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so basically, there is only some spice to this part. whoopsie daisy 😜

sorry for leading you on. 😔

I promise. Next part. 🍋.


it'd be my first time writing that kind of stuff so hopefully you'll like it 🥹

(P.S. SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO UPLOAD IVE BEEN CRAZY BUSY. Plus, I tried writing at least a little bit everyday, but since I'm so picky- it only elongated the entire process 😭)

Your POV:

Y/N's apartment, Manhattan, NYC, NY.
1/10/24. 7:01 A.M. EST.

Crisp, untouched snow blanketed the city outside, making every surface appear as though it had been heavily frosted with sweet powdered sugar. Icicles of all sizes dripped and dropped their delicate beads of water from the overhangs, melting away in the golden rays of the bright, early morning sun of Manhattan. My bedroom was tranquil, the sun just barely beginning to peek through my windows and invite its comforting warmth and golden-orange light into my bedroom. When suddenly, the hushed sound of ambulance sirens awakened me from the deep sleep I so desperately seemed to have needed. I felt refreshed. My vision adjusted as I glanced slowly around my room, getting a sudden feeling of accomplishment with myself. Though, I hadn't even done anything yet. But there was just something about these early mornings that really made me feel like I was on top of the world. Like I could do absolutely anything I could ever imagine doing, whether it seemed possible or impossible. I sat up in my bed slowly, rubbing my eyes gently as I grabbed my phone off of the beside table. I had three notifications, all of which were texts from just two people- Claire and Miguel.

I tapped on Miguel's text notification first, curious as to what he had to say for himself after last night. He had texted at 6:03 a.m.,

"I don't like that Issac friend of yours."

I found it funny how random that text message was. Especially since he sent it that early this morning. It had to be bothering him. I scoffed to myself as I began to type a message back,

"you've made that very clear lol."

I sent the message and exited Miguel and I's chat, moving over to Claire's.

"was everything okay with miguel? he seemed like he was in a reeeeaaaalllyyy bad mood tonight 😅"

She had sent this text around midnight after I had already fallen asleep. I replied back,

"yeah. just a bad day at work I guess. im sorry abt that."

I really didn't want to be the one apologizing for Miguel's actions, but it just felt like it had to be done for the way he was acting towards Claire and my other friends.

I set my phone back down on the nightstand and rose out of my bed. Stretching my arms high up toward the ceiling of my bedroom. A sudden thought crossed my mind, reminding me of the email that was sent to me late last night. A strong sense of excitement emanated through my body at the thought. I was overjoyed as I told myself that I was now a male principal dancer at the American Ballet Theatre. It felt so surreal to think about, and I'm sure that when I told my friends they'd just be ecstatic.

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