A busy day seeing the boys and Bucky and Natasha return

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I woke up this morning early and didn't bother to shower since I knew I was gonna get sweaty during the jog and some training with yelena I'll shower once we get home before my doctors appointment. Anyways I got up and put on some leggings and my sports bra and I received a text from Natasha saying they will be here by 11 pm tonight I was so excited I missed them already I know that sounds weird but they really are like my family and are my comfort people I feel safe around them. Yelena knocked on my bedroom door and asked if I was ready and awake I said yes and I went to put on my blue tennis shoes and we were out the door I locked it up first we jogged about five miles and then did some fighting training it was fun after 3 hours we got back to the house I went into my shower while yelena went into her bedroom shower each room in my house has their own shower and its a pretty decent sized house I can't wait to see momma and daddy today along with the boys I missed Opie Tig juice chibbs halfsack Jax I missed my momma Gemma and daddy clay as well it'll be nice seeing them after having a much needed break I hope they understand its just been tough especially after the mission like I'm always in this headspace after them I just really only wanna be around my comfort people because it's really hard on me mentally the red room did a lot of bad things to me physically and mentally and then coming out of there and being thrown back into society really fast and being back with my actual family that I haven't seen in over 13 years to the point I really don't remember them I really only know Natasha and the avengers that's why they are like my family I remember them they saved me they loved and cared about me they protected me when I couldn't even protect myself they are my world and I'll forever see them as my family and forever be grateful for what they have done to protect me and take care of me. I showered this time using my coconut body wash and lotion and body scrub and perfume and shampoo and conditioner I like to smell the same i dont really like mixing many different scents together like some people. I dressed in my knee high heeled boots leather jacket did simple makeup nude lips silver eye shadow fake eyelashes and I put on a blue thong and blue sundress I had Yelena pencil curl my hair which is like this little tight curls I thought I looked sexy and since I'll be seeing the boys after my doctors appointment and my tattoos and piercings appointment I wanted to make a statement I wanted happy to see what he was missing he could have had me by now but no he wanted some one else. It was now time to go to my doctor's appointment it didn't take long there it was just a general checkup they gave me more meds for my diabetes so I could feel better and now I have to wait to go pick up the prescriptions. Now it was 3 pm time for my tattoo and piercings appointment I'm really excited gonna get some vampire diaries tattoos I already got always and forever tattooed twice in Klaus and Elijah's actors handwriting and then I also have I was feeling epic in Stefan's actors handwriting I absolutely am obsessed with those tattoos I'm getting a dagger today a wolf for the hybrid and some others and I'm getting my nose lip and tongue pierced today. I got done with them a few hours later and so did aunt yelena we are gonna go home and change into something different so we can then go by to see the guys and I can't wait to see Jax but I'm more excited to see when bucky an momma Natasha comes back they will be back soon.  They called and said they are about 5 hours away and I'm really excited I missed them so much. We got to my house and I changed into a tank top and short shorts and I kept my knee high boots on and I thought I looked good aunt yelena was essentially wearing the same I was like yay twinsies lol and we both laughed hard. We got into my truck and made our way over to the clubhouse . Where we got greeted first by juice and halfsack I said hey guys I missed you and I said aunt yelena these are my best friends juice and kip but we call him halfsack cause he only has half a nut he lost the other one in Iraq . She said it was nice to meet them and then we saw chibbs and Tig I said our hellos and how are yous and we hugged I said aunt yelena this is chibbs and Tig they are like my dad's as well she was like hello nice to meet you then next we were greeted by clay and momma Gemma and I said momma Gemma daddy clay this is yelena my aunt they said hi nice to meet you thank you for helping take care of our daughter and yelena was like that's not a problem at all . Finally was Opie Jax and happy I didn't even look at happy I said aunt yelena this is Opie Jax and happy Opie is jacksons  best friend which is Jax real name Jax Is my brother and this is Victor happy is a nickname. I finally looked up at happy and he was already looking at me I gave him a small sad smile and he did the same but also looked really sad I felt bad for him but he did hurt me and if he wanted me he would have a lot to make up for I'm not some one you can forget and toss to the side like nothing happened. He then asked if we could talk somewhere private and I said sure lead the way.  We made it back to his dorm room after he unlocked it and he sat down while I stood up I didn't feel like sitting to be completely honest I just don't fully trust him yet he's still a new person to me for one and two even though he technically didn't cheat it doesn't make what he did any better like we were in the talking phase and to me i am loyal and expect loyalty even then plus he even said specifically that I couldn't go out with anyone else so why is he the exception I. I finally spoke up after a few minutes of complete silence and said what is it that you wanna say. He says he is sorry for what he did and wants to make it better that he wants me to be his forever and be his old lady and wants marriage and kids with me . I said if that's what you want you'll have to prove to me that you can be extremely loyal no on the road pussy if we are gonna be together I'm the only girl you'll get you destroyed me and really hurt me and my head wasn't in the game when i left for the mission. He said I understand and that he will find a way to make everything better and that I'll be his soon and I said we will see he then asks if he could give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and I said sure why not so we hugged and said our goodbyes for now and aunt yelena said that momma Natasha and dad bucky were home now so we say our goodbyes and leave to go home so I can see my momma and one of my dad's.

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