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Days passed, and life continued its steady rhythm. Y/n found herself spending her days working at her mom's cafeteria, the smell of delicious food wafting through the air as she served customers with a warm smile.

The familiar sound of the cafe bell chimed, drawing Y/n's attention as she greeted the customer. To her surprise, it was Rin standing at the counter, a warm smile playing on his lips. Their eyes met, and a soft spark of recognition illuminated their faces.

"Rin! What a pleasant surprise," Y/n exclaimed, setting aside the latte she was preparing. She wiped her hands on her apron, walking over to the counter to greet him properly.

"Yeah, I thought I'd drop by and see how you're doing," Rin replied, his teal eyes filled with warmth.

Y/n couldn't help but feel a rush of happiness. "Well, I'm doing great. Working here keeps me busy, but I enjoy it. What can I get you today?"

Rin glanced at the menu, a playful glint in his eyes. "How about your special latte? I heard it's the best in town."

Y/n chuckled, appreciating the compliment. "Coming right up, then." As she prepared Rin's latte, she couldn't help but appreciate the simple joy of having him in her mom's cafeteria.

As Y/n skillfully crafted Rin's latte, he couldn't resist capturing the moment.

Pulling out his phone, he secretly snapped a photo, preserving the scene of Y/n's concentration and the aromatic ambiance of the café.

Later, when Rin had a moment to himself, he looked at the photo and smiled. He decided to set it as his wallpaper.

The image captured more than just Y/n making a latte; it encapsulated the connection and warmth he felt whenever he was with her.

Y/n, curious about Rin's prolonged gaze at his phone, couldn't help but inquire. "What's capturing your attention so much?" she asked, peering over to see what had him so engrossed.

Rin turned his phone toward her, revealing the wallpaper – the photo he had taken of Y/n while she was making his latte. "It's this," he said, a fond smile playing on his lips. "I couldn't resist capturing the moment."  

Y/n blushed, feeling a bit self-conscious as she realized she was Rin's wallpaper. "Rin, you really don't have to keep it as your wallpaper," she suggested, feeling a mix of embarrassment and warmth.

Rin chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No way, I like having a reminder of how amazing you are with me all the time. It's staying," he insisted with a gentle smile.

Y/n handed Rin the latte she had just prepared, watching nervously as he took a sip. Rin savored the flavor for a moment before looking at her with a satisfied smile.

"It's really good," he complimented, making Y/n's eyes light up. "I guess it tastes even better because you made it." Rin continued to enjoy the latte as they exchanged smiles, appreciating the moment together.  

Rin waited patiently until Y/n's shift was over. Once she was done, he approached her with a warm smile.

"Hey, do you want to grab some lunch together?" Rin suggested, his teal eyes sparkling with sincerity. Y/n happily agreed, and they decided to head to a nearby café for a quiet and enjoyable meal. 

Rin and Y/n walked hand in hand to the nearby café, enjoying the warmth of each other's presence. The sun was shining, casting a gentle glow on their intertwined fingers as they strolled down the street.

Rin courteously held the door open for Y/n as they entered the cozy café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

They found a quiet corner table, away from the hustle and bustle, where they could enjoy their time together.

The soft chatter of other patrons and the gentle hum of background music created a soothing backdrop for their date.

Rin pulled a chair out for Y/n, showcasing his gentlemanly demeanor. With a small, appreciative smile, Y/n took her seat, feeling a sense of warmth.

The waitress handed them the menus, her gaze lingering on Rin for a moment longer than necessary. Y/n noticed the subtle attention, feeling a twinge of discomfort. However, she brushed it off, focusing on the menu instead.  

The waitress turned her attention to Y/n, ready to take her order. Y/n looked at the menu, pondering her options for a moment.

Finally, she decided on a pasta dish and a refreshing iced tea. She relayed her choices to the waitress, who noted them down with a smile before turning to Rin to take his order.

Rin couldn't help but notice the waitress's intense gaze and the subtle wink she directed at him. It made him feel a bit uncomfortable, but he kept his composure and proceeded to place his order.

He focused on the menu and requested a hearty steak with a side of vegetables. 

Y/n felt a surge of annoyance as she noticed the waitress's flirtatious behavior toward Rin.

In response, Rin instinctively reached for Y/n's hand, offering a comforting and reassuring gesture. Y/n appreciated the support, and with a firm grip on Rin's hand, she made it clear that she wasn't interested in any advances from the waitress.

As the waitress placed Y/n's on the table, the waitress deliberately grazed her fingers against Rin's hand as she placed his dish on the table.

Y/n, noticing the intentional move, tightened her grip on Rin's hand in response.

Rin, unfazed by the waitress's attempt, gave her a polite but dismissive smile, silently communicating that he was there with Y/n, and her advances were unwelcome. The waitress, realizing she wouldn't get the reaction she desired, left the couple to enjoy their meal in peace.

The persistent waitress, undeterred by Rin's subtle signals, took out a piece of paper and boldly scribbled her number on it.

She handed it to Rin, attempting to get his attention. Rin, now visibly irritated, firmly rejected the advances.

He looked at the paper, then at Y/n, and declared, "I have a girlfriend. Leave us alone, please." The waitress, realizing her efforts were in vain, reluctantly walked away.

Y/n, feeling annoyed and frustrated by the waitress's persistence, released Rin's hand abruptly. She couldn't understand why the waitress continued to flirt despite Rin making it clear that he was in a committed relationship.

Rin, noticing Y/n's change in mood, furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

Y/n sighed and replied, "I just hate it when other girls are trying to grab your attention. It's annoying."

Rin, understanding her frustration, reassured her, "You're the only one I'm interested in, and nothing will change that." He reached out and gently squeezed her hand, hoping to ease her concerns.

Crossing courts | Rin ItoshiWhere stories live. Discover now