Oblivious or Delusional.

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Thanks for being so patient, here's another part for y'all 🤗

This one is kinda long, but I really enjoyed writing it 😝

I hope you guys enjoy


Your POV:

Y/N's apartment, Manhattan, NYC, NY.
12/31/23. 5:23 P.M. EST.

I was anxiously waiting in my apartment to get ready, my brand-new tux teasing me as it hung in my closet. It called my name, and with each passing second, it became harder and harder to not get up and change into it. It was a beautiful tux, and I was excited to show everyone at the party. But, the party started at 8:00 p.m. so I still had a few hours before I had to get ready. It was a slow and painful process of waiting, and I attempted to pass the time in various ways. They didn't really work, but it would do I guess. I observed the people below my apartment from my bedroom window, watching them prepare for the big New Years Eve celebration that'd commencing in Times Square. I had only gone to that celebration about three times and it was an enjoyable experience, but it would get crowded and people became pushy after a while. I would much rather watch from afar on a TV or something.

My phone rang. It was Claire, I picked up my phone and answered, "Hello?" I spoke. "Heyyy! Are you excited for tonight??!!" Claire crackled eagerly over the phone. It was funny, she had a big, extravagant penthouse and had the suckiest Wi-Fi in the world. I didn't understand why she couldn't get a better Wi-Fi provider or something. "Yeah, of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?" I said with a small laugh. "I was just checking." Claire joked, "You have a few other friends coming along, no?" I nodded as if Claire could see me, "Yeah, I do." "Okay, just wanted to make sure they're all still coming. The chef made exactly the same amount of plates for dinner as guests attending the party, so if anyone ends up not coming we'll have extra." Claire laughed, "I don't mind leftovers though..." I laughed, taking a deep breath before I spoke again, "I don't mind either." Claire suddenly spoke, "Hey, how are you and that one guy? He's one of the ones coming to the party, right?" She asked calmly. I was confused, I don't think I had told Claire about Miguel yet. "What one guy?" I questioned. Claire scoffed in my ear, "Miguel? Or whatever his name is! Your boyfriend?!" I rolled my eyes, "Oh my God, we are not dating. Plus, who told you-" Claire interrupted, "Oh wait...I forgot you weren't the one who told me about him. Ashlee was...and now I remember her saying not to tell you that I knew...oh well!! Cat's out of the bag."

I sighed deeply and rubbed my forehead, "Ashlee." I muttered, "Anyway, yeah. He's going to the party." Claire squeaked with joy, "Yay! So many new friends! I can't wait to meet them all. Hey, I'll talk to you later, okay? I have to finish getting all set up." I sighed again, "Alright, I'll see you later." Claire uttered before she hung up immediately, "Bye!" My phone went black again as I set it down in front of me. I was embarrassed that Ashlee was going around telling everyone and their grandma that I was dating Miguel. When I wasn't. She liked to blow things out of proportion, and that's how she always was. I didn't mind as we grew closer over the years, but this specific situation she emphasized got on my nerves. I literally told her that he and I weren't dating. So why go telling everyone that when it wasn't true?! I brushed it off, I could confront her later in private at the party. I needed to put a stop to this madness.

Miguel's POV:

Spider-Society HQ, Miguel's office, Nueva York, NY.
12/31/23 6:48 P.M. EST.

In a few minutes, I had to begin getting ready. Obviously, it wouldn't take long for me to get changed since Lyla had control over that. But I needed to touch up my hair, put on some cologne, wake myself up, you know all the extra stuff. It was going to be a long night, since I'd staying up til midnight. The last time I had done that felt like eons ago when I pulled multiple all-nighters doing work. I held a pretty good bedtime now and I wasn't planning on disturbing the streak. But just this once could be an exception. It was something to get me out of the office. I continued working on my computer as I heard my office doors open. I turned my office chair around to see Peter, dressed up in his black tuxedo. He began to pose, "What do we think?" I glared at him in slight annoyance, "Looks good." I spoke coldly. "You think so?! Thanks, bud." Peter winked, "Make sure to start getting ready. We're gonna leave at 7 o' clock." I groaned, "Peter, it's already almost 7. I haven't gotten ready." I snarled.

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