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He finally left.

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my chest and I could breathe normally now. The area which he had thrust into was sore...and I couldn't help but imagine if he had actually...

A coat of crimson filled my cheeks.

I had even forgotten the reason this whole thing started in the first place, but one thing was certain; I never wanted Sasha to touch me again.

Okay, maybe I did.

My emotions were conflicting so I decided not to dwell on them at the moment. I checked the time and I was already late for dinner. I threw on an outfit and walked lazily.

I was already late, a few more minutes wouldn't take away the original effect. Part of me hoped my father wasn't there though.

My luck had to be faulty because his eyes were the first thing I saw the moment I stepped into the hall. I quietly took my seat and proceeded to say nothing more.

We started eating and I was almost convinced that this was one of the rare dinners to go well, but I was terribly wrong.

"Where were you all day, Roxanne?"

"Sleeping." The word easily slipped out too quickly.

That was my first mistake.
As a person who tortured others for information, my father was not someone you wanted to lie to. But what should I have told him?

That I was fucking the enemy? That the enemy was even in my room?

"Hm." He hummed, "You see...when I ask you a question, I want the truth." He said this calmly,

My breath started to hitch.

"I never left my room...you can ask the bodyguard." I shifted awkwardly.

I was fifty percent sure he had already done that, but he wasn't satisfied. He was suspicious.

"Well, that's certain." He wiped his mouth with the paper towel,

And just like that...dinner continued without any more interruptions. Too used to the process, I was antsy as I tried to eat more, this might be my last meal for the next two days for all I knew.

My father was NEVER going to drop it.

I finished my food quickly and proceeded to leave, but then, a huge man barricaded the entrance. I looked back at the table with a question in my eyes,

Vivid grey orbs clashed with mine and then it dawned on me.

"It seems you're becoming an inconvenience to me, Roxanne. You might take me for a fool, but even fools have their days. Bosco, take her away."

Immediately, the man gripped my arm tightly and started dragging me out of the room. I tried my best to comport myself and not let my stricken expression show. Finally, we stopped at a door which I immediately identified as one of my father's hidden rooms and he pulled me inside.

"Why am I here? What is the plan exactly?" My voice came out stronger than I felt.

"Don't ask me any questions, puta." He hissed out,

I ignored the last word and kept silent.

"You will remain here till the don deems it okay for you to leave."

I swallowed the thick saliva that had gathered on my tongue. I was petrified as he slammed the door shut and left me in the room.

All alone.
I didn't dare to move for fear of discovering something unpleasant in the dark, so I didn't know the exact time I heard movements.

"Hello?" My voice echoed loudly,

"Annie?" A hoarse voice answered me,

It sounded close to...wait...

"Mom?" Disbelief filled my tone, what was she doing here?

After a while of light shuffling, her bony fingers settled on my right thigh, and I felt an incredible urge to shift away.

This woman really let herself go.

"What are you doing here?" She asked,

Her voice sounded like her. Drunk, half-lidded, and too far gone to properly process a thought.

"Father put me here." I sounded uncomfortable,

I already knew she was going to give me the "You were born into this life, so you have to adjust" talk. After all, when she was actually sober, that was what she did.

But instead, she surprised me.

"That bastard." She let out a sudden burst of laughter accompanied by a cough, I placed my palm on her back and patted lightly till she stopped.

"After ruining my life, he's going ahead to ruin my daughter's." She smiled, white teeth glinting in the dark,

The darkness hid all the imperfections on her face, and she looked like the mother used to know.

"How did he ruin your life? I thought you knew about his-" I trailed off,

"Yes. After getting me pregnant at seventeen and trapping me, that is." She laughed again.

I knew the story. My father was her high school sweetheart and she gave up everything for him...but then...he wasn't the man she used to know and everything just went downhill from there.

I knew she didn't owe him anything, but to me...that teenager who had always wanted a parent who at least showed her an ounce of love, I was still disappointed in her.

She chose drugs over me, and that was that.

"Trapping you with...me?" I struggled to control my voice,

She kept silent for a moment and I thought the conversation was already over. Lasted too long anyway.

"That wasn't what I meant." She said quietly,

"Then what did you mean?"

"I can't tell you that, Annie." She said sadly,

"That's what I thought." I paused, "Roxanne. My name is Roxanne."

"I'm sorry, genuinely."

I wanted to tell her that I didn't mind and that I was used to it...
But what came out of my mouth was different.

"But why? Why did you choose drugs over me? You could have been a good parent even if you didn't want to be a good wife."

"You think I didn't try?" She said harshly, "You think I would have chosen drugs over you if I was given the choice the make? You don't even understand!"

"Then make me understand! Every mistake a person makes is a direct result of their choices. So tell me, how were you forced?" I yelled back,

"Yes, you're right. I made the wrong choice by getting married to your father, but I didn't have a choice when he pumped me with drugs."


Didn't see that coming, did you?

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