A New Chapter.

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Your POV:

Y/N's apartment, Manhattan, NYC, NY.
1/3/24. 11:46 A.M. EST.

I was in my den, looking through old photo albums of my time with the NYC Ballet. Unfortunately since the season was coming to a close, I'd be auditioning for the American Ballet Theatre, otherwise known as ABT. Which means...I'd be leaving Claire and Ashlee. NYC Ballet was great and all, but...it was more contemporary-based. I loved the classical 19th century ballet style, and I didn't get a whole lot of it where I was at right now. The audition process had already started for ABT in September, but I didn't tell anyone. I kept everything very hush hush. I sent in my video already and paid the audition fee, now it was just a matter of a few more days until I had to go in person and audition since I was accepted to try out. I just hoped I'd make it in. I had to tell Claire and Ashlee soon. I was actually planning on telling them today. I knew they'd be devastated, but they've always known I was more of a classical ballet type of guy. As much as I was excited for this new chapter in my life, seeing the chapter of my time with NYC Ballet come to a close made my heart ache. Leaving my friends behind would be hard. But one thing I've learned as a dancer is to never let anyone hold you back; not even your best friends. Do what's best for you no matter what everyone else might be saying or telling you.

I picked up my phone and went into Ashlee, Claire and I's group chat. I began to type:

"hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I will be leaving the NYC Ballet company. It's hard for me to go without you guys, but I believe it's what's best for me. I will be auditioning for the ABT company in a few days. I wish you guys the best, and hopefully we can still talk. you guys mean the world to me. I love u. 💗"

I sent the text, feeling a twinge of pain in my heart that grew to be almost unbearable. I set my phone down, waiting for an answer as I looked through more pictures in the album. I came across one old picture of Ashlee, Claire and I backstage about to perform our first ballet together with the NYC Ballet. Romeo and Juliet. Memories flooded back quickly, wiping away any lingering sadness I had. The lights, the laughs, the sound of the orchestra playing below us...it all came back. A smile cracked upon my face; breaking the icy and solemn exterior I held as I looked through the album. I was 19 in that picture and I was now 23. Four years ago...how was that even possible? I knew time flew by fast, but it felt like it was just yesterday that the picture was taken of us. My phone suddenly buzzed and broke the ringing silence around me. My thoughts drifted away. I picked up my phone to see incoming texts from Claire and Ashlee:

Claire: "hey, y/n. I really appreciate that you're doing your own thing. I'm so proud of you and I could never ask for a better friend. I will ALWAYS continue to cheer you on. we will still talk of course, that shouldn't even be a question! we'll still hang out and see each other around. :)"

Ashlee: "I'm sad to see you leaving, but I know it's best for you and what you wanna do. you're gonna do amazing at the auditions! I wish you would've told us sooner because I would only wish you the best on your journey. I love you forever and always. you'll always be our best friend. 😘"

My lip began to quiver as I read their texts. I felt a tremendous amount of guilt and pain despite them both telling me that they were happy for me. There was no doubt in my mind that they meant every word they said. They truly were my best friends from day one. The girls who first talked to me at the studio when I was just a boy trying out my first class. Now look where we were. Living in New York, living out our dream of becoming professional dancers. They were essentially my family; my sisters. We were with each other everyday from when we first met. We moved through the ups and downs with each other. Wherever one would go we would follow them. But that wasn't the case for this current situation.

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