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I could barely hold the door handle as I weakly pushed into my room.
Those men had done their job a bit too well, and they didn't stop till I cried.

I never cried.

I had learned that men either got off or got annoyed by tears. I didn't want any of those outcomes. So I had to fake tears for them to leave me alone.  I slumped on the ground and left my door half open. The strength to close it was nowhere to be found.

I remembered the saliva and I gulped with irritation, suddenly finding the power to stand up and walk to my bathroom. This time, I made sure that my door was locked.

Damn those rules.

I trudged to the bathroom and stripped off my clothing. The man who brought me there was right. The hit on my face was surely going to leave a bruise.

My father might just be annoyed enough to care. Either way, I know I didn't.

"Idiots who think they're entitled to everything." I let the water rush down my body and I closed my head, my hands forming a latter with the soap.

I hated my father, hated him.
But I loathed Sasha Sovetsky even more. This was all his fault.

I was on my own before he decided to bring me pain, albeit unknowingly, but I was pretty sure that he would do whatever it took to make me suffer.

"Bastards." I said again, letting my anger roll off me in waves,

"Me?" I let out a scream as I blindly searched around for who the person was,

I had locked my room door. I was sure of it.

"Well, you said 'Bastards' as in plural. So it has to be me and one more person...or some more?"

I knew that voice. I could recognize it anywhere. It was at that moment the water cascaded down my face to clear my eyes.

I blinked to make it clearer and he still didn't go away. I was met with the smiling face of none other than Sasha.

And he was in my bathroom. Where I was...naked.
I let out another scream as I struggled to cover my private parts.

"We have to work on your welcome." He winced, "I'll give you some time to wash up so we can have a proper conversation."

He walked out of my bathroom leisurely, like he didn't just breach my privacy. I had just one thing on my mind.

My body hurt like shit.

"You're still here?" I asked him as I stepped out of my bathroom, a blade in my hand.

His eyes narrowed for a quick second, and then he smiled. Like all his problems had been solved even before he came here.

I hated that his smile made me feel things I wasn't supposed to.

My stomach churned at the reminder of what had transpired earlier today due to him.

"Drop the blade, Princess."

"What? How do you-" I couldn't complete my sentence as he walked over to me and grabbed the knife in one swift move,

He stared at it for a moment before chucking it out the window.

"Ah, you inspire me. Now who was the bastard?" I looked at him in disbelief as I struggled to understand that he was here.

He was here in my room.

I ran to the door and struggled to open it, only remembering after a second that I had locked it and the key was on my vanity.

I stared at his handsome face and it appeared that he was enjoying my frantic movements.

"I'm going to scream." I threatened him,

"We tried that already. No twenty-four-hour hawk to watch the Italian princess?"

'They were all busy laughing over my cries of pain,' I thought bitterly,

It was like he noticed the look on my face because he was at my front in a split second. I tried not to shiver as his large hands cradled my face.

I saw something flash in there for a moment, but I couldn't exactly recognize it. We stood there like that for over three minutes before he spoke.

"Who did this?"

Confusion filled my eyes as I thought about what he said. Oh, he was probably referring to the bruise on my cheek,

"Why do you care?" I asked with annoyance,

"When I ask you a question, you answer, Princess. Who. Did. This?"

He was calm. And it produced a desired effect, cold suddenly entered my body and left at once.

"I don't know." I looked down, using my eyelashes to shield my eyes.

"You're lying." He said and removed his hand from my face,

"Again, why do you care? It's all your fault anyway!" I fired again,

He suddenly let out a chuckle, one that made me feel worse,

"How is it my fault?"

"If you didn't come here, I would've still been fine by now. My father-"

"Your father?" He quickly replied,

Oh, shit.

"I-i didn't mean..." I trailed off, "You have to go, you can't be here. How the hell did you even get into my room?"

"Stop trying to change the subject. What did your father do?" He asked, his blue eyes trained on me,

"I'm tired," I said and pushed past him with a courage I didn't feel,

I climbed on my bed and lay down stiffly, moments later, he sat down at my feet and stared at me. I pretended not to feel his heavy gaze on my body,

"You invaded my privacy, you know?" I said weakly,

"I don't care."

Oh, alright.

"What are you doing here, Sasha?" I asked him,

He smiled in a way that made me nervous, he came over to the side where my face was and knelt beside me. My green eyes clashed with his blue orbs,

His hand was on my face again, this time he brushed my lips softly and I parted them a little to emit a gasp, but he stopped me,

"I will find them, Princess. Trust me on that."

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