The Swan.

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Your POV:

ABT studio, Manhattan, NYC, NY.
1/12/24. 8:48 A.M. EST

The marley floors of the studio reflected the incoming light of the rising sun over Manhattan, warming the entire room and its atmosphere. The other dancers stretched themselves around the room, using their own foam rollers and therapy bands as they socialized- or listened to their music through personal headphones or earbuds. Today was a cold one. Therefore it'd take extra effort to warm ourselves properly for class. Even despite the layers upon layers of warm-ups we came to class in. And let's not forget, for most of us it was our first day back dancing for the new season. I was one of them.

I sat in a group on the floor with Noah, Maria, Kaitlyn, and unfortunately- Issac as well. We warmed up together and laughed as we told our stories about what occurred in our lives over break, and how excited we were to be back in the studio again. It felt good to be here. I barely knew what to do with myself over the break, so I didn't have many interesting stories to bring to the table. Noah told us how his vacation to Hollywood went through sign as Kaitlyn continued to translate it for us. It was almost refreshing.

"What about you? How was your break, Y/N?" Maria asked. The groups' attention turned to me within an instant. "Eh. I just relaxed. Not much went on." I shrugged.

"I'm sure your break would've been a lot more interesting if I was with you more often." Issac winked. Kaitlyn thwacked his thigh with her hand sharply, "Issac, will you stop that? You're making him uncomfortable." Issac scoffed, "Geez, relax. Can't any of you guys ever take a joke?" I rolled my eyes and continued, "Anyway... My boyfriend and I did hang out a bit though. He took me shopping yesterday. It was a nice gesture, even though I don't really feel the greatest when people splurge on me like that."

Issac interrupted and chuckled profusely, "Sorry, 'splurged' was the word you used? I doubt he could go over a $300 budget. Just look at the poor guy." He mocked. I narrowed my eyes in annoyance as my focus turned to Issac. "He bought me a $6,000 ring and much more, if you really need to know. Not that it's any of your business." I seethed bitterly. "I have enough class to not brag about me or my boyfriend's purchases. Believe it or not, money isn't everything."

Issac went silent. His icy blues piercing me with their gaze.

"Damn. He got you good, man." Maria laughed, going into her hamstring stretches as Noah frantically signed to Kaitlynn- asking her what was just said. I had a good feeling I was able to shut Issac up for now- but I also had that weird, sinking feeling that he wasn't completely over with me yet. Who knew what kind of tricks he had stuffed up his damn sleeves.

Just then, our director walked in. Once people noticed, everyone stood up, putting their stuff away as she began to speak. "Good morning to you all. I hope we're warm enough for some of us to start barre. But before we do that, I wanted to announce the audition dates that will be held soon for our annual production, of Swan Lake."

Miguel's POV:

Spider-Society HQ, Miguel's office, Nueva York, NY.
1/12/24. 10:59 A.M. EST.

"Jesus, Peter. I'm gone for ONE FUCKING DAY and you somehow screwed EVERYTHING UP?!?!" I barked fiercely, Peter shriveling in toward himself before me. Peter squeaked, "Mig, I told you that I wasn't going to be the best person to be put in charge here-" "Well I trusted that you'd get the job done. And obviously, that didn't turn out very well. Did it?!" I interrupt, baring my fangs at him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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