Seeing aunt Yelena again and a very dangerous mission

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***Hannah's pov****
We get to where we think aunt Yelena will be at and she's there I see aunt Yelena and momma Natasha start fighting throwing each other hitting each other and pointing their guns at each other . While the rest of us stand back because this is between them not us. They finally call truce after what seems like ten minutes and after we find out that the red room still exists we are gonna go take it down.  Yelena comes over to me and gives me a hug and I said I missed you aunt Yelena and she said I missed you too sweetie . We sit down and start to brain storm plans while I sit in Pietros lap. Everyone else is sitting at the table while we sit on the couch.

***Happys pov****
We see Natasha and Yelena fight damn that's crazy and then we see everyone sit down and start brainstorming but then I see Hannah sit on Pietros lap I know I shouldn't be mad about it but I am that should be me it would be me if I didn't mess up but I did and I can't do anything to stop it and change it. We hear them talking about breaking Yelena and Natashas father figure out of prison since he would know where the red room is at . Only a few can go just cause it is dangerous Natasha said Hannah Clint Natasha and Yelena will go get Alexi while bucky Steve Wanda and Pietro find out more info we will meet you there . Hannah were gonna need you to pilot the jet cause Clint will need to use his bow and arrows and Yelena and I will need to find a way for him to get out and we hear Hannah say okay momma I can do that.

*** Hannah's pov***
I fly the jet out to the prison and Natasha was like Hannah can you get any closer and I said yeah I can do I started to get as close as I can.  After a while they finally got Alexi out of the prison and Natasha asked him if he knew where the red room is at and he said no but he knows some one who does and that would be Melina . Natasha said you mean she's still alive and he said yeah why wouldn't she be and she said because last time Yelena and I saw her was before we went back into the red room and she was shot badly . Skip to the point of the fight at the red room . We are all saving as many girls as we can Wanda and I are using our powers and Pietro is running the girls to some place safe . Natasha said it's time and we are done it's all over . I stab my knife into the engine and jump backwards and start falling to the ground I did flips in the air and land on the ground in my pose.  Everyone ends up on the ground and mom said it's over and I said momma I'm hurt she's like where honey and I pass out I got stabbed pretty badly. We are gonna go home now baby just hold on we will fix you up let's just get you back to charming

** everyone back homes pov**"
The mission was dangerous it was successful we saw Hannah jump and do flips in the air on her way back down to the ground she landed in her pose and then we hear her say momma I'm hurt and Natasha said where we saw Hannah show where as she was stabbed pretty badly she started to pass out .

*** jax pov***
My sister was stabbed im worried I don't know what to do it makes me feel mad and sad because I can't fix what happened I can't protect her but it makes me happy that Yelena and Natasha can fix her up and Wanda too she obviously loves Hannah that's her best friend . I can't wait until they are all home mainly Hannah and Natasha..
***Opie pov****
We watched as Wanda and Yelena stitch up Hannah while Natasha holds her she's a great momma and I can't wait to see her with Jax kids if she gives him a chance which I know she will I wonder if Yelena is single she's gorgeous and definitely my kind of girl I'm single as well and knowing that I'm single I wanna see where it goes with her if she's interested but right now Hannah's safety and getting her better is the main priority she's like a little sister to me and it makes me feel mad that I couldn't protect her but I knew she was as safe as she can be in this line of of work with the others .
*** Gemma and clay pov**$
We watch as our baby is getting taken care of by her best friend and her aunt while her other momma holds her I'm glad she has Natasha I know I show jealously towards her and it's just because Hannah is my baby and was taken from me and I didn't get to see her grow up but now she's here and I'm gonna be there for her along with clay and her other parents Natasha and Bucky. My daughter is so beautiful clay thought I know she's not my daughter by blood but I was the one she knew most and that makes me happy seeing her kicking ass was awesome and I can't wait until she comes home so I can give her a hug and tell her that was pretty badass what she did .

***Chibbs and Tig pov***
We see Hannah and the others on the jet back chibbs has ready got anything medical he may need to fix her up he thinks of her as a niece while shes like another daughter to me im glad the mission went well and shes safe for the most part she'll be home soon and we can take care of her and make sure she's safe loved and okay.

*** Natasha pov***
We made it back to charming and we took Hannah back to her house . She asked if I could call Jax off of her phone and I said sure so I dialed the number waiting for him to answer after about three rings he finally picked up and I said hey it's Natasha and he said hello I said we made it back to charming and took Hannah to her house she wanted me to let you know before we head out and he said okay I'll be over in a minute I said alright see you then. Hannah came back in her tank top and shorts for pajamas and I told her Jax said he's on his way. About five minutes later he was here along with Happy Opie Tig chibs and juice they ran to her and gave her hugs except for happy. Alright angel all of us gotta go back to New York and we will be back here next week to live we gotta go finish up one last mission. Is it alright with you if your aunt Yelena stays with you and I said yeah that's fine I definitely want some auntie and niece time it'll be fun . I walked up to Hannah and gave her a final hug and I said okay angel see you soon bye momma.

***Hannah pov***
Natasha and the other avengers left to go back to New York so they can finalize things there and then come back here so now it's just Happy Juice Opie Jax Tig and chibbs here along with aunt yelena and me and they are getting ready to leave and i told them i won't be at the clubhouse for a few days i wanna heal first an i am gonna wait until natasha is back but you guys are more than welcomed to come see me they said okay hugged me and left an now yelena and i are gonna eat food and watch a movie to relax an then go to sleep im hoping this next week flies by quickly.

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