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My father hardly showed any other emotion apart from anger. I sometimes thought he was happy...or maybe showed lust - never towards my mother, of course. She was a lost cause.

But I have never seen him display anything on his face other than anger.

And right now, he was very angry.

"I have tried to keep you pure for your future husband, yet you intend on staining our family name with your dirty ways."

My blood boiled hot, but I just kept quiet.

"How did you feel when you were with him? Did it feel good, you whore?"

"I am not a whore." I gritted my teeth,

"What did you say?" My father asked quietly,

"I said I am not a whore!" I yelled,

"How dare you talk back?" He shouted, standing up to face me, "How dare you?" He echoed,

I chickened out, my heart beating loudly. If I wasn't a woman, I was very sure he would have hit me by now.

"You let them kill one of my men because you were frolicking with a boy." He shouted,

Sasha's words rang aloud in my head.

"Your bodyguard was just... unfortunate."

Suddenly, my hatred for him grew even more. This was his fault. If he hadn't felt the need to come to our villa today, I wouldn't be in this position.

As usual, I was the one bearing the brunt of my father's anger.

"He was unfortunate." I said quietly,

He smiled and went to his shelf, poured a glass of whiskey, and took a sip.

"Are you okay, Roxanne?" He asked...

Like a real father. Like he cared.

"I'm fine, sir." I said,


A knock interrupted his sentence,

"Who's that?" He questioned and stood up,

"It's Damien." He replied,

"Come in." He ordered,

The man pushed the door open, I looked over to see a tall black man, "I have the reports."

My eyes followed the large file in his hand as he handed it over to my father. He bowed and left as abruptly as he came.

My father flipped through the paper quickly and flung it toward me as if he had forgotten I was there.

Or he didn't just care.

I reclined on my seat. "That damn Sovetsky brat." He muttered as he drank the whiskey.

"You!" He shouted, making me jump and sit up, "I'm going to teach you a lesson."

He grabbed his phone and spoke into it in Italian, pouring more of the whiskey into the glass. I fidgeted in my chair, morbid thoughts running through my head.

No, he wouldn't kill me. Not if he could sell me away to another man for much more money. He would make me suffer though. I already knew it.

In a minute, someone knocked on the door and my father ushered him in. This time, it was another man I couldn't place. He must be one of my father's men if he was standing here.

"Take her. Don't let her out till tomorrow. She must have learned her lesson by then."

The man pulled me roughly from the chair and I stumbled on my feet,

"Father!" I cried out as the man pushed me towards the door,

"Next time you think about breaking the rules, you think again."

"But I didn't do anything!" I tried to say, but the door clanged shut behind me,

"Move." The man ordered, I kept my face straight and continued walking,

He led me to a room that was filled with different men. Sadly, I couldn't place their faces. Fear ran through me as they all paused whatever they were doing to stare. The man behind me pushed me till I fell on my knees. I brought up my head to glare at him angrily, but he just let out a boisterous laughter,

"She's a feisty one alright." One of the men said,

I used the opportunity to count the men, they were eleven in total, plus the man who brought me here. My eyes also caught the camera in the room and my heart sped up.

They couldn't sexually harass me, thankfully.

"Just rough her up, don't leave bruises though. Her father wants a slightly broken egg. Just the right amount so she won't venture out again." The man said to them,

"How well does she like the belt?" Another light-haired man said and others laughed,

I trembled in fear as he advanced towards me with the belt. I felt the first whip on my back and I let out a scream.

"Oh, calm down. I'm even doing it lightly enough for it not to bruise."

My teeth clamped down on my lower lip to stop it from quivering.

I wasn't going to cry.
I wasn't going to-

My thought process was cut off when I felt something press down on my throat.

I was choking.

My nails scratched at the hand that was pressing against my neck, but all I could hear was their laughter. I dug my pinky into his flesh enough for him to withdraw back in pain.

He dropped me and I fell down ungracefully, like a bag of sand. My hand immediately wrapped around my throat as I caressed it softly.

"You bitch! You injured me!" A blinding flash met my eyes and I felt a sting on my cheek,

"Aw, man. That is surely going to bruise. I thought I told you to go easy on her? Her father just wants her dealt with enough not to go back."

The man's response was to spit on me. I felt the thick saliva gliding down my arm and I fought the incredible urge to retch all I had eaten right in front of them.

"She injured me!"

"Don't be a ninny, I'm sure a little girl like this did not do much damage. You're just looking for someone to take your anger out on since Samantha dumped you!" Someone replied and everybody laughed again,

"Samantha didn't dump me. I dumped her." He angrily said amidst their laughter,

He gave me one last kick to my thighs before stomping off angrily.

"It's my turn."

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