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As the week came to a close, Y/n found herself transitioning from the intense workouts and playful banter in the gym to another responsibility—helping her mom in the family cafeteria. The familiar routine awaited her, and with a sense of duty, she prepared to contribute to the bustling environment of the cafeteria.

Y/n dove into her role at her mom's cafeteria with unwavering dedication. The bustling atmosphere of the establishment required her to multitask efficiently, taking orders, serving customers, and ensuring everything ran smoothly. Wearing a determined expression, she navigated the crowded space with grace and agility.

As the orders piled up and the lunchtime rush reached its peak, Y/n remained focused, handling each task with diligence. Her hard work didn't go unnoticed, as customers appreciated her friendly service and efficiency.

As Y/n expertly prepared an iced latte behind the counter, the cheerful chime of the bell above the door caught her attention. Glancing up, she was pleasantly surprised to see the soccer team entering the cafeteria.


With smiles on their faces the soccer team greeted Y/n.

Isagi, noticing Y/n behind the counter, couldn't help but be curious. "Hey, Y/n, do you work here?" he asked with a friendly grin.

Y/n, still busy with the iced latte but happy to engage in conversation, nodded. "Yeah, I usually help out on weekends. Mom runs the place, and it gets pretty busy, especially around lunchtime," she explained, briefly sharing a glimpse into her life outside of sports.

Isagi, impressed by her ability to balance work and sports, nodded appreciatively. "That's cool. Hard work pays off, both on the field and here, it seems," he remarked, acknowledging Y/n's dedication in different aspects of her life.

"Well enough talking, what can I get for you guys today? It's on the house, my treat.?" she asked, ready to take their orders.

Bachira, his eyes lighting up with excitement, eagerly stepped up to the counter. "Oh, awesome! I'll go with a grande chocolate frap with extra whipped cream please!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm contagious.

As Y/n noted down Bachira's order, the rest of the soccer team followed suit, each player expressing their preferences with a mix of banter and excitement.

Y/n skillfully crafted each drink, paying attention to detail and ensuring each one was made to perfection. As she handed out the beverages to the soccer team, they couldn't help but express their delight.

"Wow, these are amazing!" exclaimed Chigiri, taking a sip of his coffee.

Bachira, savoring the flavor of his chocolate frap, chimed in, "Y/n, these are seriously good! You've got some barista skills!"

The rest of the team echoed their sentiments, showering Y/n with compliments on her beverage-making prowess.

After enjoying their drinks and some time in the cafeteria, the soccer team began to bid their farewells to Y/n. As they made their way towards the exit, expressing gratitude for the treats and exchanging friendly goodbyes, Rin lingered behind.

Approaching the counter, he flashed Y/n a genuine smile. "Thanks for the drinks, Y/n. They were really good," Rin complimented, appreciating her barista skills.

However, to Y/n's surprise, Rin handed her the bills for their drinks. "Here's for the team. Consider it an investment in your mom's business, we'll be back for more," he added

Y/n, touched by Rin's gesture but also feeling a sense of humility, initially tried to decline the bills. "Oh, you really don't have to, Rin. It's my mom's business, and I'm happy to treat you guys," she insisted, waving off the offered money.

Crossing courts | Rin ItoshiWhere stories live. Discover now