the morning after

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We woke up the next morning and we smelled food so we walked to the kitchen and we saw Hannah and happy was also there and I asked them what they were doing and they said we were making breakfast for everyone . I asked what they were making and they said pancakes bacon sausage eggs and biscuits and gravy we made enough for everyone if you guys want some. They said sure so we plated up the food for everyone and they ate and we sat and talked . Happy then said that he has a romantic date with Hannah tonight and she couldn't stop smiling that made me really happy . We continued to eat until it was time for the boys to go they each gave us kisses and then left and said that they will see us later happy said to dress sexy in a beautiful dress it'll be a night to remember I said okay baby I can't wait. I was thinking to myself that tonight will be the night that I lose my virginity and that makes me nervous but excited because I know I won't be disappointed and I know I'll be in good hands and I know for a fact that I can trust him with this. I'm just nervous because I've obviously never done this before I don't know what to do to prepare myself so I start thinking of ideas when I'm doing the dishes Natasha and Yelena left because they had some business to run and I said that they could go that I'll be okay and that I'll call if i needed anything although I personally think that I'll be fine with being alone for a few hours. They said that they would be back in time to help me get ready for the night and I said okay I love you guys and they said they loved me too and with that they left. After I cleaned up the kitchen I went to my room to watch a movie how to lose a guy in ten days it was still too early to get ready and I didn't wanna shower yet because I wanna be fresh before this date like I don't wanna sit around and sweat more before getting ready if that makes sense so I rather just wait to shower for a little while later.  After watching how to lose a guy in ten days I started to watch fifty first dates and I enjoy that movie a lot I love romantic comedy as a whole genre by the time that movie was done Natasha and yelena were back and now it's 3:30 pm so I'll take my shower now to start to get ready. I got into the shower using my strawberry shampoo and conditioner and strawberry body wash I shaved and used my strawberry body scrub. I put on deodorant and strawberry perfume and lotion and I brushed my teeth while I was in the bathroom and I did my skin care routine. Tonight is a night that I have to look perfect I can't afford to mess up tonight. It'll be a magical night and I'll get to be on a good date with my man that I love very much that's why I'm trusting him with my virginity anyways we start to get ready and they did a purple smokey eye makeup on me with fake eyelashes and the whole nine yards like I was in full glam makeup and then they curled my hair I was wearing my tight black sexy dress and a classic pair of sexy black high heels and I thought I looked good . Natasha said tonight happy won't be able to keep his hands off of you and that thought alone makes me smile I really love that man and can't wait to spend my life with him anyways by time they were done getting me ready it was 6:30 pm and happy will be here any minute he is gonna leave his bike here and drive my truck. Tonight will be the best night of my life so far and I am so excited I can't wait to see what happy has in store as soon as I sad that the door knocked and it was happy I opened the door and he said you look beautiful and sexy baby girl and asked if I was ready I said thank you handsome and yeah I'm ready he held his hand out for me to grab it and we walked to my truck so we can go .

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