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Hello I am Hannah Teller daughter of John Teller and Gemma Teller Morrow and step daughter to Clay Morrow I'm the little sister to Jackson Teller better known as Jax.  I was at the park one day and I was kidnapped and sent into the red room where I was trained to be an assassin I was trained by Natasha Romanoff herself along with James Buchanan Barnes or bucky barnes or known as the winter soldier they both trained me to be ruthless and show no mercy and that's exactly what I did they quickly became like parents to me but soon bucky disappeared and I didn't see him again. I hope I do though as far as Natasha goes she had the ceremony done however one thing that no one but Natasha knows about me is I'm also a witch I don't know how though but I was able to help rebuild her reproductive organs in a way so that she will be able to have kids if she so chooses to do so and she deserves it but that's besides the point. Right now I'm been back in charming for a few weeks and I still have my thick Russian accent . This guy happy took a liking to me and believe me I did as well he's dangerous but protective with me my mother Gemma and I don't really get along but I respect her i think it's just cause I'm more comfortable around males instead of females because of the trauma I went through and there is really only one woman I fully trust and that's Natasha and it's because she's never steered me wrong always points me into the right direction . I hope my relationship with my mother Gemma gets better it's not that I don't like her it's just hard for me to trust because of everything I've been through and she doesn't understand that . My step father clay is happy I'm home he missed me I know he did he raised me more than john did John wasn't alive long after I was born I don't really remember him much I know that Jax doesn't trust clay and I can understand that he had more time around clay to know what happens behind the scenes with him I am kind of fifty fifty on that matter like I definitely trust him more than Jax trusts him as of now maybe that will change who knows but I'm giving him a chance he hasn't done anything wrong to me for me not to give him a chance. Lastly my other father figure is this guy named tig well Alexander trager to be exact but prefers tig but I call him dad he's the best he's funny and caring always making sure I'm okay and making sure I'm eating and drinking enough fluids he's a great guy I'm happy he's in my life I told him about my problems in the red room and he's always trying to comfort me and tells me it'll be alright and I believe him I fall asleep in his arms ninety percent of the time and it always brings me comfort. Chibs teleford is like a crazy uncle to me he remembers me when I was a baby and little girl he's always trying to make me laugh and he's teaching me Scottish and I'm teaching him Russian and it's really interesting he's always there when I need a shoulder to cry on or advice he's truly a special person and I love having him in my life my life isn't dull that's for sure I have so many great people that all care for me. Now onto my two best friends juice or juan Carlos and halfsack they are always hanging out with me keeping me company making sure I'm not bored and just having a really good time they make me happy they remind me of my relationship with Clint and Tony always like my big brothers taking care of me and always with the pranks i swear we will end up giving people a heart attack one day because of our foolishness and randomness but we are fun people . Now onto my big brother he's okay I love him a lot he just doesn't understand what I've been through and always tells me it couldn't be that bad but it can and it was and he will soon learn that it was in fact that bad and he will bite his words . Anyways onto the story.

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