Episode 32: Changes

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The new crop of INMATES that were sentenced to the BRIG are lead into the PROCESS ROOM, a COLLAR locked onto their necks as they are lead into a POD like DEVICE that leads into the HALLWAY that goes into the BRIG'S REC ROOM.

This is the end of the road for you all, welcome new inmates to the BRIG. Here your life will be subjected to long hours of being stuck in your cells for the rest of your lives. These COLLARS around your neck suppress any and all spiritual energies to your bodies, and this pod syncs that energy into our system. If you attack a GUARD, you will activate the COLLAR and it will kill you. By draining your life force. If you attack a fellow inmate, it will sap a little bit of your life-force, but not enough to kill you, however multiple incursions and any amount in the excess of twenty within a five year period will result in automatic termination.

More INMATES go through the POD as their readings are uploaded into a nearby computer that registers the data and then turns the GREEN LIGHT on the COLLAR to RED.

You will eat twice a day, once at 8 am, and again at 8 pm. Shower's will be broken up into groups depending on species and violent crimes. There are three areas here at the BRIG. MESS HALL, REC ROOM, and your CELL.

More INMATES go through.

If you try to escape, the COLLAR is set to explode should you make fifty feet from the premises. There is no escape from here, there is no future for you in here.

ANTHONY steps up, a GUARD putting the COLLAR on around him as ANTHONY steps into the POD. The POD registers ANTHONY'S DATA as ANTHONY feels the COLLAR constrict slightly before the light on it turns from GREEN to RED.

Welcome to the BRIG, Director.

ANTHONY looks at him as the GUARD smiles and TWO other GUARDS lead him down the HALLWAY and pull him into the LINE, the GUARD at the door opening it as the GUARDS force the LINE to head in.


ANTHONY follows in with the LINE as the REC ROOM is filled with INMATES who watch the NEW INMATES fall in, the GUARDS leading them inside as ANTHONY follows the GUARD stopping as he steps away and out in front of them.

You will be escorted to your private cells in precisely one hour, you will line back up right here as you are now. Any failure of that order will be viewed as an infraction, and your life force will be drained marginally, and I assure you, it is quite painful. Disperse.

ANTHONY watches as the INMATES head off in all different directions, meeting up with all sorts of groups and people that they all seem to know or be affiliated with.

ANTHONY looks over as a GROUP of FOUR come over towards ANTHONY, ANTHONY looks away from them as the FOUR box him in.

If you're going to do something, do it.

This guy knows the score.

Didn't you direct THE DYING FACE OF SOLACE?


INMATE 2 strikes ANTHONY across his face hard, ANTHONY falling over as INMATE 2 winces as his COLLAR begins glowing RED, the GUARD looking over at them but looks away with a smirk as The INMATE 2 balls his fist as the pain can be seen coursing through him for a few moments before he jumps up and down and cheers.

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