Friday surprise and drama of course what's new

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I want to bed Thursday night after cooking and cleaning I was exhausted now I woke up and saw that it is Friday morning at 7 am so I woke up and decided that I was gonna go for a jog this morning before I go home and shower and get ready for my day and I'll then eat breakfast I'm still deciding on what I'll make . I got my jogging clothes on and grabbed my tennis shoes and grabbed my keys and walked out the door. I put my music from my phone on an starting to jog. I am gonna go for a two mile jog today. Once I got home I went up to my room and grabbed my clothes so I can go to shower and get ready for my day Natasha and yelena are here as well getting ready for the day .  Momma Gemma said I need to be ready by 8 pm for my surprise I wonder what it is I'm nervous for some reason hopefully tonight goes good but for some reason I think some drama is gonna happen and I don't know why. I guess it's just a gut feeling I have . Anyways currently it's six at night so I'm gonna shower again and get ready for tonight.  I did my hair after I got it dried off and now I'm curling it which I haven't done in a long time but it looks really pretty I do a nice smokey eye makeup look and now I am putting on my mini sexy red dress and my black high heels I put on my lotion and perfume and I grab my purse I look really good I think to myself. Natasha was wearing a black dress and Yelena was wearing a blue dress and we all looked gorgeous it was now 7:45 so now we are getting ready to go to the clubhouse we took Natashas Mercedes so we didn't have to take separate cars. I'm really nervous and I don't know why.   We got out of the car and walk up to the clubhouse . Everyone inside yells surprise happy belated birthday and I said now I know why you guys weren't answering my texts and calls while I was in New York you weren't ignoring me you were planning a party and they said yeah that's what was happening we wanted it to be so special for you. I walked up to Gemma and Clay and gave them hugs and kisses on the cheeks and then I walked up to Jax and Opie and hugged and kissed their cheeks in a brotherly sister kind of way I walked up to chibs and Tig and did the same after all they are family and then I did the same to juice and kip and then I walked over to happy and hugged him and kissed him on the lips and stayed in his arms I am loving this they didn't forget me like I have feared that they did and that makes me happy. We ate a lot of food pizza wings bread sticks and beer and I was so happy being surrounded by my family I was surrounded by my new york family a little over a week ago and today I'm surrounded by my other family . We sit and talk and laugh for hours . Happy came over to me while I was going to kip and asked me to come with him so I did I he said he wanted to give me my birthday present which was a diamond necklace and bracelet and anklet set and he wanted me to have his crow tattooed on me so I was really excited because I was his and his forever no one else would ever get his crow except me and that makes me really happy plus he's never given his crow to anyone before so that makes me feel special I know that sounds dumb but I like being some ones first at least something shows I'm important and really loved and wanted and I have never felt that way before . I just feel really bad for Natasha because she won't be the first person jax has given the crow too he gave It to tara long ago before she even left for all those years and now decided to come back and I don't know if jax ever gave his crow to wendy. But anyways now we are in the main room in the clubhouse and everyone around is watching happy ink his crow on my ribcage and he's doing it pretty big so everyone can see it I feel so lucky. Happy and I are cuddling sort of he has me on his lap and I'm just hugging his waist I feel so calm and I feel so safe. I feel loved and he's giving me kisses on my cheek and forehead and rubbing my back softly we talk about everything and anything nothing is off topic and we are cuddling and Jax was like hey happy when are you gonna ask her to marry you? Happy just said shut up it's a surprise and he's given Jax the most heated glare I have ever seen. He then turned to me and gave me a really passionate kiss and we continued to kiss for a few minutes . It was finally around ten pm when we saw some people we weren't invited and weren't welcomed here I stood up and so did Gemma Natasha and Yelena and they said wow what do we have here I said Lyla Tara Ima you aren't welcome here leave and they said no I know there will be drama and Yelena Natasha and I are ready for it.

Jax Teller's Black WidowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora