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In the two months that followed the incident in the gym, Rin and Y/n had grown remarkably close.

As they spent more time together, both Rin and Y/n couldn't deny the growing feelings that had developed between them.

The realization of their emotions hung in the air, creating a subtle tension that neither of them dared to address directly.

It was an unspoken understanding, a shared sentiment that lingered in the moments they spent together, be it during soccer matches, volleyball practices, or the quiet times in between.

Friends and classmates started noticing the subtle shifts in their dynamic, the lingering glances, and the shared smiles that seemed to go beyond mere camaraderie.

The unspoken connection between Rin and Y/n became a topic of hushed conversations among their peers, creating an aura of anticipation around the duo.

During lunchtime, Rin found himself seated with his friends, surrounded by the buzz of conversations and laughter. However, his friends seemed to have picked up on the subtle shifts in his demeanor around Y/n.

As they dug into their lunches, the persistent inquiries began.

Otoya, with a mischievous grin, leaned in and prodded, "So, Rin, is there something going on between you and Y/n? You've been spending a lot of time together lately."

Rin, typically reserved, felt a slight flush in his cheeks as he responded with a nonchalant shrug. "We're just friends, nothing more."

Shidou, always one to add a touch of competitiveness to the conversation, chimed in with a sly grin, "Well, if you're just friends, then I might have to step in and steal Y/n away."

Otoya, not one to be outdone, joined in with a playful smirk, "Yeah count me in too, if you're not making a move Rin, someone's got to seize the opportunity, right?"

Rin, despite the teasing, maintained his composed demeanor but couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation at the persistence of the topic.

Rin, though usually reserved, couldn't resist responding to his friends' playful banter.

With a calm yet assertive tone, he retorted, "Trust me, she wouldn't be interested in any of you anyway."

Shidou, always eager to dive deeper into the banter, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh really? What makes you so sure, Rin?"

Rin, maintaining his calm demeanor, simply shrugged. "It's obvious, she's not interested in anyone but...," he trailed off, a subtle pause hanging in the air, leaving his friends curious about the unspoken conclusion.

Otoya, unable to resist adding to the mystery, chimed in with a sly grin, "But who, Rin? Don't leave us hanging like that."

Rin, still maintaining his enigmatic composure, offered a cryptic smile. "Maybe you'll find out when the time is right," he replied, leaving his friends in a state of playful curiosity.

As Y/n and Kumi found a peaceful spot under a tree in the school garden, Kumi couldn't help but probe into Y/n's relationship with Rin. Leaning in, Kumi asked with a playful smirk, "So, have you told Rin that you like him yet?"

Y/n, caught off guard by the direct question, blushed slightly before responding, "No not yet, I mean, it's not that simple, you know?"

Kumi, ever the supportive friend, nudged Y/n with a knowing smile. "Come on, Y/n! You two practically radiate chemistry, just tell him already!"

Y/n, still contemplating the idea of confessing her feelings to Rin, sighed. "But what if he doesn't feel the same way? I don't want to make things awkward between us."

Crossing courts | Rin ItoshiWhere stories live. Discover now