Leaving New York and getting back to my home in California

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I got some good sleep I didn't wake up or toss and then all night I slept through the night which is very rare for me but I also am glad today should be an easy travel day I woke up at 5 am so I could shower quickly and grab some breakfast before yelena Natasha and I have to go to the airport and check in so we can get ready to go home . I'm nervous because no one from back home has messaged me and I'm scared that they don't want me anymore and that they don't care or love me anymore no one messaged me this whole trip it's like they ignored me. I just hope that whatever is going on and that they are happy and safe I don't want them hurt.  I really care about all of them they are my family and I love and care for them even if they don't have those feelings about me anymore and even if they don't I have my New York family anyways I'm about to get in the shower I washed my hair with my strawberry shampoo and conditioner and my strawberry body soap put me lotion and perfume grabbed my slipper boots put on leggings and my harry Potter hoodie and was dressed for the day. I got downstairs and grabbed a bagel to eat because I thought that would be the quickest thing to eat since I am on a time frame. I finished eating and then I cleaned up my mess it was around 7:15 am and now Natasha yelena and I are heading to the airport our plane leaves at 9 am so we need to get their in time so we can check in which normally takes about forty five minutes well sometimes it does it really depends on how many people there will be. After twenty minutes we said goodbye to everyone and that we will see everyone soon we were at the airport getting ready to get in the check in line and make sure everything is accounted for. The whole checking in process took fifty minutes today and now it's 8:50 am we are getting on the plane and getting into our seats we are sitting around talking and having fun laughing about a silly joke Yelena said about calling us posers cause of our pose we do when we land and that made both Natasha and I laugh so hard. Now it's nine and the plane is gonna take off it's about a four hour flight and honestly I can't wait until I can get to my house and sleep again I'm tired now and just wanna be in my bed and relax and sleep and be comfortable. This whole trip has been the best time that I have had in awhile it was never a dull moment we did so many activities and took lots of pictures I can honestly say I was happy the whole time because I had my family and friends with me. After a few hours we have finally landed and it's good to be home. We walked into the airport and saw happy clay and Gemma Jax and Opie and they ran to give me a hug and I hugged them back  I asked them what they were doing here and they said that they were going to pick us up i asked if i can go home I'm tired and don't feel to well and they said sure but friday they have a surprise for me and that makes me happy. Maybe they didn't ignore me and forget my birthday after all anyways we left the airport and got to my house I got the luggage out of Mom's car and I gave them all hugs and said I will see them later Natasha and yelena were already inside the house I asked happy If he was coming in and he said yes that clay doesn't need him anymore tonight so with that we went inside my house and to my room we got comfortable and I laid down and happy tucked me in and I soon fell asleep I'm getting cuddled by the man i love hopefully i sleep good tonight .

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