first ultrasound and the engagement party

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The day before our engagement party was my first ultrasound happy took me and we are really excited we finally arrived and waited for some one to come get us so we can see what we are having and how many kids we are having . Some one came and got us about fifteen minutes after arriving they hooked up the machine and put the gel on my stomach and turns out I'm have triplets two boys and one girl and I am really excited the best of both worlds I wanted a boy but happy wanted a girl honestly it would have been okay either way we just wanted a healthy baby but knowing we both got what we wanted is so much better and I am really excited. We are planning to tell everyone tomorrow Saturday night for our engagement party and I can't wait. I know Rebekah is gonna be a good god mom and I can't wait to see her hold the babies. So after my doctor appointment happy and I are gonna go get lunch and I got a side salad and a bacon cheeseburger and fries I absolutely devoured the food I was so hungry  I don't like eating before doctors appointments because if I eat and then they need tests I usually have to fast for that so I just don't eat after a certain time at night and up until my doctor appointment so I was hungry we talked and laughed and had so much fun and we ate our food after we were done eating we decided to go home and cuddle clay gave happy the day off so we can have a good day before the engagement party and be excited for our babies I can't wait they are really healthy babies and in four months they will be here and I can't wait for that. Happy and I made love and it always feels so good the way he fills me up I was a moaning and screaming mess but afterwards we cuddled and watched some movies and we fell asleep. We slept for five hours and when we woke up we decided to order pizzas and wings and bread sticks for dinner since we both didn't wanna cook and I was just hungry. We ate and spent the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling and just loving on each other and I had a great night now happy and I are laying in bed again gonna go to sleep because tomorrow is our engagement party at six pm and happy has a tattoo appointment tomorrow. We finally fell asleep and when we woke up it was 9 am I woke up and made a huge breakfast I made waffles eggs sausage bacon biscuits and gravy and I cut up some fresh fruit I got a plate ready so I can bring food to happy so he can eat breakfast in bed and I woke him up with food he sat up and ate it and when he was eating I went to the bathroom and got my shower routine ready I'm excited .  Happy and I are just hanging around and it's five pm so now we are starting to head over to the place we are having the engagement party we rented out a party venue so we have more space than at momma Gemmas once we get there everyone was already there and I said hey everyone I have an announcement before we start happy and I found out yesterday that we are having twins a boy and a girl and we are still naming Rebekah  god mom and juice will be god father.  Everyone came over and congratulated us and that made me smile and that honestly makes me happy because I know happy and I as well as our babies are gonna have the best family after everyone came us congratulations we started celebrating the fact we are all getting married I'm getting married on Halloween And Natasha is getting married late November Yelena is getting married in December and Hayley is getting married new years Eve and Rebekah is getting married new years Eve and Brie and Nikki since they are twins wanna share the wedding date and that was okay with juice and kip and they are getting married on Valentine's day that makes me happy we are all close and I get to spend my life with my husband and my loved ones I'm an incredibly lucky girl I am really excited and can't wait to see what the future holds. We sit down and eat foods like pizza wings burgers and chicken stuff there's a lot of food and I'm really hungry this is the most I've eaten in a long time the rest of the night we spent with loved one and I had the best time ever.

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