Teamwork makes the Dream Work.

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but here I am. in all my glory.

I hope I feed y'all with this

hope you enjoy 🥰


Your POV:

Y/N's apartment, Manhattan, NYC, NY.
1/8/24. 8:03 A.M. EST.

I didn't get much sleep last night. Though I was exhausted. Auditions kicked my ass, and I was still dwelling on the conversation Miguel and I had last night over the phone. He didn't seem very happy about me hanging out with some of these new people. If he even dared to deny it, I would laugh in his face. It was so obvious. The thing is- I didn't know why he was so jealous though...I told him multiple times that they were extremely nice and welcoming. So what was the big deal? If he was so jealous about me hanging out with other people, that was his problem. If he wanted to see me more, he would. I hadn't even been to his apartment yet or anything. He's only taken me out to dinner once, and that was before we were dating. So quite frankly, I didn't care that I hung out with my new friends. I could hang out with whomever I wanted to. Plus, it's not like they're trying to take me from him or something, but he was making it seem that way.

I sat up in my bed now, rubbing my eyes and gently running my fingers through my hair. The sun rays were warm as they hit my skin through the window- warming my body and mind. That's when I got out of bed, deciding to start my day even though I could probably use an extra two hours of sleep or so. I sauntered over to my closet, lazily opening the doors to reveal my seemingly infinite supply of clothing stuffed into my tiny closet. Was it an issue of how many clothes I had? No. Not to me at least. I kept my closet organized and clean. Plus, I usually bought a lot of new clothes every January and donated a lot of my old clothing. Speaking of, I still needed go through my clothes to see what I wanted to donate and keep.

I began to forage through my closet, looking for something to wear. I decided that I could go out to a café this morning instead of making my coffee here at home. It would get me out of the house, and I kind of needed that refresh. I knew the cold winter air would wake me up easily. With the addition of my fresh, piping hot coffee of course.

I eventually found a dark navy blue sweater and paired it with some dark-wash straight jeans. I sat on the ground, throwing on some socks and putting on my white sneakers. Again, I don't wear things to be practical- I do it to look good. Even if there's 2 feet of snow on the ground you will still catch me wearing anything but snow boots. They ruin every outfit I could ever possibly put together. They're just so...awkward. I finished lacing up my sneakers and stood up quickly, turning to the mirror in my room to adjust my clothing. The outfit seemed to missing something though. A necklace or two maybe? It just needed a bit of something more... I experimented with the array of gold and silver necklaces I had displayed on my nightstand; and after a few moments of playing with the different combos and colors, I chose my two necklaces. They were both silver cuban link necklaces of different sizes. I had forgotten where I got them from. One was a bit thicker and shorter, and one was thinner and longer. It added just the right amount of bling to the upper body. Now the outfit felt complete.

I headed out of my room and went to the front door. I made sure I had my wallet and keys before I put on my puffy winter coat- and once I was ready- I headed out the door. While I was walking down the hall and to the elevator, I greeted a few of my neighbors walking past with a small smile or wave. The people in my building were always surprisingly friendly, but somehow everyone sort of knew each other. Including me. The amount of parties I had been invited to within my apartments was insane. I had even attended a few of my neighbor's Thanksgiving celebrations. (When I wasn't able to fly out to see my family that is.) I now hopped into the elevator alone. It took me down to the lobby quickly, giving me barely any time to sit and think to myself. The elevator doors soon opened up, guiding me out into the lobby. I had passed a few more neighbors I was acquainted with in the lobby and gave them a wave before exiting the building promptly. I swiftly made my way down the sidewalk. Keeping an eye out for anything unusual. As I was not in the mood for another incident occurring. The next time it may happen...I may not be so lucky. At least I knew to stick with my gut now. I kept a watchful eye as I observed my familiar surroundings. The quaint smell of many different scents lingered in the air like smoke. As I continued to walk, I passed by the Chinese restaurant Miguel and I had dined at on Christmas Eve. The warm feeling of being with him flooded back as the memory flashed before me. I remembered our conversation, and how I felt like it was able to last for hours on end. There was a lot to talk about, and I was so comfortable with him. He made me

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