Yelena pov

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Yelena pov
So since happy and Hannah are on a date night and then going to the house so they can have some alone time Opie took me on a date as well . Now we are at his house with his kids having so much fun making homemade individual pizzas and wings and making a dessert pizza so we can watch movies they wanna watch Harry Potter and I have no problem doing that . I used to love watching movies with Hannah my niece it's weird to see how fast she grew up and I am glad she became the woman that she did . Opie and the kids and I are laughing having a good time I'm really glad they like me and accept me I love Opie and I don't wanna lose him over anything especially if his kids don't like me I know that it is a deal breaker his kids come first and I wouldn't expect anything different from that . He's the best dad in the world to them kids and I am lucky that I get to experience it he works hard and it's all for his family I can't wait to spend forever with him . His kids are like my kids I'll treat them like my babies forever with nothing in return just want to be respected. After dinner is done being made we all go change into our pajamas and oddly enough I have my Slytherin pajamas as I am a Slytherin and they all laughed when they saw my pajamas it's because we are watching harry Potter and they asked where i got them at and i said Hannah natasha wanda and i went to universal a few years ago and that we will all go sometime together in the future some day maybe. I know Hannah Natasha and Wanda and I are gonna go in the summer it's a tradition for us. We sit on the couch and watch the first harry Potter movie cuddling while the kids are sitting on the floor watching . I keep smiling because this is the life I want the family the family nights the family experience and I am finally getting that and I couldn't be any happier. I just hope that Opie wants to be together forever with me and wants marriage as well I can only hope I'm not wasting my time I hope not. After the kids fall asleep halfway through the movie Opie and I finish the movie. When the movie is over Opie goes to carry the kids to their rooms while I clean up and do the dishes once I finish cleaning Opie comes over and gives me a giant hug and thanking me for tonight and making his kids happy and I said of course I had so much fun and I love your kids and wanna see Ellie and kenny happy and I would do anything to make that happen  I love spending time with them and doing activities with them hopefully that can continue forever if you want that and Opie looks at me and smiles and says of course I would want that they love you and I love you as well and I couldn't imagine my life without you and neither can they. I said I feel the same way that you and them do. Now let's go to sleep I'm tired he carried me to his room and laid down and I laid on his chest and before we fell asleep I gave him a kiss and said goodnight babe i love you always and forever and opie said i love you too angel always and forever. We soon fell asleep and drifted into a deep sleep.

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