Chapter 11 (Ella)

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When I went about forty-eight hours back, I couldn't believe I did what I did. It felt surreal, like in a dream where I acted the way I thought only in films did. But the pain in my thigh reminded me it was all true. But it was worth it, I didn't regret it, and if I had to be honest, I was kind of proud of myself.

But Dahlia warned me that when Axton woke up, he wouldn't be that enthusiastic about my suicidal mission, as how Cade labeled it.

So, I was prepared for harsh behavior, and at some point, I would justify it, given that Axton was shot and his club destroyed. Not to mention about the victims who lost their lives that night. But when I heard him blaming Cade for my actions, I couldn't suppress the frustration, sadness, and drops of anger that I felt. Why did this man have to be such a complicated ass?

It might have been too early to talk to him—when I accidentally... okay, when I was eavesdropping from the second floor the scene with Cade, I also saw the FBI agent who came to the house. That meant more troubles, I guessed, in addition to the whole horror that happened. But when I heard Axton coming back, I just wanted to clear it all up.

I knocked on his door and waited a few seconds for a response. None followed, so I knocked again and slowly opened the door.

Axton was in the bathroom taking a shower, which wouldn't have been awkward at all if the walls weren't made of glass, like many of the walls in this house.

He looked at me; it was too late to go out and pretend I never went. Or I could have done it anyway, but instead, I stood in his doorway frozen, trying only to keep my eyes on the floor.

But as Axton walked towards me, picking up a towel along the way, my disobedient eyes began to slide up his wet body. He didn't make much effort to hide his nakedness; in fact, he didn't seem uncomfortable at all.

I completely forgot what I was there for, extremely obscene thoughts took over my mind. The tiny droplets that ran down his chest tracing their way down to his v-line, made me imagine my fingers retracing their path all the way to his hard manhood. I wondered how it would feel in my hand. Damn, I wondered how it would taste in my mouth.

Fucking lustful thoughts! So inappropriate at this point.

Axton finally stopped in front of me, a little closer than I was comfortable with, and only then fully encircled his waist with the white towel.

"What are you doing here?"

I wanted to look confidently into his eyes, but my gaze stood still on his hot torso instead.

"I..." Look up, Ella! "I..."

His silence made me even more nervous now.

"I don't think you should wet your wound," was all I muttered—at least a meaningful statement.

"Did you finish thinking?"

Really? That came like a slap. At least it took me out of the stupid thoughts. Finally, I looked into his eyes. "No, I did not. I stay behind my words, decisions, and actions. But you don't have to blame other people for that. Cade had nothing to do with my coming back for you."

"Don't tell me who's to blame for what. When I say something, it should happen that way. No self-will, no own decisions, no thinking. Clear?"

I didn't expect some gratitude or anything nice, but how could someone turn things that way?

"Clear," I answered. "Next time, I'll leave you to bleed to death."

I walked out and shut the door before Axton's face. Wrong move, maybe, but I didn't really care much.

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