ch 61

475 13 4

On this day, the eye-catching headline on the front page of the "Star Empire Daily" once again caused a new round of shock:

Surprise! The Omega assassin is committing another big crime! Five Alpha nobles died tragically in their homes!

It has only been less than three months since the murder of Professor Feige in the Imperial Military Hospital, and the murderer who is at large has committed another crime, which can be regarded as causing panic and anger among the whole people.

"We will not tolerate the murderer! For such terrorist acts, we must resolutely strangle them in the cradle! "Catheron attended in a military uniform and delivered a speech at a press conference, which was broadcast live by several major satellite network media throughout the empire, and the firm and calm voice of the great prince echoed in the sky above the empire." With the joint approval of His Majesty Kemis and the Parliament, it has now been decided to unite the forces of the military and police to carry out the largest manhunt in recent years, and I, Caesaron, hereby make a military order, and within ten days, the fugitives will be brought to justice! Turning

off the news, Lan Di left the Star Dream Hall worriedly and went to Solomon to find Shen Xiuyun. Now that he is seen as a lover of wild ghosts, there is no obstacle to entering and exiting the arena. As an elevator, he came all the way to the luxurious suite on the 118th floor of the arena, knocked on the door, and Lan Di saw Shen Xiuyun sitting on the sofa in the living room, drinking alone.

"Did you watch the news?" Finding that the holographic TV in Shen Xiuyun's room was on, Lan Di really couldn't figure out how he was still in the mood to drink at this time. "In the past few days, Planet Solomon has even begun to send troops, and even the police have been dispatched to search people everywhere, what should you do?"

Shen Xiuyun's alcohol strength is not high, it is easy to change his face, he is already a little intoxicated at this time, seeing Lan Di's anxious expression, he slowly raised his eyes, and his black eyes were a little confusing.

"Huh? What to do? Shen Xiuyun said.

"You're not looking for a place to hide?"

"Hide? Where can you hide?

Randy was momentarily speechless.

Shen Xiuyun smiled: "Don't worry, wait and see."

Lan Di didn't know if it was his own illusion, but he always felt that Shen Xiuyun's smile was a little cold, and it sent chills down people's spines, like a heavenly omen that the peerless divine weapon was about to come out of its sheath, which made people's hearts resonate and be afraid.

"Okay, since you're not in a hurry, then I'll rest assured. Just wait a few more days and see how it goes, and I'll do whatever it takes to get you out of here if there's any danger. Definitely won't let you fall into those hands! Lan Di looked at Shen Xiuyun extremely seriously, with a solemn and resolute expression.

Shen Xiuyun looked at the Omega man in front of him, just half a year ago, he would only kneel at his feet and cry, but now he seems to have been reborn. How can a person make such an astonishing transformation in such a short period of time, let alone a person like him who has died once?

"Thank you." Shen Xiuyun said, "I'm glad I met you, Landi."

Lan Di's face flushed slightly, in the past, he had always regarded Shen Xiuyun as a spiritual pillar, and after he really got to know him, he couldn't help but envy and worship this person from the bottom of his heart, expecting that he could be as strong as him. But when he realized the gap between the two, he felt that he was not worthy of standing by such a person and being his partner. And now, Shen Xiuyun said that he is glad to know himself, does this mean that he has been recognized?

"Well, so am I." Lan Di also smiled, and looked at Shen Xiuyun with bright eyes, "Moreover, I am grateful. There

was a sudden knock on the door, Lan Di's face changed slightly, and Shen Xiuyun went over to open the door quietly.

Luo Jia stood at the door, just about to talk to Shen Xiuyun, his eyes swept away, and when he saw Lan Di, he couldn't help frowning.

"It seems that I disturbed the Wild Ghost Brothers' Yaxing?"

Shen Xiuyun said lightly: "No, he is about to leave." Randy

put on his cloak, saluted Lorgar, and left with his head bowed. Lorgar glanced at him disdainfully, walked in and closed the door. Asked Shen Xiuyun: "Does he know your identity?"

Shen Xiuyun said "um", sat back on the sofa by himself, and continued to drink. Nor did he look at Loga. Ever since he took the initiative to show favor, Luo Jia has often come to visit the house, and it has become a habit. He will neither let people in, nor will he be particularly enthusiastic, just so salty and not light, the Seventh Prince is thick-skinned and doesn't care, and he runs more and more diligently to him.

"Can he be trusted?" Luo Jia frowned and asked, there seemed to be a hint of unhappiness in his expression.

Shen Xiuyun glanced at him, held the wine glass, and said with a smile: "It's as credible as His Royal Highness the Seven."

Luo Jia felt quite uncomfortable when he heard that Shen Xiuyun actually put himself in the same position as others, but he still suppressed his unhappiness and nodded: "Well, that's fine, you can't always be alone, it's always convenient to have multiple helpers."

"Not bad." Shen Xiuyun nodded in agreement, then lowered his eyelashes and continued to pour himself a drink.

Luo Jia looked at the man in front of him, and suddenly remembered what he had said to him when the two of them drank together in his previous life, but this person was already drunk at that time, and I am afraid he didn't listen to his words at all.

"I used to have a friend who was very similar to you, and he was very capable of fighting alone." Loga said suddenly.

Shen Xiuyun's hand holding the cup paused slightly, but he quickly covered up this pause by pouring the wine again, and did not answer Luo Jia's words.

"I told him that it is difficult for a person to become a weapon, a sharp blade is fragile, and it is difficult for a lone wolf to live, and his kind of character will one day suffer in this, but he didn't listen to me."

Shen Xiuyun drank another glass of wine and asked Luo Jia, "Oh? So, how is this friend of the Seventh Highness doing now?

Luojia's eyes sank and he said, "He's dead."

Shen Xiuyun asked again: "How did you die?"

Luo Jia looked at those familiar eyes, and for a moment he felt panicked in his heart, and he couldn't even breathe, so he immediately looked away and poured himself a glass of wine.

"It's just a friend of mine from the Command Academy, forget it, let's not talk about him." At this moment, under the gaze of those eyes, His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince unexpectedly lost his usual composure, and the topic turned abruptly and lamely.

Shen Xiuyun sneered in his heart, didn't ask any more questions, continued to drink, and by the way, he changed the TV screen, and the TV began to scroll the news of the assassination of five Alpha nobles, and I don't know if Shen Xiuyun was unlucky, or someone deliberately went against him, in order to use this matter to hype, follow up and track, and even dig out a glorious history for everyone, not a big philanthropist who has selflessly donated to the cause of education, It is a veteran who has made great contributions to the cause of national defense, in short, Shen Xiuyun's name has become darker and darker with these revelations, and even those who were sympathetic to Omega's tragic situation at the beginning began to turn against him, thinking that he was really hateful.

Luo Jia accompanied Shen Xiuyun to watch the news for a while, gradually calmed down and calmed down, he slowly drank the wine in the cup, occasionally glanced at Shen Xiuyun's expression, and said: "Now that the momentum is so big, your reputation is getting worse and worse."

Shen Xiuyun didn't say anything else, but still said "um" noncommittally.

Luo Jia continued: "It is said that people's words are terrible, and sometimes public opinion can ruin a person or fulfill a person.

Shen Xiuyun turned his head slightly and looked at the Seventh Prince sitting opposite in silence. He was seen lying idly on the couch, his eyes faintly staring at the television screen, where an interview with Caesaron was being broadcast. That self-satisfied demeanor of seeing everyone through and holding everything in the palm of his hand is exactly the same as in his previous life. Speaking of which, it was also because he had no eyes in his previous life, and he didn't know the true face of Mount Tai. It deserves to be used as a pawn.

"Xiuyun, there's something I want to ask you. When you take over your business, don't you ever think about the consequences? Didn't even look up the details of these people?

Although the identities between the two had been clarified, Luo Jia usually referred to Shen Xiuyun as a wild ghost, and almost never called him by his real name, and when he heard his name read out of this person's mouth again, Shen Xiuyun felt a little harsh.

"As long as you can't get the money, it's fine, don't care what you do." Shen Xiuyun said lightly, his face unchanged.

"But at this point, Catharon has expanded his search to Solomon, and when you find the arena, where do you go?" Luo Jia couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he saw that this person had not made any progress like in his previous life, he knew that Shen Xiuyun had always disliked maneuvering with power, but he wouldn't, someone would do, in a world where either you die or I die, it's like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Shen Xiuyun didn't look at Luo Jia, he looked absent-minded, and only said, "Just hide in another place."

"Hide? Where can you hide? "This is what Shen Xiuyun just said to Lan Di, but this time it was Luo Jia who was telling him." What happens when you can't hide?

"Isn't there still the Seven Princes?" When the wine was drunk, Shen Xiuyun's tone was also a little lazy, and he glanced at Luo Jia with a smile. "If it really comes to the point where there is no way to hide, will the Seventh Prince let me live for the sake of today's friendship?"

Luo Jia's heart suddenly tightened when he was glanced at by this, this person died in his own hands in his previous life, and whenever he remembered that he stabbed the long knife through his chest with his own hands, he felt as if the knife had stabbed him, remorse? No, how could he do something he regretted? It's just that he was born at the wrong time in the previous life, and he had no choice but to do it, and it was this person who went against the sky that he couldn't escape death. In this life, he has his own care and guidance, and he will never go back to that road of no return, and they will never end up in the previous life.

"Don't worry, since I regard you as a friend, I will definitely try my best to protect you in the future." Lorga smiled and made a promise.

Shen Xiuyun raised a smile, raised his glass with one hand, and said to Luo Jia: "Then Xiuyun is here, thank you to His Royal Highness Seventh in advance." With that, he raised his head and drank the wine.

In the past six months, due to the impact of Shen Xiuyun's escape from Meizuo Base and the subsequent assassination cases, the pacifist parties that have always supported the protection of Omega's human rights and advocated the abolition of the constitutional monarchy and the realization of the presidential system have encountered unprecedented blows and exclusion in the parliament. Because of the bad influence of this incident itself, coupled with the fact that the Progressive politicians led by the Grand Prince Catheron fanned the flames, the voice of sympathy for the Omega group among the people was minimized for a time, and many draft legislation of the Peace Party was forced to stop, and the church that upheld the absolute rule of the Alpha aristocracy also took this opportunity to launch a public opinion offensive to force the Peace Party members to comply and give up more seats in the parliament.

There is a provision in the imperial military law that the commander in charge of the mission corps is not allowed to lead troops out of the capital Rama Star during the appointment period, but this time, under the pretext of personally arresting the assassin, Catheron traveled to the major planets in the empire's territory, and made speeches everywhere, further encircling the Alpha nobles on other planets, suppressing the Peace Party, strengthening the Progressive Party, and making the call for Caesaron to inherit the throne getting louder and louder, and the limelight was once unmatched. Even Emperor Kemis couldn't do anything about him.

Seeing that the new parliament of the two parties is about to be held, it has almost become a sure thing that Catheron will be declared the next heir to the throne, however, at this time, an unexpected thing suddenly happened, which completely shattered Caesaron's dream.

Two days later, just when the army stationed on Planet Solomon was about to be turned upside down, a little-known TV station suddenly broke a shocking secret - Professor Feige, who was assassinated in the Imperial Military Hospital and was later posthumously named a martyr of the Imperial Army, was suspected of participating in several large-scale

Omega human trafficking cases!

According to reports, Professor Feige has been profiteering from the trafficking of Omega people for many years, and has participated in the trafficking of more than 100,000 people. He even took advantage of the crime to imprison nearly 1,000 Omegas in private laboratories and used them to conduct countless inhumane experiments. Vivisection, blood sample studies, bacteriological experiments, viral responses, genetic analysis...... Each experiment is evidenced by real pictures and videos, and those bloody scenes are shocking and creepy to watch! The poor Omegas, who were used as test subjects, died in all sorts of tragic ways. The so-called scientific experiments are actually no different from torture and killing!

The pictures and video reports are followed by data reports from Professor Feige's laboratory, where all the papers and scientific research results that have earned him the honor are from this laboratory, and his name, his profit, and everything he has are all snatched from the flesh and bones of the innocent Omega. The long list of names of the Omegas who had been killed scrolled across the screen for more than ten minutes before it came to an end.

Not only that, Professor Feige even used the black money obtained from the abduction and sale of Omega to donate it to the orphanage, and as a radical member of the Peace Party, he even proposed in public countless times to protect Omega's human rights and protect Omega's vulnerable groups.

When all the invisible sins are exposed, compared with the glamour and respectability in front of people, such a despicable contrast is unforgivable.

As soon as this news was broadcast, it immediately circulated wildly among the people, and the feeling of being deceived, toyed with, and disgusted quickly turned into anger, and by the time Catheron got the news and wanted to control it, it was already too late.

The title of martyr was removed, the rank of colonel was stripped away, and the professor of the Academy of Sciences, who had once been glorified to heaven, became the object of scorn from the people of the whole empire overnight. Omega in particular, and the people who had Omega's relatives in the family, were almost red-eyed by the horrific experimental records, and they were furious, shocked, and couldn't believe that such a thing could happen in the Star Empire. In order to appease public opinion, the imperial government immediately set up an investigation team to investigate these major cases of Omega human trafficking.

In less than a week, several important organizers of the trafficking activities were investigated one after another, and after the list of organizers came out, public opinion was in an uproar again.

The other five people on that list are the five Alpha nobles who were assassinated!

Public opinion reversed in an instant, and people were like being empowered and suddenly realized!

No wonder that Omega named Shen Xiuyun would assassinate these people! If it weren't for him, would these scum of humanity still be like before, mingling in the crowd unharmed, enjoying the admiration and love of the ignorant?! Just thinking about it makes me feel incredibly disgusting!

The investigation team immediately took measures, several of the main culprits have died, the police are fully dispatched to arrest the remaining accomplices, and for a while everyone in the empire is paying attention to this case, and the progress of the case is broadcast on the news every day.

However, as the investigation of the case deepened, the face of Prince Caesaron became more and more pale, and he found the first TV station to reveal the true face of Professor Feige, only to find that it was just a small newly established virtual electronic television station, with no staff, no fixed place, and only a temporary signal transmitter.

Catheron ordered the dispenser to be destroyed, but for every time he destroyed one, a dozen of them were immediately back in operation in all corners of the empire, continuing to broadcast live and reporting. Catheron wanted to put pressure on the council to disband the investigative team, but this would cause public outrage, and several of the council's elders were on his side this time. Of course, Caesaron would not know that these patriarchs had already been pinched by someone, and the ubiquitous scouts of the 19th Corps had already turned their old backgrounds clearly, where did they dare to say a word?

Sure enough, just as Caesaron had predicted, Skynet was restored, and the dense threads shrank little by little, and finally all converged into a famous place, the Arena of Solomon. Almost every group of Omegas killed in human trafficking ended up in Solomon Arena.

Solomon's kind of place where the law of the root of all evil has fallen, it is not a big deal to be exposed to this kind of thing, and the key thing that the people can't imagine is that the master behind this Solomon Arena is actually the great prince Caesaron!

It turned out that the culprit who caused the misfortune of countless Omegas, the mastermind behind the establishment of an illegal arena to cause countless crimes and huge black fortunes, turned out to be the eldest prince who they had always supported and almost became the next emperor! It turned out to be His Royal Highness Caesaron, who had always enjoyed national taxes and aristocratic privileges!

A week after the incident, the palace was surrounded by angry civilians, hundreds of thousands of people had gathered in the square to demonstrate, and the frenzied and angry shouts almost shook the bell tower at the commanding height of the palace.

Caesaron stepped down!

The Progressive Party is down!

Emperor Kemis is down!

For the first time in the two hundred years since the establishment of the Empire, a large-scale popular uprising has never been seen before, shaking the rule of the Alpha aristocracy.

The fountain statue in Clay Fear Square was torn down, the mission corps was suppressed by the Mission, countless civilians were injured, the patriarchs of the progressive party in parliament and the Grand Prince Catheron did not dare to show their faces, and the contradictions between the people and the nobility intensified, and the situation gradually developed in an uncontrollable direction.

At this time, General Andrew, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army, who was a supporter of the Peace Party in Parliament and had a high reputation among the people but had been in a semi-retired state, came forward and announced that he would be removed from the post of commander of the mission corps of His Royal Highness Catheron and arrested pending trial, and it was temporarily decided that the seventh prince Luo Jia would act as the commander of the mission corps.

At this point, the large-scale civil unrest, which lasted for more than a month, was finally put down.

And not long after Luo Jia left Planet Solomon and went to take over the military position, Shen Xiuyun and Joshua's March contract expired, and he flew to the planet agreed upon by the two in advance, sat in a restaurant, and waited for Joshua's arrival.

When I entered the restaurant, there was also a small episode.

Because of the recent riots, security and anti-riot measures have been strengthened throughout the Star Empire, and Shen Xiuyun was actually stopped by a patrol soldier at the door of the restaurant because he was wearing an isolation suit, and asked him to show his quarantine suit registration certificate. Shen Xiuyun took out the forged documents and gave them to the soldiers, under normal circumstances, as long as they were in a blink of an eye, the other party would let them go, who knew that this soldier turned out to be a more genuine one, so he had to turn over his documents and check them, and quickly judged that they were fake.

"Who the hell are you! Come with me to the military headquarters!

Shen Xiuyun scolded this soldier in his heart for being a stunned young man, although this planet is not as chaotic as Solomon, but there are also several gangster forces active, and there are more people who illegally possess isolation suits, he is so on top, he is not afraid of angering which organization, and finally being retaliated against?

He was thinking about how to get out, when another patrol soldier passed by, glanced at him, took the fake one from the soldier's hand, looked at it, and said, "Isn't this quite normal, what do you think?"

"You're obviously ......" "

What is it! Shut up! Another soldier handed the document into Shen Xiuyun's hands and saluted him, "I'm sorry for the trouble!"

Shen Xiuyun silently took back his documents and entered the restaurant.

Seeing Shen Xiuyun walking away, the first soldier was still a little unconvinced: "That document is obviously fake, why do you want to let it go!" Another

soldier, apparently older, kicked the recruit and said, "Have a good eye!" Now that the limelight is tight, what does the newly appointed Royal Highness the Seventh Prince say? Try not to create contradictions, and to ease relations with the people. Besides, the person who can illegally wear the isolation cloak this year is not only a violent Alpha, but also an Omega, if you escort people back to the military headquarters, when the incident is exposed, it will be another bunch of, so let's save it! The

first soldier woke up from a dream, and was afraid: "yes, what if that person is an Omega?" He doesn't want to get in trouble......"

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