every four hours, with two people at a time, and there were a total of twelve gatekeepers. Other soldiers are assigned to shifts on a rotating basis, which means that everyone may be assigned to the better day shift or the unpopular night shift.

However, this person who received special attention from Shen Xiuyun was on guard duty from 10 am to 2 pm every day. He was untouchable, and he had never been seen on night shift. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is probably the most popular period of the day for standing guard, as you don't have to get up early and can leave early.

Shen Xiuyun became suspicious and followed the soldier for a day. He stole his wallet while he was drinking with others in a bar, found his military badge, and searched his name and identity online. It was just as he thought. This man is the nephew of a deputy director of the Imperial Military Hospital. Only people with such nepotism will enjoy such special care.

After unknowingly returning the wallet to its original owner, Shen Xiuyun smiled, put on his hood, hid his figure among the dancing crowd in the bar, and left quietly.

Just when he was about to reach the door of the bar, a group of people suddenly came in. They were all soldiers of the Imperial Army. Their short cloaks had a brown bear printed on them. They should be members of the Light Corps. This group of people behaved wildly and arrogantly, and you could hear their rude laughter even before they entered the house.

Shen Xiuyun naturally didn't want to provoke these people. The aisle at the entrance of the bar was narrow. He wanted to avoid it and let these people go first. Unexpectedly, these brown bears from the Light Corps were laughing and scolding each other, and one of them was pushed hard by his partner. , unexpectedly bumped into Shen Xiuyun.

"Damn it, don't you have eyes!" It was clear that they were the ones who bumped into someone, but instead of apologizing, they confused right and wrong and blamed Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun and Solomon had heard some stories about the three major legions of the empire at Meizuo Base. If the Mission Corps has the same power and the Glory Corps has the same name, then the Light Corps is heavy on money. It is responsible for the logistics and logistics of the Imperial Army during the war. In peacetime, he is responsible for guarding and escorting all kinds of materials. It is the most profitable place among the three major corps, but also has the most waste. The people living there are unmotivated children of the rich and powerful, and they do the most bullying. Among the people, It has a bad reputation.

Because he didn't want to make the matter a big deal, Shen Xiuyun could only say sorry in a low voice. The group of people cursed a few more times. They were about to pass when one of them suddenly said: "Eh? This man is wearing Isolation outfit?"

Of course, the imperial capital is different from Solomon, a place where the law is corrupt. People wearing isolation cloaks can be seen everywhere. Just like the government's control over guns and ammunition, in a society governed by the rule of law, those who want isolation equipment require special registration to possess it, and the number of owners is extremely small.

"Oh? It's not an isolation cloak, it's an isolation outfit?" Others also noticed at this time.

These days, Shen Xiuyun always wears his isolation gown inside, and wears clothes outside. This way it is not as conspicuous as a cloak, and it can also block the Omega pheromone scent. The only drawback is that this way, there is no trace of Omega pheromone on him at all. The smell of pheromones, as long as someone pays attention to him deliberately, they will find something suspicious.

Those who can afford to wear isolation clothes, especially the more precious isolation clothes, will probably not exceed double digits in the entire Rama Star. It just so happens that Shen Xiuyun is unlucky, and the soldiers of the Light Corps he encounters are all noble brothers. , understand this aspect very well. There are only three custom-made stores on Rama Planet that can sell isolation clothing. They can't say that they know all the customers who have customized isolation clothing and pants, and they have basically known each other, but Shen Xiuyun looks unfamiliar at first glance. , no wonder it attracted their attention.

"Hey, whose noble son is this? Why do we look so unfamiliar? Can we get to know each other?" The person who bumped into Shen Xiuyun said first, with a bit of ill-intention in his probing eyes.

Shen Xiuyun's eyes sank, and he glanced at the seven or eight soldiers of the Light Corps in front of him. He knew that it was difficult to be good, and he was already prepared for the worst.

"I's not an Omega that sneaked out of the mansion, right?" Seeing that Shen Xiuyun didn't speak, a few people became even more excited, "Show us your certificate, or take off your isolation disguise and let us know It's okay to verify your identity." This last sentence caused several other soldiers to burst into laughter, and soon attracted the attention of other guests in the bar.

Shen Xiuyun knew that if he delayed any longer, the situation would only become more and more unfavorable. He slowly touched the hilt of the laser sword inserted at his waist. He was about to have an attack when he heard a sweet laugh: "Who did I think it was?" Well, making such a big fuss, isn't this Young Master Fanyi! Are you here to do business in the imperial capital again, but you are driving me crazy!" Then, a young man dressed like a peacock squeezed in from the crowd. The man

is the seated Omega in this bar, recognized as the "number one" in the imperial capital. Everyone looked left and right, still looking for the young master Fan Yi who had made the leader so excited, when they saw him making an enthusiastic leap directly into Shen Xiuyun's arms.

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