ch 9

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The person in charge of the 9 base sat in the office, with countless cigarette butts put out in the ashtray. He hadn't closed his eyes for almost three days, and his face was very haggard at the moment.

News from various departments came back from time to time, but they almost turned the base upside down, but they still couldn't find any trace of the Omega.

  "Colonel, maybe he has already escaped from the base, and we can't delay any longer. We should notify the 25th Corps as soon as possible and let them join the search and arrest operation." After being silent for a long time, he finally sighed helplessly, stood up, took out the communication device, and connected to the headquarters of the 25th Corps.

An officer sitting in a swivel chair appeared on the holographic screen. He was slumped in the chair, looking a little sloppy, with his military uniform unbuttoned, wearing black military boots on his feet, his legs crossed, and his expression arrogant. The person in charge of the base gave him a respectful military salute. 

The officer raised his eyelids and said lazily, "York, long time no see. Why, what happened to you?" Although he didn't like this man very much, Colonel York had no choice but to report the truth: "Report to Colonel Wade, this time I have something to ask for your help..." 

In the headquarters of the 25th Corps. 

After the communication with the person in charge of the base was over, Colonel Wade scratched his unshaven chin, whistled, and said to the adjutant who was walking in: "Go tell those bastards the good news, tell them that there is another Some disobedient little mice have come out, let them all get ready, this general will take them to play a game..." When Senior Colonel Wade said these words, it was like a lion in the grassland seeing a running antelope, a pair of dark eyes, full of greed and excitement.

  Although it is said that Colonel Wade University has a bad reputation, he does have two brushes himself. 

After taking over the matter of searching for and escaping Omega, he immediately ordered the people at Meizuo base to send all relevant information to the command. Wade smiled as he flipped through the information: "Yo, it seems that the little Omega who escaped this time is a bit interesting. In his life robot material requested records, and he found a lot of strange things, such as needles, cloth, thread, and more. 

There are sand and metal debris, tsk tsk, what is this for, making a rag doll?" "General, Colonel York said that they immediately activated radar scanning after they found that Omega had escaped, but they did not find him in the entire base Could it be that the Omega pheromone has already escaped from the base? Should we conduct a search outside the city directly?" "Judging from the time when the monitor was tampered with and the identity of the professor who was attacked, that little O was the last commuter cars out of the inner city, and

The professor's daughter also said that she saw a stranger pretending to be her father before seven o'clock. 

That idiot in York ordered the blockade of the inner and outer city walls around 7:50. I don't believe that this little Omega can have such supernatural powers to escape from the outer city within five minutes! Those idiots in the base said that the radar scan didn't find Omega's pheromone, so they didn't have it? Tch, as far as their equipment is concerned, I don't even know that it's an outdated thing that was eliminated by the military for several generations. Use our radar and scan again! ""yes! 

After General Wade gave the order, he continued to sit in the headquarters and flip through Shen Xiuyun's information. When he saw Shen Xiuyun's photo, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Yo, you look so good Yes, it looks delicious. "Turned another two pages, and the latest radar scan results came out. 

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