a few months later and a surprise

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Over the past few months happy and I have gotten extremely close and have fallen more and more in love. But within the last few weeks he has been a little distant and I know he isn't cheating on me but I feel like something is wrong but I don't know what could be wrong. anyways its summer now and I'm wearing a tank top and a pair of short shorts. I was sitting down on my couch and scrolling through my phone and I got a text message from Peter and pietro saying that they will be here tomorrow and I am so excited . So now I am outside sitting down and relaxing and now I see four girls that I hadn't saw in a long time Brie Nikki Hayley and Rebekah I missed them I saw them and ran to them and we gave each other a group hug. I grabbed my phone and texted Yelena and Natasha and said that Brie Nikki Hayley and Rebekah are here and wanna see them I got a text a minute back and said that they are on there way. I told the girls that Yelena and  Natasha are on their way and we all got super excited it's been so long since we were all together. About ten minutes later Natasha and yelena along with Opie Jax and happy showed up and once Natasha and Yelena saw Nikki brie Hayley and Rebekah they ran and screamed and joined us for a huge group hug and we all started to get really excited and bounce up and down. Once we all calmed down Jax asked us what was going on I said these are our friends the twins Nikki and Brie and Hayley and Rebekah we were in the red room together and became really close like a huge family I also said guess what girls they asked what's going on I said Peter and Pietro will be here tomorrow and we all got excited again I said I missed you girls and they said they missed us as well. So now we all are sitting down outside talking laughing and cutting it up I looked over my shoulder and saw happy already looking at me so I walked over to him and asked him if we could talk and he said yes we can . I said Daddy what is going on you've been distant I know you aren't cheating on me but you seem distant and I wanna know what's going on and If you are okay. He looked over to me and said yeah baby everything's fine I'm just planning a surprise for you and don't want you to know yet and I just feel nervous. I understand daddy and really a surprise for me okay I won't ask anymore questions I just was concerned and worried about you because you have been distant and I just want you to know that I love you and care about you and don't want anything to happen to you. He gave me a hug and kiss and we walked back over to everyone else and I introduced them to happy as my boyfriend and everyone was getting along just fine tomorrow is Friday and Jax said that Gemma and Clay are going to have a barbecue for all of us tomorrow and that everyone is welcomed and that made me so happy I can't wait I'm just so excited I have my friends with me and my family hopefully the other girls Nikki brie Rebekah and Hayley will meet some one Nikki with juice brie with kip hayley with tig and rebekah with chibs that would be so cute i would have everyone with me and thats all that i ever wanted now us girls are inside we ordered pizza and wings and now we are getting ready for sleep so we can have a good day tomorrow and be well rested we all are good night and went our separate ways.

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