ch 42

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Luojia saw Shen Xiuyun's long sword stabbing him straight, and immediately swung his sword to block it. However, Shen Xiuyun's move was just a feint. He suddenly changed his stance midway, and ducked close to the edge to avoid Luojia's silver sword. , sheathed her sword and stabbed back at the lower body. Luojia blocked it again, but unexpectedly it was another false move. Shen Xiuyun took advantage of the moment when Luojia's chest lost protection, stood up and hit his chest with an elbow.

Luo Jia's heart was dug out from behind that night, and his ribs were all broken. Shen Xiuyun was hit from the front, causing the bone injury, and he groaned in pain.

Shen Xiuyun sneered: "Your Majesty, Seventh Highness, does it hurt? You performed the torture trick so well!" Luojia covered his chest

, raised his head, and forcefully curled his lips, "It hurts, my body hurts, and my heart hurts even more."

Shen Xiu Yun's eyes darkened and he snorted. He pointed his sword at an angle and slashed at Luojia's left leg. Luojia raised his leg to avoid it and retreated sharply. Shen Xiuyun chased after him and stabbed his right arm with the sword, making a feint. It passed by, but Luojia didn't take the bait this time. The silver knife flipped over and came with the wind. Shen Xiuyun jumped up to avoid it. When he landed, he swept his leg and kicked Luojia's right leg hard, just in time to hit the black-faced man. The wound where the flesh is torn off.

Luojia's legs were kicked weakly, and he knelt on the ground. He immediately used the knife to support his body. His slightly curly black hair hung down, but it could not hide the sharpness in his eyes.

"It seems that you know the condition of my wounds very well, and you can really hit me with the right kick." Luojia said.

"Just checking for His Highness the Seventh Prince." Shen Xiuyun raised his hand and drew his sword again.

when! Swords collided. The sword was up and the knife was down. The two of them knelt and stood. Shen Xiuyun tried his best to suppress it, stepped on it quickly, and used this power to push Luo Jia to the edge of the ring. Luojia raised the knife to touch it with one hand, and pressed the ring surface tightly with the other. Shen Xiuyun pushed him and rubbed it all the way. He didn't know how many layers of skin fell off his palm, but he didn't even frown. At the last moment, his hand Grabbing the edge of the ring, Kankan stopped.

Luojia's forehead was dripping with sweat and he met Shen Xiuyun's eyes, "Now, do you regret saving me that night?" "Oh? Why do you regret it?" "If I didn't show up today, everyone would think you killed me



So what?"

Luo Jia smiled, "It will simply be misunderstood. If you don't do one thing and do the other, why should you bear the blame for being wronged?"

Shen Xiuyun frowned and exerted force on his hand.

Luojia grabbed hold of the edge of the ring and broke free. The moment he was about to fall, he threw the silver knife away and wrapped his hands around Shen Xiuyun's thigh.

In order not to be dragged off the stage by him, Shen Xiuyun had to roll back and retreat, and naturally brought Luojia back to the ring.

Luojia knew that Shen Xiuyun wanted to get rid of him by turning backwards, so he was prepared in advance. He tightened his arms and refused to let go. After he landed, he directly hugged Shen Xiuyun's legs and did a Mongolian pose. After wrestling, Shen Xiuyun was thrown to the ground on his back, and then he pressed down on him and held his hands tightly.

At this time, several wounds on Luojia's body, legs, and arms burst open due to this series of actions, and the oozing blood instantly dyed the snow-white silk shirt red, like red lotuses blooming in the snow. There were bursts of shouts and inhalations from the audience, but the two people fighting each other inside the protective light shield could hear nothing but each other's breathing.

"Fortunately you weren't injured that night, otherwise it would hurt to death? Instead of hurting you, it's better for me to hurt you." "Looking for death!" Shen Xiuyun sulked, narrowed his eyes slightly, stood up and rolled, reversing the positions of the two of them.


pressing against him, with the long sword across Luojia's neck.

"Why, you want to kill me?"

Luojia grabbed Shen Xiuyun's wrist. His neck had been cut thinly by the sword edge, and blood oozed out. "Have you ever thought about what would happen if you killed me here? Don't kill me. What will happen? What if my identity is exposed? What if your identity is exposed? What will be the result if you win this game, and what will be the result if you lose?" "Huh, it's not your turn to teach me yet!"


looked deeply into the pair of black eyes in front of him. No matter what appearance this person took, these eyes would not change. He could never forget these eyes, because when they stared at them, whether they were filled with hatred or hatred, his own figure would be reflected in them.

At this moment, you only have me in your eyes. Even if the swords are facing each other, it is better than turning a blind eye, better than that indifferent and cold glance.

"You can think of all the escape routes and get away no matter what happens. But what happens after you escape? Where can you escape to in the end? Have you ever thought about what you are in the eyes of others? A hero? Xiao Xiao Human? Murderer? Or... a toy for people's amusement like a clown?"

After hearing Luo Jia's last sentence, Shen Xiuyun could no longer restrain his anger, and his body was filled with murderous aura. He increased his strength and approached the sword again. a bit.

Luojia had no choice but to raise his other hand and grab the sword blade directly. Blood flowed out from the scratched palm, tick, tick, tick, the blood-stained red lotus spread from Luojia's silk clothes to Shen Xiuyun's trousers, gorgeous enchanting.

"Chen Xiuyun, if you want to change your life against the will of heaven, you are still far away."

"Seventh Prince, you talk too much!"

The sword was separated from his neck little by little, and then pushed back little by little. The life of the Seventh Prince was hanging by a thread. , but the eyes behind the silver face are sparkling.

Xiuyun, are you going to kill me here? Don't you know that if you want to kill me, you have missed the best opportunity?

It's always like this, but he insists on his own opinions when he shouldn't take action. Step by step, he finally forces himself to a dead end. He is criticized by thousands of people and reviled by thousands of people. He changes from a knight to a devil. In the end, he wants to be killed by everyone. , haven't you suffered enough from such a loss in your previous life?

At the moment when the sword edge was about to slash towards the Seventh Prince's throat, Shen Xiuyun suddenly stopped his strength and kicked Luo Jia's chest, kicking him out.

Shen Xiuyun stood tall and looked at the seventh prince lying on the ground, his black eyes flashing.

It's easy to take his life, but if you take his life here, it's not so easy to escape. After two lifetimes as a human being, Shen Xiuyun has long lost the frivolous willfulness he once had. However, he couldn't remember when exactly he started from being a thoughtless killing tool to now calculating every step he takes.

"Get your knife back and fight again."

Luojia slowly stood up from the ground and touched his neck. There were a few traces of blood. The injury on his back was so painful that every time he took a breath, it felt like his heart was broken, but he didn't. He raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Okay, let's fight again!"

The smart robot in charge of the referee on the field grabbed the silver knife and handed it over. The moment Luojia took the knife, Shen Xiuyun's figure suddenly moved, so fast that it was almost impossible to tell which direction he was coming from, and the mad sword swept across, It is almost a continuous piece of white light, like shadows and fog.

The sword is shining brightly, and the clothes are elegant. The clouds swallowed up the sun and the moon, not seeing the mountains and rivers.

Luojia was stunned, looking at the man, the sword, and the last move of the Liuyun Sword. Shen Xiuyun rarely used this move, but it was unforgettable after seeing it once.

In the past, beside the clear water and the banks of lotus flowers, when he was drinking heavily, he held a cup and asked with a smile: Xiuyun, what is your beautiful move called?

The man sheathed his sword and said casually: "The clouds have passed over thousands of mountains."

The clouds have passed over thousands of mountains, such a move, such a sword, the shadow passed without a trace, Lord Don't laugh, look at the mortal world indifferently, the blue sky falls in the yellow spring, the fate is gone, and we say goodbye.

The silver mask reflected the white sword shadow, getting closer and closer, becoming more and more urgent, but Luojia did not hide.

The long sword flew past my ears like a flowing cloud. The shadow of one sword turned into several swords. There were swords within swords, moves within moves, shoulder chops, hits! Split the waist, hit! Pick, stab, chop, hit! middle! middle! Five combos! Then there was another sword light all the way down the wall, like clouds rolling and rolling, the wind passing through the fields, wiping, hooking, swiping, rubbing, traveling in three directions, up, middle and down, seventeen consecutive strikes! middle! middle! middle!

As the name suggests, each sword move is as light as a floating cloud. It only breaks the skin and does not hurt the flesh. However, in the arena, it is considered an effective attack.

Soon the number on the combo record card jumped to twenty-seven. If he did it three more times, Shen Xiuyun would win.

There was originally an overwhelming voice in support of L in the audience, but when they saw this moment, they all fell silent. Almost everyone was stunned by Shen Xiuyun's eye-catching swordsmanship. For a moment, there were many people. Few people hope from the bottom of their hearts that these thirty consecutive attacks will succeed.

In the blink of an eye, Luojia was hit by another sword. Just as the second sword struck, Luojia suddenly came back to his senses, turned around, turned his face slightly, and the sword hit the mask on his face.

Twenty-nine combos!

The mask fell off in response, revealing the handsome face that had been hidden all this time and was well known to the world.

Even through the protective shield, you can still feel the reaction of everyone in the auditorium at this time. After being stunned for a few seconds, the dense crowd began to commotion wildly. People rushed down the stairs and squeezed to the first floor. Beside a row of protective shields, the flashes of various cameras flashed.

The thirtieth sword stopped in front of Luojia and did not continue.

Shen Xiuyun looked at this face that resembled his former enemy. All his emotions were kept in his heart. What he showed to the person in front of him was still a cold and emotionless face.

Suddenly, the sword was withdrawn.

In the midst of everyone's attention, the wild ghost, who was already confident of winning, suddenly slowly retreated to the edge of the ring. He smiled with a hooked lips, put his hand on his chest and saluted Luojia, then turned around and jumped off the ring.

One party falls off the ring, the game ends, and the competitor Guhun wins.

The protective shield and the ground doors on both sides of the arena slowly opened. The moment before the noisy crowds poured in, Shen Xiuyun shouted: "Your Majesty, Seventh Prince, I lost!" This scene was captured by the nearest audience, And Shen Xiuyun

glanced at the Seventh Prince one last time, then turned and walked towards the ground gate.

Well done!

Luo Jia watched Shen Xiuyun leave and suddenly laughed out loud. However, within two seconds of laughing, he started coughing violently. His body that had been holding on for a long time finally exhausted the last bit of strength and fell heavily on the ring.

Shasar said that this time he was able to save his life. His spine and ribs were partially shattered, and his internal organs and cavity membranes were also damaged. Even with the medication specially provided by the military, it would take a month to fully recover. . But it had only been a week, and he rushed back secretly despite the dissuasion. I just hope that I can keep him and keep him where I can see him...

I don't want to watch him go back to the old path of the previous life, and I don't want to be the same person again.

After Luojia fainted, he was carried down by the staff of the arena. Shen Xiuyun went down to the underground gate, put on his employee uniform, and was about to leave Solomon Arena immediately, but he was stopped at the exit of the employee passage.

"Mr. Shen Xiuyun, are you willing to talk to me?" The person coming was Fan Sid, and there was only one person behind him, who also wore a mask.

In this Solomon Arena, there are really many people who can't see the light.

"Okay." Shen Xiuyun said, not surprised that Fan Side knew his true identity.

Fan Side smiled and extended his hand to signal, "Please come this way."

There were many secret doors and secret passages in the Solomon Arena. Fan Side led Shen Xiuyun from a hidden corridor and walked into an elevator that only went up but not down. The elevator kept rising. It took a long time to stop. According to the speed estimation, this should be the highest level of Solomon Arena.

The place where Fanside brought Shen Xiuyun was his office. The all-metal decoration made the place seem impersonal and even a little weird and ferocious. However, behind the desk was a huge floor-to-ceiling window that afforded a view of the entire night view of the Solomon Business District. .

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" After Fanside came in, he didn't rush to get to the point. Instead, he walked slowly to the window, looked at the neon lights outside, and sighed softly.

Shen Xiuyun didn't answer, but just stood quietly behind him, and glanced out the window, it was indeed a beautiful scene.

"The current prosperity of the empire is created by the hard work of so many Beta groups, but why is it that only the Alpha nobles can enjoy the power alone!" Fanside's tone suddenly rose, "Why, no matter how hard Beta and Omega work, they will always have to Being stepped on!"

Shen Xiuyun raised his eyebrows slightly and turned his eyes to Fan Side. With his straight back, military-like clothing, and tough style, this man was most likely a soldier.

"I'm sorry, I got a little excited, please forgive me." When Fanside turned around, his tone returned to normal, and he nodded in a gentlemanly manner to apologize.

"Are you not an Alpha?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

"I am, but with my bloodline, I can't compare with the Alpha nobles at all." Fanside said, looking at Shen Xiuyun with almost pupilless eyes, maybe because he couldn't see the pupils, and the emotions in this man's eyes It's hard for people to figure it out, "But I have a younger brother who is a very good Beta officer. Unfortunately, he is dead now."

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