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The sunlight filtered into my eyes as I groaned softly.

Every part of me hurt.

My brain had managed to scrap out the bad parts of yesterday but the pain still lingered to help my memory. A bitter feeling rushed through me as I remembered that my own father had given the order.

I stood up gingerly and walked to the window, confusion swayed in my mind as I grasped the cotton material of the curtains...I was pretty sure I had closed them the night before, unless...


It was like cold water had just been doused over me and the memories started to flood my brain. Somehow, he had managed to leave yesterday without getting caught. I wasn't sure he would be so lucky next time.

I won't aid him, but I won't be the one to give him away either.

My morning routine carries on as usual and I am grateful to see that neither of my parents bothered to show up for breakfast. I wasn't ready to face my father right now and my mother hadn't spoken a word to me since like forever.

All was fair, still.

"Annie." My uncle called out after wiping his mouth with a napkin,

I stiffened slightly and then proceeded to answer him with uncertainty lacing my voice, "Yes, sir."

"Your father wants a new bodyguard assigned to you as soon as possible." He replied calmly,

"I don't need one," I responded, matching his monotonous voice, I wasn't going to start it this time.

"It's not a choice, it could have been you and not him." His lips pursed into a thin line,

"I wish it was me, though. At least I would be in a better place instead of this hell right now." I stated,

"You better mind your words, Roxanne. We work hard every day to give you-"

"And who said I needed it? Gah. I just want a peaceful life free of you all and-"

Before I could complete my sentence, I was on the ground and I looked up into a pair of cold grey eyes.

"I am not your Papa, Roxanne. He wants to keep you pretty for them. I, on the other hand, do not care. I will not spare you. Just say one more word from your foolish mouth."

I gulped and looked at the tiled floor immediately. My uncle was ruthless. He killed his two wives and we never heard it again...

Was that how I was going to disappear?
No, my father wouldn't allow it.

"I want to go to my room." I finally found my voice,

"Go. Your new guard would be waiting for you outside."

I nodded my head quickly and scrambled out of his presence. If I learned to control my mouth more, a lot of things would be easily avoidable.

My heart nearly stopped in my chest as I saw the man who was trailing behind me. It was the man from yesterday... specifically, the one who had whipped me with a belt.

I couldn't breathe.

"Walk faster, little girl." He snarled,

I felt a strong sense of repulsion course through my veins. I despised him. I quickly walked to my room and slammed the door shut, I couldn't care less about the rules when there was a monster lurking outside my bedroom.

The beasts won't get to me, he'll devour me first.

A few moments later I heard a loud bang and I jolted up, I unlocked my door to see the red face of my new bodyguard.

"What's happening?" I questioned,

"Don't you ever-" he stalked towards me, pushing both of us into the room, "-obstruct me from doing my job. The door is to be kept open at all times or else you will face the consequences."

"The way you harassed me wasn't enough?" I said with a sickly sweet smile,

He narrowed his eyes tightly but didn't reply. "I would be outside. Make this easier for both of us, because if it's the other way around, it will only be good for one person and that isn't you."

"Got it." I nodded my head, the smile still plastered on my face,

He growled and slammed the door loudly. The moment he was out, I couldn't help but begin to pace. I needed to talk to my uncle for a replacement or this man would kill me by himself.


I couldn't remember the exact time I fell asleep, but I was awakened by loud voices.

"Get up!" I shook out the sleep from my eyes and stood up calmly,

My body still hurt and needed all the rest it could get, but this was usual.

"Move faster, you slow tramp!"

"I know where the basement is," I told him and hastened my footsteps.

I allowed myself to breathe when I was safely locked into the makeshift escape room. I didn't know what it was this time, but I could take a wild guess.

I had myself partially to blame. I invited him in.

"I would go outside to make sure the space is safe."

I didn't care, but I did not say that out loud.

When he left, I picked up a book and started reading, I read for hours till my uncle came to get me. He seemed aggravated, though I couldn't decipher the reason.

"Did you stay in the safe room all day?" He asked quietly,

He didn't fool me though, I could hear suspicion in his words. Something must have happened.

"Yes. I read a book," I supplied excess information, he didn't need to know what I was doing,

"Interesting." He grunted, "So you didn't move out of the room? Not even once?"


"And Carlo was with you?" He continued,

"Who is Carlo?"

"Your new bodyguard."

Oh. That was the bastard's name.

"He was with me for a while before he decided to keep watch." I paused, "outside."

"So you didn't send him on a chase?" His voice was still normal, however, I felt irritated,

"What is the point, Uncle? What are all these questions for?"

"Tell me, Roxanne, why your bodyguard was found dead?"


Before you all dive in - I know you've dived in already - but in case some of you missed the tag, this book is an erotic work of fiction, so therefore, it's 50% plot and 50% erotica.

Because some might be wondering why the sex scenes came early.
Au revoir.

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