ch 49

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Shen Xiuyun had been there before and was very familiar with the terrain on the seventeenth floor. He turned out of the corridor next to the secret elevator. There was a normal passage in front of him, but it was unfortunately locked by a glass door. Without hesitation, Shen Xiuyun took out his laser gun and fired several shots directly at the glass door. Unexpectedly, the glass was bulletproof. At this time, Bai Mo said: "Use the laser sword." Shen Xiuyun originally planned to change his route. Hearing what Bai Mo

said, he drew out his laser sword and was about to slash at the glass door. Bai Mo rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his arm, "First scratch me." Although he didn't know what Bai Mo wanted to do, since he took the initiative After asking, Shen Xiuyun

would not be soft-hearted. With a slight backhand move, the laser sword cut a wound on Bai Mo's arm. Blood seeped out. Bai Mo asked Shen Xiuyun to carry him to the glass. , smearing his blood on the door.

"Use the laser sword and swing it against the glass door at a distance of about five centimeters."

Shen Xiuyun probably understood what Bai Mo meant this time, and asked, "Is it the temperature?"

Bai Mo turned his head and glanced at Shen Xiuyun. , raised the corners of his lips, and praised: "Smart."

Shen Xiuyun stopped talking. According to what Bai Mo said, he shook the laser sword against the glass door where Bai Mo's blood was painted, probably in recognition. Bai Mo no longer hesitated to explain Shen Xiuyun's IQ. When Shen Xiuyun was operating as expected, he lay on top of him and said: "The toughness and hardness of this glass material are in a very perfect balance, but It has a fatal flaw. If it comes into contact with blood, it will react at a certain temperature. The hardness will instantly increase a hundred times, the texture will become brittle, and ultimately it will be vulnerable." The laser on the laser sword has a temperature, and Bai Mo

said Although the five centimeters mentioned are just a casual remark, from seeing Shen Xiuyun's laser sword, to estimating the temperature of the sword's light, to estimating the reaction distance, the skills behind it will make any expert stunned. drop down. On the other hand, being able to remain calm and control the sword blade to such a precise level in such an emergency is not beyond the reach of an expert.

The blood slowly flowed and spread on the transparent glass window, like the palm prints of fate, which were baked dry by the light blue laser among the infinite branches and intricate connections. Two figures were reflected on the door. They backed away slowly. One of them raised his gun and pulled the trigger towards the center of the red net covered with blood. With a crash, the glass door shattered and the alarm sounded. The two broke the door. And out.

Shen Xiuyun walked quickly along the corridor, but Bai Mo turned back at this moment, looking darkly at the incomplete safety door that was gradually being left behind. On the other side of the door was his dark nightmare that lasted for a whole year.

At this time, the building was full of patrolling security guards and soldiers. As soon as Shen Xiuyun came out, he saw two people. Before the other party could react, he kicked one person over, then picked up the other person's neck and swung him around. He slammed into the wall, and the man was knocked unconscious on the spot. However, the man who had been kicked to the ground took this opportunity to pounce from behind. Shen Xiuyun was carrying Bai Mo on his back, which somewhat restricted his movements and slowed his reaction. Halfway through, his arm was twisted by someone. Just as he was about to turn around and kick him, he saw the person's grip suddenly loosened, and he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Shen Xiuyun looked carefully and found that Bai Mo was holding a syringe in his hand. The medicine inside was similar in color to the thing Lauren had injected into herself before. Shen Xiuyun raised his eyebrows slightly. Bai Mo glanced at the lying soldier disdainfully and snorted: "The anesthetic developed by Dr. Lauren himself is a good thing. If you don't take it, it will be wasted." At this time, those who had been there before The security guards and military police who were led by Shen Xiuyun

to fight with the exhaust channel already knew that they had been tricked. They became angry and heard the alarm on the glass door here again, and quickly went to where Shen Xiuyun and the others were. Arriving, Shen Xiuyun was walking down the corridor with Bai Mo on his back. There were monitors hanging on both sides of the corridor. Shen Xiuyun shot them one by one, blowing them up, and then hid in a medical equipment utility room on the right hand side. Inside, he put Bai Mo on a suspended wheelchair, put on a white doctor's uniform, put on his wide-rimmed glasses, pushed the wheelchair out, and continued walking along the corridor. Some military police and security guards ran up the stairs, while others took the elevator. Shen Xiuyun turned into a room just before they arrived.

Shen Xiuyun had visited this room beforehand. It was a large blood test room with more than a dozen windows, divided into different ABO areas. There were many people inside at this time, and they were all waiting here for blood collection when the incident happened. Such a person, and because of the alarm and the whole building broadcast prompt, many people were talking in low voices, and the noise was quite loud. Therefore, when Shen Xiuyun Bai Mo came in, only the people near the door noticed, and they all came to inquire. look.

Shen Xiuyun pushed Bai Mo in with a calm look on his face: "The fugitives are under martial law outside and they are not allowed to move around freely. We will stay here for a while." "Oh, then you should go to the Omega area inside and wait." A The Alpha young man who was waiting for

blood collection glanced at Bai Mo ambiguously.

Shen Xiuyun nodded and pushed Bai Mo inside. Because Bai Mo didn't have isolation gear on him, the rich smell of Omega pheromones attracted many people to look at him. It wasn't until the two of them reached the Omega waiting area that the situation became clear. Better.

There is a glass wall next to the Omega waiting area, which is the VIP waiting room. The glass is made of single-sided reflective material. From the VIP room, you can see the blood test hall outside, but you cannot see the inside from the outside. At this time, the Omegas from Meizuo Base are sitting in the VIP waiting room. After the alarm just now, they are all a little uneasy. They are used to staying at Meizuo Base, and any disturbance in the outside world can easily make them They became frightened birds. The absolute weakness of their physical fitness made many of them full of fear of violence. When they heard that there was a murderer running around in the building, they were extremely nervous and looked outside the blood test hall from time to time. Feinan was certainly no exception. .

However, when the red-haired Omega noble glanced at somewhere outside the glass wall, he was slightly stunned and couldn't help but squint his eyes. Almost at the same time, Miffy also saw Shen Xiuyun. Her eyes lit up at first, but when she saw Feinan getting up, she furrowed her beautiful eyebrows and followed closely.

"You are... Shen Xiuyun!" Feinan stood outside the glass wall and looked carefully for a while. When he recognized the man's face, he pushed the door open and walked out, walked up to Shen Xiuyun, pointed at him and shouted loudly.

At this moment, the alarm prompt sounded again in the whole building: "Please pay attention to all personnel. After investigation, the fugitive murderer is Omega who escaped from Meizuo Base more than half a year ago! Please note that this person is very dangerous. Once found, please report him immediately Contact the security personnel to prevent him from hurting the lives of innocent people again."

The blood test hall once again caused an uproar. Some people closest to Shen Xiuyun sensed that something was wrong. The discussion spread quickly like germs and gathered around Shen Xiuyun. More and more eyes were on him. Feinan looked at him in horror. He stepped back, pointed at him and shouted, "Him! He is..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by someone from behind. The man was hit hard on the back of the head and fell to the ground.

Blood slowly flowed out from under Feinan's head. Ivan was holding a metal stick he got from somewhere in his hand. He looked at Feinan who fell on the ground in disbelief. The hand holding the stick began to tremble. , his face instantly turned pale, and he was breathing heavily, as if he had no idea what he had done.

Miffy next to her opened her eyes wide. At this time, the base security guard in the VIP room saw the commotion outside. Miffy glanced at Ivan, then looked at the base security guard who was coming over immediately. She bit her lips as if she had made up her mind and dived in. He walked into Shen Xiuyun's arms and at the same time shouted loudly: "Ivan! You hit the wrong person! That's Feinan! That person is over here...ah! Help, help!" Shen Xiuyun hooked him up.

Miffy rushed toward her while shouting for help , and the dagger touched her neck.

"Thank you very much." Shen Xiuyun said.

Miffy finally heard that nice voice again, ringing softly in her ears. Her heartbeat was so fast that she couldn't help but secretly curl her lips, and the tips of her ears turned red. What she did today was the most outrageous thing she had ever done since she was born. It was very inconsistent with the upbringing of a noble lady, but she found it very exciting and did not regret it at all. Because in her heart, Shen Xiuyun will never be a murderer. He is a very special and brave Omega. He has done many things that Omega wants to do but dare not do, so she must do her best to help him escape. Dilemma.

After Shen Xiuyun's name was released, the news of the murder in the Imperial Military Hospital spread almost at the speed of a rocket launcher. Countless reporters swarmed in. The commander of the Rama Planet Branch of the Mission Corps even mobilized more troops to send the Imperial Army to the hospital. The hospital was packed with people. Shen Xiuyun knew that the current situation was probably caused by the little girl he let go before. Nowadays, the oral simulation technology is very advanced. Even if it is just a five or six-year-old girl, as long as she sees him, she will quickly restore his appearance with the help of the human simulation robot as quickly as possible.

Shen Xiuyun is not afraid of others seeing his true appearance, but the time is not right and it is not the right time yet. His rhythm was disrupted, which was a dangerous sign. If you ask him if he regrets not getting rid of the little girl, Shen Xiuyun doesn't know. At this time, he could only rely on holding hostages as amulets, something he had never bothered to do before.

"Help! Don't come here! He will kill me..." Miffy was still playing the role of a hostage dutifully, but when others were not paying attention, Miffy, as a "hostage", turned around. When looking at Shen Xiuyun, Shen Xiuyun suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. That warm and unreserved look of trust stung him slightly.

He suddenly had doubts. If this girl knew that she had killed someone just because of money, and even wanted to kill a child, would she still protect him like this?

When people from the mission corps arrived in large numbers after hearing the news, replacing the security guards and police officers, and surrounded Shen Xiuyun in the blood test room. They were determined not to let this Omega escape today no matter what, they heard a shocking news. Bad news: The precious granddaughter of the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army has been kidnapped!

The Alpha officer who led the troops to encircle him almost cried his eyes out. Do you think he was rounding him up or not? If he acted rashly, something would happen to the Commander-in-Chief's heart. He wouldn't have enough heads to cut off, so he would probably be dragged to the border to be used as cannon fodder in a matter of minutes.

Because of Miffy's protective ace, Shen Xiuyun and Bai Mo "held" Miffy all the way to the rooftop of the Imperial Military Hospital. Many people present knew Shen Xiuyun, but they didn't know what Bai Mo next to him did, and they all made curious guesses.

On the top floor of the Imperial Hospital building, Shen Xiuyun was surrounded by the mission corps. Facing the holes of countless laser guns, he believed that as soon as he let go of Miffy, he would be beaten into pieces. At this time, he suddenly remembered that night on Solomon Planet. Luojia used the protective shield, thinking that if he could have such a thing, it would save him a lot of trouble.

At this time, something was vaguely visible in the sky. They were several military airships. More reporters and onlookers gathered downstairs at the Imperial Hospital. Flashes occasionally flashed through the dense crowd, and people looked up at the rooftop. direction, even though nothing could be seen.

"Crime suspect Shen Xiuyun, I advise you not to resist needlessly. You can't escape..." The officer leading the mission corps was putting pressure on Shen Xiuyun.

In fact, if Shen Xiuyun was alone, it would be easy for him to escape, but it would be a bit difficult to take Bai Mo with him. Shen Xiuyun frowned slightly and was making a choice in his mind, when he heard Bai Mo whisper in his ear: "Can you snatch that person's speaker?"

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