Old Friends, New Memories.

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Your POV:

NYC Ballet Studio, Midtown East, NYC, NY. 12/18/23. 4:01 P.M. EST.

Sweat ran down the back of my neck as our instructor made us do "across-the-floor", which was basically dancing a short variation in small groups 'across the floor'. Hence the name. Only an hour remained for our rehearsal time together. We had gone through the full barre process, we took it to center, we then spent most of rehearsal adding finishing touches to our production of 'The Nutcracker', now we were doing our cooldown hour. At least that's what I liked to call it. My feet ached as I stood with my group waiting in line. The bold notes from the piano filled the air around me as if it was the air itself.

I carefully watched the dancers currently going across the floor, studying their movements and technique. Giving myself mental notes on what I could potentially enunciate in the variation when it was my turn. Plus, I needed to make sure I knew the variation or else I'd just end up embarrassing myself in front of everyone. I didn't want that. Who would want to embarrass themselves in front of their co-workers and friends? The next group in front of my group began to go, we were next. I carefully stretched my calves out, preparing myself to go full out. I always got so nervous when we did across the floor. I felt like all eyes were peering only on me. Judging my every move. It was even worse when the instructor made you go solo. That's when you knew for a fact everyone was indeed watching only you. My thoughts faded out as the music began to fade in again.

I counted with the music so I could begin the variation with my group on time. 5...6...7...8... I counted to myself. I began to glide across the floor gracefully. Making sure my chin was lifted, stomach was in, shoulders were back and down, and my rib cage was closed. I didn't think while I danced. Nothing went through my mind. It was just me in the moment, nothing else! If I think while I dance, I get distracted and lose the music. When I lose the music I'm pretty much screwed until I find where I am in the music again. I began to reach the end of the variation, closing it with ease and grace. I walked back in line with my group to watch the final group do the variation.

When we did these variations, we did both sides. The variation choreography usually favors one leg, the right or left. We needed to be even obviously so we had to reverse the combination to favor the opposite leg. It can be a mind game when it comes to that, but you get used to it after dancing for as long as I did. Suddenly, Ashlee came over to me, "Ugh, I just want this class to end already." She whispered, crossing her arms in front of her chest, "I'm exhausted." I couldn't agree more with her. I let out a small yawn again, covering it with my hand, "I'm just tryna go home and sleep again." I joked.

As much as I loved dance and all, it was a very draining sport. Some would consider it an art form more than a sport but it's really both. Not to mention the amount of money you have to pay for a child to dance, and the amount of pay they get in return as a professional unless they are a famous choreographer or principal dancer. That's when you get the big bucks.

"Hey, what are you doing later tonight? Maybe we can go get something to eat?" Ashlee asked me, looking at me with excitement in her eyes. "That sounds fantastic!" I whisper loudly, "Meet me at that one sushi place on 84th at 8:00 p.m.?" I ask her. She smiles, "Yesss, let's do it!" She whispered excitedly. Ashlee and I hadn't hung out together in a while, so it'd be fun to catch up a bit more outside of rehearsals.

Miguel's POV:

Spider-Society HQ, Miguel's office, Nueva York, NY.
12/18/23 5:09 P.M. EST.

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